Semester 1, 2014 (February-June) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Semester 1, 2014 (February-June)

Courses pre-approved by USC for Study Abroad

If you require credit transfer you must seek approval of your course choices by your home institution.

If you have successfully completed, or will complete a full-time semester of study at a tertiary institution (university, college etc.) prior to your commencement in Study Abroad at USC you will be eligible for any of the courses in this list.

You do not need to seek approval from USC International to enrol in any of these courses.

Course offerings are subject to change.

Faculty of Arts and Business

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
ACC106 Marketing Essentials
BUS102 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
BUS104 Foundations of Sustainability
BUS203 Social Research
CMN102 Introduction to Economics
CMN103 Business Law and Ethics
CMN116 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
CMN213 Elements of Design
COR109 Fundamentals of Photography
COU180 Drawing Practice
DES101 Introduction to Games Programming
DES102 Art, Design and Digital Culture
DES105 Design Methods
DRA100 Design Futures
EGL120 Introduction to Interactive Media
EGL201 Responsive Design and Wearable Technologies
ENT211 Advertising: Copy and Image
GEO100 Work Integrated Learning Placement
GEO340 Discovering Management
GEO350 Introduction to Data Science
HIS140 Programming Fundamentals
HIS225 Foundations of Computer Security
HIS231 Design Methods
HIS290 Introduction to Systems Design
HRM210 Computer Networks
HRM211 Science Research Methods
HRM311 Introduction to Interaction & UX Design
HRM312 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology
ICT211 Database Design
ICT220 e-Media B
IND110 Communication and Thought
INT140 Introductory Bioscience
INT230 Concepts in Human Occupation
INT245 Introduction to Psychology A
INT250 Human Physiology
INT270 Human Anatomy
ITL110 Participation in Occupation
JPN110 Introduction to Psychology B
JST101 Health Research and Evidence
LAW101 Database Design
LAW103 Database Design
LAW201 Physical Theatre
LAW203 Introduction to Human Development
LAW311 Acting 2: Contemporary Shakespeare
LGL301 Devising Performance
MGT210 Theatre Internship
MKG210 Reality Bites: An Exploration of Non-Fiction
PED110 Strategic Management
PED312 Imagined Homelands: An Exploration of Australian Literature
PSY100 International Justice and Human Rights
PSY102 Business Law
SCS130 Research Methods in Psychology A
SCS140 Research Methods in Psychology B
SCS172 Physiological Psychology
SCS201 Introduction to Human Development
SCS211 Social Psychology
SCS230 Motivation and Emotion
SCS251 Advanced Methods in Psychology
SCS266 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology
SGD100 Intercultural and Indigenous Psychologies
SGD101 Personality and Assessment
SGD204 Human Associative Learning
SUS101 Abnormal Psychology
SUS201 Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
TSM102 Adult Development and Ageing
TSM211 International Community Development and Global Justice
TSM313 Industry Project 1: Social and Community Studies
TSM315 Industry Project 2: Social and Community Studies

Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering
CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
SET111 Indigenous Australia and the State
ENG101 Introduction to Environmental Justice, Peace and Conflict: Contemporary Issues
ENG302 Social Research
ENS103 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
ENS253 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
ENS281 Working Effectively with Aboriginal People
ENS310 Human Services Placement 1
ENS351 Working with Children, Youth and Families
ENS371 Understanding Cultural Diversity
LFS100 Gender and Culture
LFS103 Measuring Sustainability
MLS101 Communicating Sustainability
MTH102 Sustainability Problem Solving
PUB252 Sustainability Project
PUB271 Mental Health and Social Work
SCI105 Ethical Practice in the Helping Professions
SCI110 Health & Mental Health in Australia
SPX101 Disability: Culture, Community and Change

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Courses requiring approval by USC for Study Abroad

If you require credit transfer you must seek approval of your course choices by your home institution.

You must seek approval from USC International to enrol in any of these courses.

Course offerings are subject to change.

Faculty of Arts and Business

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
ACC211 Communication and Thought
ACC221 Chemistry
ACC310 Human Physiology
ACC311 Human Anatomy
BUS201 Biodiversity and Ecology
BUS202 Physics
BUS211 Cell Biology
BUS301 Science Research Methods
CMN214 Introduction to Mathematics
CMN216 Mathematics Foundations
CMN226 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
CMN227 The Changing Planet
CMN228 Space, place and the Anthropocene
CMN235 Hydrology and Geomorphology
CMN237 Landscapes, Place and People
CMN238 Mapping with Drones
CMN243 Coastal Geomorphology
CMN246 Globalisation, Development and Indigenous Peoples
CMN248 Geo-ethics: Plants, Animals and People
CMN253 The Changing Planet
CMN266 Space, place and the Anthropocene
CMN275 Landscapes, Place and People
CMN301 Hydrology and Geomorphology
COU200 Mapping with Drones
COU300 Coastal Geomorphology
COU301 Globalisation, Development and Indigenous Peoples
DES205 Geo-ethics: Plants, Animals and People
DES211 The Changing Planet
DES213 Space, place and the Anthropocene
DES214 Landscapes, Place and People
DES221 Mapping with Drones
DES223 Academic and Professional Skills: Planning for Success
DES224 ICT for Academic and Professional Applications
DES231 Innovation: Addressing Challenges
DES233 Introduction to Creative Entrepreneurship
DES234 Introduction to Screen and Media Industries
DRA200 Creative Production
DRA201 Communication for the Creative Professional
ENP311 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
ENP336 Fundamentals of Photography
ENP411 Design Methods
ENT311 Drawing Practice
FIN310 Introduction to Key Concepts of Fashion
HIS320 Communication and Thought
IBS310 Abnormal Psychology
ICT310 Accounting Principles
ICT352 Introduction to Economics
IND210 Management and Organisational Behaviour
IND310 Introduction to Marketing
ITL210 Business Law and Ethics
JPN210 New Venture Development
JPN310 Managing Human Resources
JST201 Staffing and Remuneration
JST203 Leadership and Team Dynamics
LGL202 Training and Development
MGT310 Principles of International Business
MKG211 Introduction to Financial Planning
MKG322 Retirement and Superannuation
PED210 Supply Chain Management
PED310 Project Management
PED311 Quality Management
PSY200 Consumer Behaviour
PSY202 Building Studies 1
PSY203 Property and Asset Management
PSY300 Introduction to Tourism, Leisure and Events
PSY302 Tourism, Leisure and Special Interests
PSY303 Technology and Innovation in Tourism, Leisure and Events
PSY306 Business Events
SCS210 Communication Theory and Practice
SCS277 Introduction to the Creative Industries
SCS278 Introduction to Media and Communication Industries
SUS310 Sustainability Project
  • Not Currently Offered
12Pre: Course Coordinator Consent Required and SUS101 and (SUS201 or SUS202 or SUS302)
SWK401 Critical Social Policy Analysis
  • Semester 1, Semester 2
12Pre: (SCS235 and (SWK300 or SWK301)) OR (SWK300 or SWK301 and enrolled in AR363)

Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering

Courses marked with # are only available for students enrolled in an Education program or an Education Major at their home institution.

Note: Some courses may also include a compulsory field trip, requiring payment of an additional fee, and may be held outside of the regular teaching week, ie on weekends or during semester break.

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
BIM331 Immunology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: LFS202 or LFS203 or (LFS112 and enrolled in Program SC301, SB301, SA301, SA308, SE303 or UB001) OR
Co: LFS203 and enrolled in Program SC357 or SC355 (Associate Degree in Medical Laboratory Science pathway only)
BIM341 Biochemical Pharmacology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: MBT251 or LFS251
Anti: MBT351
CHM310 Physical Chemistry
  • Semester 1
12Pre: CHM202 or CHM210
EDU101 Human Development and Learning
  • Semester 1, Semester 2
12Pre: Enrolled in Program ED010, ED011, ED101, ED102, AE301, AE302, AE304, BE301, ED301, ED303, ED304, ED315, SE301, SE303, ED601 or UB009
ENG102 Engineering Statics
  • Not Currently Offered
12Pre: (SCI107 and (MTH103 or MTH102) and enrolled in Program SC404, SC405, SC410, SC411 SC425) or AB101, UU301, UU302 or XU301
Anti: CIV1501(USQ equivalent course)
ENG211 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
  • Not Currently Offered
12Pre: (ENG102 or CIV1501(USQ equivalent course)) and enrolled in Program SC383, SC384, SC410, SC411, SC425, SC430, AB101, UU301, UU302 or XU301
Anti: ENV2103(USQ equivalent course)
ENG411 Reservoir and Stormwater Engineering
  • Not Currently Offered
12Pre: (MTH202 or MTH104) and (ENS314 or ENG330 or CIV330)
ENG421 Design of Water Supply Systems
  • Not Currently Offered
12Pre: ENG202
ENS221 Plant Diversity and Ecology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SCI102
Anti: ENS201
ENS321 Restoration Ecology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: ENS221 or ENS222 or ENS282 or ENS213 or ENS214 or LFS261
Anti: ENS361
ENS351 Integrated Environmental Management
  • Semester 1
12Anti: ESS351
LFS251 Biochemistry
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SCI105 and (LFS100 or LFS103)
Anti: MBT251
LFS261 Microbiology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SCI100 or SCI103 or LFS100 or LFS103
Anti: MEP263 or MBT263
LFS303 Pathophysiology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: LFS203 or (LFS201 and LFS202) or
Co: LFS201 or LFS203 and enrolled in Program SC357
Anti: LFS302 or NUR221 or PAR221 or HLT221
MBT301 Pharmaceutical and Food Microbiology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: MBT263 or LFS261
MBT361 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Semester 1
12Pre: MBT263 or LFS261
Anti: MBT363 or MBT364
NUT201 Food Studies
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SCI105
Anti: FSN201
NUT212 Principles of Nutrition
  • Online: Session 1, Semester 1
12Pre: LFS103 or LFS112 or HLT100 or SPX103
Anti: FSN212
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SCI110
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
  • Semester 1
12Pre: LFS122
SPX221 Sports and Exercise Medicine
  • Semester 1
12Pre: LFS122
SPX231 Motor Control and Learning
  • Semester 2
12Pre: LFS122 or HLT100 or SPX103
SPX322 Biomechanics II
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SPX202
SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
  • Semester 1
12Pre: SPX211
SPX371 Advanced Coaching Science
  • Semester 2
12Pre: SPX102 and SPX203


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