Available courses | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Available courses

Choose from courses in the following study areas:

Please be mindful that some courses have limited semesters of offer. You can check the offering of your preferred courses by clicking their respective links and viewing the course outline.

Business and commerce

Sunshine Coast

ACC106 Communication and Thought - Please note: BUS106 is an antirequisite for this course
BUS101 Professional Experience: Orientation to the Profession
BUS102 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
BUS104 Individual Learner Needs
BUS105 Professional Experience: Managing Learning Environments
TSM102 Teaching Junior Secondary Arts

Moreton Bay

ACC106 Teaching Junior Secondary Geography - Please note: BUS106 is an antirequisite for this course
BUS101 Teaching Senior Secondary Arts
BUS102 Teaching Senior Secondary Geography
BUS104 Diversity and Inclusion
BUS105 Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum
TSM102 Secondary Assessment and Reporting

Fraser Coast

ACC106 Professional Experience: Individual Learner Needs - Please note: BUS106 is an antirequisite for this course
BUS101 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Learning and Teaching
BUS102 The Psychology of Learning
BUS104 Using Data for Learning
BUS105 Secondary Professional Learning: The Professional Empowered and Engaged
TSM102 Business Finance


ACC106 Fintech Innovations - Please note: BUS106 is an antirequisite for this course
BUS101 Trade and Finance in a Global Economy
BUS102 Investment Analysis
BUS104 Discovering Management
BUS105 Strategic Management


ACC106 Leadership and Team Dynamics - Please note: BUS106 is an antirequisite for this course
BUS101 Cross-Cultural Management
BUS102 Project Management
BUS104 Managing the Small Business
BUS105 Managing Quality
TSM102 Strategic Supply Chain Management

Communication, design and creative industries

Sunshine Coast

CMN101 Discovering Management
CMN103 Strategic Management
CMN104 Managing the Small Business
CMN105 Managing Quality
CMN106 Management Informatics
CMN107 Leading and Managing Organisations
CMN109 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour
CMN116 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
CMN117 Project Management Principles
CMN120 Supply Chain Management
CMN130 Corporate Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation
CMN150 Introduction to Data Science
DES101 Database Design
DES103 Database Programming
DES104 Architecture and Systems Integration
DES105 Microbiology
DRA100 Medical Microbiology - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
DRA102 Microbial Pathogenesis - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
EGL120 Immunology
FSH100 Molecular Biology
MUS100 Global Environmental Politics - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
MUS101 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
SGD100 Explorations in Environmental History
SGD101 Globalisation, Development and Indigenous Peoples
SGD102 Leadership in Clinical Practice

Moreton Bay

CMN101 Learning and Teaching in the Practice Environment
CMN103 Professional Internship
CMN104 Independent Study
CMN105 Assessment in Mental Health
CMN106 Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Care
CMN107 Advanced Health Assessment
CMN109 Communication and Thought
CMN116 Cell Biology
CMN117 Biodiversity and Ecology
CMN120 Chemistry
CMN130 Science Research Methods
CMN150 Discovering Science
DES101 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
DES103 Fundamentals of Photography
DES104 Art, Design and Digital Culture
DES105 Design Methods
DRA102 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
EGL120 The ' English' Tradition: An Introduction to Literary Studies
SGD100 Introduction to Game Design
SGD101 Game Art: Introduction to 2D & 3D
SGD102 Introduction to Games Programming

Fraser Coast

CMN116 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft


CMN101 Introduction to Creative Entrepreneurship
CMN103 Introduction to the Creative Industries
CMN104 Introduction to Screen and Media Industries
CMN105 Creative Production
CMN106 Contemporary Communication Theory and Trends
CMN107 Communication for the Creative Professional
CMN109 Editing for Professionals
CMN116 Playing with Words: an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
CMN117 Playing with Genre
CMN120 Introduction to Contemporary Global Media and Communication
CMN130 News and Reporting
CMN150 Digital Journalism
DES101 Elements of Design
DES103 Fundamentals of Photography
DES104 Art, Design and Digital Culture
DES105 Design Methods
DRA102 Exploring Twentieth Century Theatre - Headstart students may be required to attend rehearsals in addition to the scheduled classes
EGL120 The ' English' Tradition: An Introduction to Literary Studies
FSH100 Introduction to Key Concepts of Fashion
SGD100 Introduction to Game Design
SGD101 Game Art: Introduction to 2D & 3D
SGD102 Introduction to Games Programming


Sunshine Coast

EDU101 Human Development and Learning
EDU103 Teaching with Technology
EDU118 Foundations of Numeracy
EDU119 English Language and Literacy

Moreton Bay

EDU101 Human Development and Learning
EDU103 Teaching with Technology
EDU118 Foundations of Numeracy
EDU119 English Language and Literacy

Fraser Coast

EDU101 Human Development and Learning
EDU103 Teaching with Technology
EDU118 Foundations of Numeracy
EDU119 English Language and Literacy


EDU101 Human Development and Learning
EDU103 Teaching with Technology
EDU115 Creative Expression and Play through the Arts
EDU118 Foundations of Numeracy
EDU119 English Language and Literacy

Environmental studies

Sunshine Coast

ANM102 Endangered Animals and their Conservation - This course includes a field trip
ANM103 Animal Form, Function and Evolution
ANM104 Marine Vertebrates: Sharks, Seabirds, Fish, Turtles and Whales - This course includes a field trip
ENP101 Introduction to Urban Design & Town Planning - Studio I
ENP103 Planning Theory, Governance and Politics - This course includes a field trip
ENP104 Urban Economics and System Analytics
GEO100 The Changing Planet
GEO101 Space, place and the Anthropocene
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability - Investigating Planetary Health

Moreton Bay

ANM102 Endangered Animals and their Conservation - This course includes a field trip
ANM103 Animal Form, Function and Evolution
ANM104 Marine Vertebrates: Sharks, Seabirds, Fish, Turtles and Whales - This course includes a field trip
GEO100 The Changing Planet
GEO101 Space, place and the Anthropocene
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability - Investigating Planetary Health


Fraser Coast

ANM102 Endangered Animals and their Conservation - This course includes a field trip
ANM103 Animal Form, Function and Evolution
ANM104 Marine Vertebrates: Sharks, Seabirds, Fish, Turtles and Whales - This course includes a field trip



GEO100 The Changing Planet
GEO101 Space, place and the Anthropocene
SUS101 Foundations of Sustainability - Investigating Planetary Health

Health sciences

Sunshine Coast

HLT103 Professional Health Communication
HLT140 Think Health
LFS100 Cell Biology - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology - Please note: LFS103 is an antirequisite for this course
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course
LFS112 Human Physiology - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology
LFS122 Human Anatomy - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology
NUT101 Introduction to Nutrition
NUT102 Food in Society
PUB102 Environment, Climate and Health
PUB104 Introduction to Behavioural Health
PUB112 Public Health Foundations

Moreton Bay

HLT103 Professional Health Communication
HLT140 Think Health
LFS100 Cell Biology - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology - Please note: LFS103 is an antirequisite for this course
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course
LFS112 Human Physiology - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology
LFS122 Human Anatomy - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology
NUT101 Introduction to Nutrition
NUT102 Food in Society


HLT103 Professional Health Communication
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course

Fraser Coast

HLT103 Professional Health Communication
HLT140 Think Health
LFS100 Cell Biology - Must be in Year 12 and studying Biology - Please note: LFS103 is an antirequisite for this course
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course


HLT103 Professional Health Communication
LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course


LFS103 Introductory Bioscience - Please note: LFS100 is an antirequisite for this course

Law and criminology

Sunshine Coast

CRM101 Introduction to Criminology
CRM102 Understanding Crime
CRM103 Punishment and Corrections
CRM105 Policing
JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System - Please note: LAW101 is an antirequisite for this course
LAW101 Foundations of Australian Law A

Moreton Bay

CRM101 Introduction to Criminology
CRM102 Understanding Crime
CRM103 Punishment and Corrections
CRM105 Policing
JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System - Please note: LAW101 is an antirequisite for this course
LAW101 Foundations of Australian Law A


CRM101 Introduction to Criminology
CRM102 Understanding Crime
CRM103 Punishment and Corrections
CRM105 Policing
JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System - Please note: LAW101 is an antirequisite for this course

Languages and linguistics

Sunshine Coast

JPN110 Introductory Japanese 1
JPN111 Introductory Japanese 2 - Please note: JPN110 is a prerequisite for this course


JPN110 Introductory Japanese 1
JPN111 Introductory Japanese 2 - Please note: JPN110 is a prerequisite for this course

Psychology and social sciences

Sunshine Coast

COU101 Theories of Counselling: From Freud to Integrative Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
HIS100 History of Australian popular culture: The nineteenth century and beyond
HIS140 Global Citizens: A History of Humanity
INT101 Introduction to International Relations and Politics
INT102 Global Environmental Politics
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A - Please note: SCS101 is an antirequisite for this course
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology B
PSY102 Current Directions in Psychology - Please note: PSY100 or PSY101 must be completed prior to this course
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour - Please note: PSY100 is an antirequisite for this course
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services

Moreton Bay

COU101 Theories of Counselling: From Freud to Integrative Practice
COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
HIS100 History of Australian popular culture: The nineteenth century and beyond
HIS140 Global Citizens: A History of Humanity
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A - Please note: SCS101 is an antirequisite for this course
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology B
PSY102 Current Directions in Psychology - Please note: PSY100 or PSY101 must be completed prior to this course
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour - Please note: PSY100 is an antirequisite for this course
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services


COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services

Fraser Coast

COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services


COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services


COU180 Therapeutic Communication Skills
HIS100 History of Australian popular culture: The nineteenth century and beyond
HIS140 Global Citizens: A History of Humanity
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A - Please note: SCS101 is an antirequisite for this course
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology B
PSY102 Current Directions in Psychology - Please note: PSY100 or PSY101 must be completed prior to this course
SCS101 Foundations of Human Behaviour - Please note: PSY100 is an antirequisite for this course
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
SWK100 Introduction to Social Work Practice Theories
SWK172 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services

Science, IT and engineering

Sunshine Coast

ENG101 Professional Engineering - This course includes a field trip
ENG103 Introduction to the Internet of Things - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
ENG104 Foundations of Engineering Design
ICT110 Introduction to Data Science - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT112 Programming Fundamentals - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT115 Introduction to Systems Design - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
MTH103 Introduction to Applied Mathematics - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
MTH104 Introductory Calculus - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI102 Biodiversity and Ecology - Recommended to be studying Biology
SCI105 Introductory Chemistry - Recommended to be studying Chemistry
SCI107 Physics - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI110 Science Research Methods - Recommended to be studying General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI113 Discovering Science
SEC100 Foundations of Computer Security

Moreton Bay

CSC100 Computer Science Project and Ethics - Please note: ICT112 is a prerequisite for this course
ENG101 Professional Engineering - This course includes a field trip
ENG103 Introduction to the Internet of Things - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
ENG104 Foundations of Engineering Design
ICT110 Introduction to Data Science - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT112 Programming Fundamentals - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT115 Introduction to Systems Design - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
MTH103 Introduction to Applied Mathematics - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
MTH104 Introductory Calculus - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI102 Biodiversity and Ecology - Recommended to be studying Biology
SCI105 Introductory Chemistry - Recommended to be studying Chemistry
SCI107 Physics - Recommended to be studying Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI110 Science Research Methods - Recommended to be studying General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI113 Discovering Science
SEC100 Foundations of Computer Security

Fraser Coast

SCI102 Biodiversity and Ecology
SCI110 Science Research Methods - Recommended to be studying General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SCI113 Discovering Science


ICT110 Introduction to Data Science - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT112 Programming Fundamentals - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
ICT115 Introduction to Systems Design - Recommended to be studying Digital Solutions
SCI110 Science Research Methods - Recommended to be studying General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics
SEC100 Foundations of Computer Security

Sport and exercise science

Sunshine Coast

SPX100 Physical Activity and Health - Please note: PUB104 is an antirequisite for this course
SPX101 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science
SPX102 Introduction to Coaching Science
SPX121 Exercise Prescription and Programming I

Moreton Bay

SPX100 Physical Activity and Health
SPX101 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science
SPX102 Introduction to Coaching Science
SPX121 Exercise Prescription and Programming I

*Please refer to the Course Outline for details about the field trip. It is highly recommended that Headstart students attend the field trip for their course, however if they are unable to do so they should notify the Course Coordinator as soon as possible to request an alternative assessment.

Semester of offer at each location is subject to change, please refer to class timetable before completing an application.