Uni pathways and bridging programs | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Uni pathways and bridging programs

It's all happening at UniSC

Want to be part of all that's happening at UniSC, but don't have the ATAR, selection rank or skills...yet?

Maybe you haven't studied in a while and don't have the confidence to study at university level, or you're unsure if university is for you. Or perhaps you're exploring a career change, or want to dip your toe in the water before committing to a full degree.

At UniSC we've helped many people just like you reach levels of education they never thought possible. Our range of specially designed pathways and bridging programs are there to help you gain entry, and give you the confidence and prerequisites you need to succeed in most programs of study. It's a great way to try university, and see if it is the right fit for you.

Choose to study with a university that has a five-star rating for teaching quality, overall experience, skills development, student support, learner engagement and learner resources*.

*Good Universities Guide 2023/24

Find your path to university

Thinking about uni study but not sure where to start?

UniSC's free, 6-month bridging program can help get you there.

Apply now for online or on campus study options.

More about TPP

Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP)

Brad Lines was working as a FIFO driller in the mines when he decided to finally give uni a go. TPP was his free pathway to a degree in psychology, a new career, new friends and experiences he’ll always treasure. “I always wanted to go to uni, but I didn’t have the marks and I wasn’t sure I could,” Brad says. UniSC's Tertiary Preparation Pathway helped Brad develop his study skills and confidence.

Brad Lines

Bachelor of Psychology

About TPP

Ready for a change?

Don't let the lack of a one-off score, or uncertainty and lack of confidence hold you back from achieving your study dreams. Wherever you're at, we can help you decide what you want to do and find a way for you to get there.

Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP)

Online or on campus study options. Experience university before committing to a full degree. Brush up on study skills and gain subject area knowledge to meet prerequisites in areas like science, business or maths. You can study up to four fee-free* TPP courses and gain entry into most UniSC programs on successful completion.

Pathway diplomas

Study a full-time, one-year diploma and get a taste for university, and have something to show for it. You'll get an introduction to a field of study, develop skills to succeed at university and gain direct entry at UniSC with up to one year’s credit.

UniSC Equip workshops

The UniSC Equip program is a series of free workshops where you'll gain the skills, direction, knowledge and confidence to take on your career and study goals. Specifically designed for adults thinking of taking the first steps to study at uni or TAFE, the program will help you better understand your uni options and prepare you for your future. You can complete one, two or all three workshops, depending on your needs and preferences.

Not ready to commit to a three year degree?

What would you like to study?

A diploma or undergraduate certificate offer a smaller commitment and a pathway to a studying a Bachelor degree.

In high school?

Kickstart your university degree while still in high school! Take advantage of the Headstart program and get started at UniSC before the rest of the pack. And, if you're keen to secure your place at uni, check out our early offer guarantee.


The Headstart program is for students in Years 11 or 12.

Early Offer Guarantee

Year 12 students who want to secure a place at UniSC before  their results are released, can apply, with their school principal's approval, for an early offer.


Got questions?

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Our Student Central team can help.

Call us +61 7 5430 2890
Email us information@usc.edu.au
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Pathways to UniSC - IN THE NEWS

Chef finds the perfect recipe for career change

Former Zesty Edibles chef Kirstyn Owens is among the students who have each received a Gympie and District Community Bank/USC Tertiary Preparation Program (TPP) Scholarship, valued at $2,000, after excelling in the university’s free bridging course.

Top honour for graduate who ignored advice she shouldn’t go to uni

Listening to the environment allows us to understand the patterns of place and can help us better connect with Country and its ecosystems. Leah Barclay, Lyndon Davis and Tricia King write for The Conversation. 

Andre’s aiming to make his mark on business world

North Lakes State College’s co-captain Andre Mascarenhas has already completed an economics subject through UniSC's Headstart program while in Year 12, boosting his ATAR to 94.05 and inspiring him to enrol in a Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting).