Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) with a Language Minor - commencing Semester 2 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) with a Language Minor - commencing Semester 2

Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010

This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements. Variations are possible but should only be considered in consultation with a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences program adviser.
  • Students with credit transfer or recognition of prior learning should contact a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences program adviser for enrolment advice.
  • Course offerings may change without notice. Consult the course schedule to confirm current course offerings.
  • Semester 2, 2010

    INT100 Caring for Child, Youth and Family
    Plus select 1 core course from:
    COR109 Transcultural Health Practices
    COR110 Human Pathophysiology
    COR111 Nursing Practicum 2
    Plus select 2 elective courses, which may include:
    CMN102 Drug Therapy
    CMN116 Health Alteration
    CMN130 Nursing Practicum 3
    CMN140 Health Law and Ethics
    DES104 Acute Health Alteration
    DES105 Challenges to Mental Health
    DES106 Nursing Practicum 4
    ENP101 Caring for the Older Client
    HIS100 Nursing Internship
    JST102 Anatomy and Physiology
    PSY101 Nursing, Assessment and Technology
    SCS110 Human Pathophysiology
    SCS130 Challenges to Mental Health
    SCS172 Nursing Practicum 3

    Semester 1, 2011

    INT140 International Politics: An Australian Perspective
    Plus select 1 core course from:
    COR109 Communication and Thought
    COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
    COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
    Plus select 1 language course from:
    INT110 Communication Theory and Practice
    INT120 Introduction to Creative Writing
    INT130 Introduction to Journalism
    Plus select 1 course, which may include:
    CMN102 Introduction to Creative Advertising
    CMN116 Visual Worlds: An Introduction to Art and Design History
    CMN120 Introduction to Design
    DES101 Typography
    DES102 Planning Principles and Practice
    DES103 History of Australian popular culture: The Twentieth Century and Beyond
    EGL120 Foundations of Criminology
    ENP100 Introduction to Psychology B
    HIS140 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
    INT110 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
    INT120 Social Work and Human Services Practice
    INT130 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
    JST101 Justice and the Australian Legal System
    PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A
    SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia

    Semester 2, 2011

    JST202 International Justice and Human Rights
    Plus select 1 course from:
    Plus select 2 courses from:
    ENP236 Regional Transformation: political and economic geographies
    INT274 Politics and Security in East Asia
    SCS235 Social Justice, Welfare and the State

    Semester 1, 2012

    INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
    Plus select 1 course from:
    Plus select 2 elective courses

    Semester 2, 2012

    Select 1 course from:
    Plus select 3 courses from:
    ENP236 Regional Transformation: political and economic geographies
    INT257 Security in a Multispecies World
    SCS235 Social Justice, Welfare and the State

    Semester 1, 2013

    Select 3 courses from:
    INT245 Politics of the USA
    Plus select 1 elective course

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