For a major in Social and Community Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
3 required courses:
SCS230 The Child Client
SCS235 Management and Organisational Behaviour
SCS295 Strategic Management
Plus select 2 courses from:
PSY100 Leadership and Team Dynamics
SCS110 Managing Organisational Change
SCS130 Cross-Cultural Management
SCS180 Project Management
Plus select 1 course from:
SCS210 Small Business and New Venture Management
SCS290 Advanced Strategic Management
Plus select 2 courses from:
SCS210 Leadership and Team Dynamics
SCS211 Managing Organisational Change
SCS225 Project Management
SCS235 Small Business and New Venture Management
SCS267 Advanced Strategic Management
SCS268 Public Space Planning and Design - Studio II
SCS281 Participation and Conflict Resolution
SCS285 Strategic Infrastructure Planning
SCS286 Advanced Planning Policy and Practice
SCS290 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
SCS295 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
SWK302 Community Development and Social Action
For a minor in Social and Community Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
Plus select 1 course from:
PSY100 Introduction to Psychology A
SCS110 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology
SCS130 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
Plus select 2 courses from:
SCS225 Social Research
SCS235 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity
- Major and minor are only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Science (Community Work) program.
- Students who have successfully completed a major in Social and Community Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above courses (only one of which may be at introductory level).