About the Library | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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About the Library

The mission of the University of the Sunshine Coast Library is to provide quality services and collections that support the teaching, research and scholarship activities of the University.

We recognise that we need to work in partnership with our clients to ensure that Library services, collections and facilities meet our clients’ needs. The Library has a policy of open access to the collections for study and research.

Client Services Charter

We recognise that we need to work in partnership with our clients to ensure that Library services, resources and facilities meet our clients’ needs.

Our commitment to all clients is to:

  • ensure that service points are staffed by staff with the appropriate skills and training to provide advice on library services and guidance and instruction in the selection and use of library and information resources.
  • provide courteous, prompt and accurate service.
  • provide mechanisms for providing feedback on library services, resources and facilities.
  • be responsive to clients' needs and expectations and respond to client feedback in a timely manner.
  • maintain open access for community members for the purposes of study and research.
  • re-shelve material within two working days of return.

Our commitment to Teaching and Research staff is to:

  • develop collections that support the teaching and research activities of the University through collaborative collection development and effective and efficient resource management.
  • support the research activity of the University by providing specialised advice and training.
  • supplement the Library collection through the provision of a document delivery and inter-library loan service.
  • support students to become independent learners in accordance with the UniSC graduate attributes through the Information Literacy strategy.

Our commitment to students is to:

  • develop collections that support student learning.
  • provide 24/7 access to a range of online resources to support the University’s blended learning initiatives.
  • provide access to a copy of each prescribed text and required reading, as identified by the course coordinator, in the Reserve Collection, the 3 Day Loan collection or via Course Readings.
  • provide guidance and training in the use of library and information resources.
  • provide guidance and training to support the development of the necessary skills to become an independent learner in accordance with the UniSC graduate attributes.
  • provide specialised advice and training for research postgraduate and honours students.
  • supplement the collection through the provision of a document delivery and inter-library loan service for research postgraduate and honours students.
  • provide a range of facilities for individual and group study including designated quiet study areas.
  • facilitate access to the online resources through the provision of a combination of networked workstations and wireless access for personal devices.
Acceptable use of the Library

To ensure that the Library is a pleasant place, conducive to study and research, we ask that you adhere to the acceptable use guidelines below:

Safety and security

For your safety, CCTV operates throughout the Library.

  • If an emergency alarm or a security gate alarm sounds, you must follow the instructions of Library staff.
  • You may be asked to leave the Library if your behaviour is offensive or disruptive to others. Serious misconduct will be reported to SafeUniSC.

Noise carries in the Library so please ensure that you do not disturb those around you.

  • Speak softly when in conversation with others including on your mobile phone.
  • Turn your mobile phone to silent and ensure that your personal music is not at a volume that can be heard by others.
  • Respect the Silent and Quiet work zones and move to another area if you need to talk.
Food and drink

To maintain a pleasant environment and protect the collection from mould and vermin:

  • Hot food, meals or foods with a strong odour are not permitted in the Library.
  • Drinks (excluding alcohol) in covered containers and cold dry snacks are permitted.
  • Please dispose of all rubbish in the bins provided.
  • Please clean up spills and report large spills to Library staff.
Children in the Library

Children are welcome in the Library, in accordance with the Children on Campus - Operational Policy. For their safety and to ensure that they do not disrupt others:

  • Parents / carers are responsible at all times for the children who accompany them. Children must not be left unsupervised.
  • Parents must be mindful of the impact of their children’s activities on others who are in the Library to work.
  • The parent/carer may be asked to leave the Library if the child’s behaviour is disruptive to others.
  • The computers on campus are for UniSC staff and student use. In accordance with the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources - Governing Policy, parents should not allow their children to use computers on campus nor give them their UniSC login and password.
Strategies and policies
Information Literacy Framework

The aim of the Information Literacy Framework (under review) is to establish a collaborative framework for library and teaching and research staff to facilitate the development of effective, lifelong information literacies for all UniSC graduates.

Research Support Strategy

The Research Support Strategy (under review) provides a framework for the Library’s engagement with, and support of, research at UniSC and aims to formalise existing processes as well as develop a foundation for the future. The Strategy is reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its continued relevance to the University's research priorities.

Practicum and employment opportunities
Practicum and work experience

The University Library provides practical work experience for students enrolled in educational programs recognised by the Australian Library and Information Association and other relevant international library and information science associations.

  • No payment is made by the University Library for the practicum.
  • Insurance cover is the sole responsibility of the practicum program organisation.
  • International students who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents may be required to obtain a temporary entry permit. Contact the Department of Home Affairs.

To enquire about practicum opportunities please send an email to lsadmin@usc.edu.au with the following details:

  • personal details including contact numbers.
  • name of degree/program and institution where you are enrolled.
  • contact details for your institution's practicum coordinator.
  • preferred dates.
  • preferred type of duties, work or projects to be undertaken.
  • reference to any practicum manual and/or to responsibilities of the practicum mentor.

Staff vacancies within the Library are listed in the careers section of the University website.

Donations to the Library

The University of the Sunshine Coast acknowledges the generosity of the community who wish to donate books, journals and other material. At present we are not accepting donations.

Gifts of funds are also welcome. For more information please contact Advancement. Further information is available through the Donation Acceptance - Operational Policy.