2025 Schedule of Fees | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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2025 Schedule of Fees

The following fees apply to all students.

The following fees apply to Australian citizens, Permanent Residents, New Zealand citizens, and holders of an Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa studying in 2025.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

In 2025, the maximum Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) that can be charged to a student will be A$365. This amount is indexed annually.

Breakdown of 2025 SSAF Charge Calculation

Unit value Initial SSAF charged * Increment with subsequent enrolment *
0.1 - 6 units A$182.50 A$54.75
12 - 35 units A$237.25 A$36.50
36 - 71 units A$273.75 A$36.50
72 - 83 units A$310.25 A$54.75
84 units and above A$365.00  
* Example of how SSAF is charged

If you are enrolled in 2 x 12 unit courses, your initial SSAF charge will be A$237.25 and when you enrol in an additional 12 unit course, you will be charged the increment of A$36.50, taking your SSAF charge for those 3 courses up to A$273.75 in total.

If you were then to enrol in a fourth course there would be no additional SSAF charge. You will incur an incremental charge when your total course enrolment is in the next unit value range, up to the maximum yearly SSAF limit of A$365.

For more information on SSAF refer to the Student Services and Amenities Fees page.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Unique Student Identifier (USI) - compulsory for all students 

From January 2021, to be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP (Commonwealth assistance), it is compulsory for students to provide their Unique Student Identifier (USI) with their Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF), before the Census date of the relevant study period.

From 2023, all students, old or new, domestic or international, must have a USI to be able to graduate and receive their qualification or statement of attainment. Continuing students should get their USI as soon as possible.

It's free and quick to apply for your USI online through the Australian Government website. You'll need to provide proof of identity with your application.

Your USI is a reference number that creates an online record of all your Australian training and qualifications. It stays with you for life and gives you access to an online record of your nationally recognised training, in the form of a USI Transcript.

You may already have a USI if you have undertaken any nationally recognised training, like a Certificate or Diploma through TAFE.

What happens if I do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

If you do not provide your USI by the Census date of the relevant study period:

  • you will not be eligible to the Commonwealth supported tuition fees,
  • you will not be able to access a HELP Loan or defer your tuition fees to a HELP Loan, and,
  • you will not be able to continue study in the current study period as a Commonwealth supported student.

If you wish to continue studying in the current teaching period without providing a USI, you can only undertake study in your program at the domestic tuition full fee rate and not the Commonwealth supported rate.

This is in accordance with the Australian Government Higher Education Support Act (HESA) legislation, under which, UniSC has no discretion to accept USIs after the Census date.

To find out more about the USI, visit the USI government website.

Commonwealth supported student fees

Commonwealth supported places are substantially subsidised by the Australian Government so that supported students only pay "student contribution" amounts. Student contribution amounts will vary depending on the program and course(s) you are studying, and government funding provided.

For individual course contribution amounts, please refer to the 2025 Commonwealth Supported Student Contributions by Course list

**For students in a Professional Pathway Program, please refer to the appropriate section below.

2025 student contribution amounts 

(This table assumes all courses studied fall within the same Student Contribution Band for EFTSL calculation)

Student Contribution Band Students commenced  2021 or after Students continuing from pre-2021 commencement
EFTSL† amount Course* amount EFTSL† amount Course* amount
Band 1: Agriculture, English, Mathematics, Education, Clinical Psychology, Indigenous and Foreign Languages, Nursing, Statistics A$4,627 A$578 A$4,627 A$578
Band 2: Engineering, Surveying, Science, Environmental Studies, Pathology A$9,314 A$1,164 A$9,314 A$1,164
Band 2A: Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment or Computing A$9,314 A$1,164 A$9,314 A$1,164
Band 2B: Visual and Performing Arts A$9,314 A$1,164 A$7,973 A$997
Band 3: Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Science A$13,241 A$1,663 A$13,241 A$1,663
Band 4: Behavioural Sciences (not Clinical or Professional) A$16,992 A$2,124 A$7,973 A$997
Band 4A: Human Welfare Studies and Services (not Clinical or Professional) A$16,992 A$2,124 A$7,973 A$997
Band 4B: Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce A$16,992 A$2,124 A$13,305 A$1,663
Band 4C: Society and Culture A$16,992 A$2,124 A$7,973 A$997
Band 4D: Other Society and Culture A$16,992 A$2,124 A$7,973 A$997
Band 4E: Communications and Media Studies A$16,992 A$2,124 A$7,973 A$997

† EFTSL represents the Equivalent Full-time Student Load, or one full-time year.

* Represents the student contribution per course based on a 12 unit course.

You may be eligible to be considered a 'pre-2021 student' if:

  • you commenced a program of study with UniSC with a Census date prior to 1 January, 2021, and did not complete the program by 31 December, 2020, and continued to study the same program into 2025
  • you commenced a program of study on or before 1 January, 2021; and completed that program and you commence an honours program (not Embedded Honours) that relates to the earlier program and leads to an award that is an Honours Degree
  • you were undertaking in 2020 an Enabling program and, on or after 1 January, 2021, you commenced another program of study that is leading to an award
  • you were undertaking in 2020, a program of study leading to an Undergraduate Certificate and, on or after 1 January, 2021, you commenced another program of study that relates to the Undergraduate Course, and that is leading to an award that is a Bachelor Degree

You may not be eligible to be considered a 'pre-2021 student' if:

  • you commenced a program of study with another provider with a Census date prior to 1 January, 2021, and did not complete the program by 31 December, 2020, and transferred to study the same or different program at UniSC in 2021 or afterwards
  • you commenced a program of study with a Census date prior to 1 January, 2021 and, on or after 1 January, 2021, you changed to a different Undergraduate or Postgraduate program
  • you were an International student and you requested a change to Permanent Residency after 1 January, 2021
Commonwealth Supported Professional Pathway student fees
2025 student contribution amounts for Professional Pathway students

Students who are undertaking study in a UniSC Professional Pathway program will have their fees determined based on the Field of Education (FOE) for courses in their specific program.

Please refer to your program's study sequence for the individual course code(s) you are required to undertake as part of your program structure. Refer to the relevant list, depending on your year of study, for your individual course costs for 2025.

NOTE: If you are not following the recommended study sequence for your program, or you have been provided credit, fees may vary.

Domestic full-fee paying student fees

Domestic students who are unable to obtain a Commonwealth supported place will be charged full fees. Visiting students enrolled in individual course/s for either professional or personal development are also full fee paying students. Visiting students are classified as non-award students who will not complete a program with UniSC and are not eligible for any HELP loans.


Honours fees

The student contribution band for honours is determined by the area of research undertaken. Please refer to the individual page for your honours program for the relevant indicative fees.

Honours students are Commonwealth supported students. For more information on Commonwealth support refer to Commonwealth Supported Places.

Honours students who commenced a program of study at UniSC on or before 1 January, 2021 and completed that program and commence an Honours Program, (not Embedded Honours)  on or after 1 January 2021, that relates to the earlier program may be entitled to Pre-2021 Student Contribution fees.

Tertiary Preparation Pathway fees

Students studying Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) courses do not pay a student contribution. TPP students are offered Commonwealth Supported Places, however, these courses are fee exempt*.

Enabling Course   EFTSL amount
Enabling Commonwealth Supported Student / Tertiary Support Option / Tertiary Preparation Pathway  Exempt
Tertiary Preparation Pathway - Full Fee 

(not Commonwealth Supported)*

.125 EFTSL amount
TPP101 Academic Skills for Success  $          2,810
TPP102 ICT for Acad & Prof Appls  $          2,810
TPP103 Chemistry  $          2,706
TPP104 Mathematics  $          2,810
TPP105 Statistics  $          2,810
TPP107 Criticial Thinking in Society  $          2,810
TPP108 Professional People Skills  $          2,810
TPP109 Biology  $          2,706
TPP111 Business Study Skills  $          2,810
TPP115 Maths for Science & Engineering

 $          2,810

International TPP students should refer to International Student Fees for tuition information.

*Students who are ineligible for a Commonwealth supported place will be charged full fees.

Headstart fees

The University subsidises the tuition fees for domestic students† studying in UniSC's Headstart program. Commencing Headstart students will not be charged a course contribution fee for the first course they complete. Students continuing into subsequent courses are required to make an up front payment by the fee due date.

Category Commencing student fee Continuing student fee
Headstart A$0 per course A$400 per course

HECS-HELP loans are not available for Headstart fees.

International Headstart students please contact Student Central for tuition information.

† Domestic students include Australian citizens, Permanent Residents of Australia and New Zealand citizens.

Postgraduate coursework fees

All postgraduate coursework programs are subject to tuition fees, unless the postgraduate program is offered under Commonwealth support arrangements. Individual postgraduate coursework program pages provide advice where the program is Commonwealth supported.

Eligible students (Australian citizens, Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders, and New Zealand citizens who hold a Special Category Visa and meet the eligibility requirements), may seek assistance to defer payment via a FEE-HELP loan.

Postgraduate coursework fees are charged according to the Field of Education and unit weighting assigned to each course, as per the table below.

Cluster Field of Education Fee per 12 unit course
1 Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications, Society and Culture A$3,621
1B Humanities A$2,562
2A Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Built Environment, Other Health A$2,991
2B Education A$2,652
2C Allied Health, English Language, Literature, Linguistics, Clinical Psychology, Visual and Performing Arts A$2,991
3 Nursing, Foreign Languages, Environmental Studies, Science and Surveying A$2,841
3A Engineering A$4,026
4 Dentistry, Medicine, Vet Science and Agriculture A$2,991


Alumni Lifelong Learning Discount

UniSC alumni who meet the eligibility criteria and enrol in eligible postgraduate coursework programs, on a full fee-paying basis, will receive a 10% fee reduction on courses within these eligible programs commencing from January 1, 2023. The Alumni Lifelong Learning Discount Scheme applies to part-time or full-time study.

Note: Postgraduate coursework tuition fees are reviewed yearly.

For individual course fee please refer to the 2025 list of Postgraduate coursework fees.

International students should refer to International student fees for tuition information.

Higher Degree by Research fees 
Fee paying HDR student fees
Program 96 units#  48 units*  24 units^ 1 unit
All HDR programs A$28,000 A$14,000 A$7,000 A$291.67


Thesis Revision (beyond 3 months) A$14,000

Typical full-time student load for two terms (2 X 6 months or one calendar year).

*Typical full-time student load for one term (six months), and typical part-time student load for two terms (2 X 6 months or one calendar year).

^Typical part-time student load for one term (six months).

You may be eligible for FEE-HELP to obtain a loan for paying your higher degree by research program fees.

For more information refer to Higher Degree by Research student fee calculation information.

The 2025 Higher Degree by Research fees will be available shortly.

Cross Institutional fees

Undergraduate cross institutional students should refer to the Commonwealth supported places information page.

Postgraduate cross institutional students should refer to the Fee paying student fees information above.


  1. All fees are listed in Australian Dollars (A$).
  2. Tuition and other fees for international students can be found at UniSC International fees and costs.
  3. Refer also to the Student Fees and Charges Policy and Student Fees, Charges and Refunds Procedures.
  4. Visit the Explanation of terms page (our A-Z list) to decipher university phrases, terminology and definitions.