Visiting and cross-institutional applications | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Visiting and cross-institutional applications

Visiting students

Visiting students apply directly to the University to complete one or several individual courses (subjects) for professional or personal development, rather than enrolling in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program.

Visiting students are classified as non-award students, pay up-front tuition fees and receive normal instruction, assessment and formal results.

Visiting students who subsequently enrol in a degree program at the University may have completed visiting study assessed for credit transfer.

Please note that if English is not your first language, you need to meet the minimum English language requirements for your chosen program.

How to apply
Step 1

Choose the course(s) (subjects) in which you wish to enrol. Overviews of each course are available by selecting the relevant program.

Step 2
Domestic students *

Submit the completed Application for Visiting Student form with supporting documentation for previous qualification(s) or other relevant experience, to Student Central by the due date.

Please note: If you wish to study in more than one study period eg. Semester 1 and 2, you must submit a separate application form for each study period.

* Australian Citizens, New Zealand Citizens and holders of an Australian Permanent Visa including Permanent Humanitarian Visas.

International students

Visiting student status is not normally available to international students.

Cross-institutional students

Cross-institutional students enrol in a course(s) through another institution which, on successful completion, can be credited to their program at their home institution.

Students from other universities

Cross-institutional study is offered to students from other universities who wish to enrol in courses at USC so that on their successful completion, can be credited towards a program at their home university.

If English is not your first language, you need to meet the minimum English language requirements for your chosen program.

How to apply
Step 1

Select your course(s).

Step 2

Ensure you have reviewed the selected course and any prerequisites.

Note: If the course has prerequisite study requirements or enrolment restrictions your official academic transcript will be reviewed by the UniSC Program/Course Coordinator to check your eligibility for admission and you may be contacted for additional information.

Step 3
Domestic students *

Submit the completed Application for Cross-Institutional Study form with supporting documentation to Student Central by the due date.

Incomplete applications, including incomplete Section 9.0 Home Institution approval, and / or without a copy of your full official academic transcript will not be processed.

Please note: If you wish to study in more than one study period e.g. Semester 1 and 2, you must submit a separate application form for each of them.

* Australian Citizens, New Zealand Citizens and holders of an Australian Permanent Visa including Permanent Humanitarian Visas.

International students

For cross-institutional studies, international applicants should apply via the International Application Portal.

Current UniSC students

As a current UniSC student, you may be eligible to study courses from another domestic university and have those courses credited towards your UniSC degree program. Cross-Institutional study is normally permitted only in extenuating circumstances. The UniSC policy on Cross-Institutional studies can be found here: Applications and approval for cross-institutional study.

Approval for cross-institutional study may only be given in the following circumstances:

(a) Where the student has failed a course, which is a prerequisite and is unable to progress at a satisfactory rate in the next teaching period, and there is no suitable course offered within the University to enable the student to repeat the failed course in the next teaching period;

(b) Where a student requires 24 units or fewer in order to complete the program requirements, and where one or more courses which would enable the student to satisfy the program requirements is not offered in the next teaching period;

(c) the selected course(s) is in a discipline not offered by the University and will be credited against elective components within the program; or

(d) there are immediate educational or personal reasons, such as relocation, carer responsibilities, medical or employment commitments that prohibit a student from undertaking studies at USC. Such an application would need to be supported by evidence, such as correspondence from an employer or health practitioner, statement of support from Student Wellbeing and/or a Statutory Declaration.

How to apply
Step 1

If you are choosing an equivalent required course(s) use course descriptions to compare the course learning outcomes, which must be similar. If you are applying for an elective course, please indicate on the form either Introductory level elective or Developing and Graduate level elective. Ensure you are aware of when the course is offered and that you can meet the relevant application deadline for the other institution. Allow two weeks prior to the application deadline of the host institution.

Step 2

Submit the Cross Institutional Study Approval form WITH course outlines for consideration to Student Central. You may also submit this electronically.

You will receive an e-mail from Student Central to confirm the outcome of your application. Your application will be returned, if you have not met the circumstances listed above.

Step 3

Complete documentation required by the other institution and enrol with that institution.

Step 4

Once you have completed your cross-institutional study, provide an official statement of Academic Record to Student Central as soon as possible, for course credit to be processed. If you decide not to take the Cross Institutional course, please advise Student Central in writing as soon as possible.

Regional Universities Network

The Regional Universities Network (RUN) is a network of six universities with headquarters in regional Australia and a shared commitment to playing a transformative role in their regions.

Through their educational and research contributions to regional economic, social, cultural and environmental development, the RUN member universities play an important and distinctive role in advancing Australia's national prosperity, productivity and identity.

Established in October 2011, the foundation members are Central Queensland University, Southern Cross University, Federation University Australia, University of New England, University of Southern Queensland and University of the Sunshine Coast.

Study options

UniSC students can choose from a range of courses offered by Regional Universities Network (RUN) universities. Download the full list of RUN cross-institutional study options (PDF 182KB).