1. Purpose of procedures
1.1 These procedures have been developed to support the implementation of the Space Management - Operational Policy and outlines the processes used in the allocation and management of space.
1.2 These procedures must be read in conjunction with the linked Space Management – Operational Policy.
2. Scope and application
2.1 These procedures apply to all University staff and other persons involved in the conduct of University business on University owned or leased premises.
2.2 Campus Development and Services (CDS) manages space for the University. These procedures apply to all new builds, refurbishments and relocations, including new space requests.
3. Definitions
Refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for definitions as they specifically relate to policy documents.
4. Space allocation – general
4.1 Space allocation is measured against relevant indicators. Major criteria used in determining allocations are the effectiveness and efficiency of space usage, and the achievement of disciplinary synergies and functional colocations.
4.2 Campus Development and Services (CDS) assigns space to a School, Cost Centre, or other department (an organisational unit) to be operationally managed by that organisational unit. Assigned spaces comprise of workspaces and may include specialist or research spaces.
4.3 The allocation of space to any organisational unit is not regarded as permanent and all allocations are subject to periodic review to be conducted by Campus Development and Services (CDS) in collaboration with organisational units.
4.4 Periodic and short-term reallocations of space are necessary to meet changing University priorities and variations in user demand.
4.5 As detailed in the Space Management – Operational Policy, for significant relocations or changes to the assignment of space, the relevant Executive member, after consultation with Campus Development and Services (CDS), is to provide a broad overview of proposed changes, for in-principle approval by the Executive.
4.6 Following in-principle support for significant relocations or change, the requestor is to submit a 'New FM Space and Capital Project’ request through UniSC Connect for consideration by the Space Advisory Committee (SAG) and approval by the Campus Development and Space Governance Committee (CDSGC).
5. Space allocation – academic and professional staff
5.1 Cost Centre Managers (CCMs) are responsible for managing the assigned space under their control, allocating appropriate workspaces to staff and ensuring work activities are suitably supported.
5.2 Workspaces must consist of a mix of open plan and enclosed offices (shared and private), hot desks and workstations, and are assigned at the organisational unit level based on the requirements of the work being carried out.
5.3 Staff involved in cross-campus work must nominate a home campus where their base workspace is located. Workspaces at other campuses can be accommodated within shared areas, bookable spaces, or within the organisational units existing space at the discretion of the CCM.
5.4 Adjunct, honorary or visiting appointees and volunteers are classed as affiliates, and as such not entitled to a dedicated space. These appointments are provided with access to private or shared space if available and at the discretion of the organisational unit they are attached to.
5.5 CCMs must direct staff to spaces as necessary to meet organisational needs.
5.6 If additional space is required outside of the allocated footprint, a business case must be submitted through the University Space Allocation and Capital Projects approval process.
6. Space allocation – students
6.1 Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students are provided with access to workspaces appropriate to the tasks being undertaken and subject to available resources. Workspaces can be shared or assigned and located either within a dedicated HDR Hub or co-located within Schools or Research Centres. Workspaces can be reassigned.
6.2 On the recommendation of the Dean of School, postgraduate coursework and honours students can be provided with workspace access in the case of a demonstrable need and if resources allow.
6.3 CCMs must include provision for HDR space (if applicable) within their workspace planning processes.
7. New starters and relocation
7.1 Prior to advertising newly created positions, availability of workspace must be confirmed with the Space Management team identifying the home campus and requested location. For positions that may be based at various campuses, confirmation of available space at all advertised campus options must be confirmed prior to recruitment.
7.2 Upon appointment of the successful candidate, a ‘New Starter Request’ form must be submitted through UniSC Services to confirm space allocation, request IT equipment (if applicable), and notify Security and mail services accordingly. This applies to all external applicants, and internal applicants if changing organisational units.
7.3 To notify Campus Development and Services (CDS) of staff movement or to request a new location for staff within their existing organisational unit, a ‘Relocation Request’ form must be submitted through UniSC Services. For relocations of four or more staff, a completed ‘Group Relocation’ spreadsheet is forwarded to the ‘DG Access Request’ distribution group, cc’ing the relevant CCM. The CCM must reply all to confirm approval.
7.4 When the relocation involves multiple staff, significant works, modification to a space or is related to a larger project, this is handled as part of the Space Allocation and Capital Projects Approval process.
7.5 When space is to be vacated, the vacated space may not be retained by that organisational unit.
8. Space allocation and capital projects approval process
8.1 UniSC Connect
8.1.1 All space allocation and capital project requests must be submitted through UniSC Connect and accompanied by a business case in the prescribed format outlining the space or project requirements, justification for the request, and any funding available.
8.1.2 Requests which have been approved by the CCM through UniSC Connect are then reviewed by the Campus Development and Services (CDS) and Information Technology Triage Team, the Space Advisory Group (SAG) and the Campus Development and Space Governance Committee (CDSGC) for approval.
8.1.3 Significant capital works projects are considered through the annual Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) process. For a request to be considered for an accelerated response outside of this process, it must be justified using one of the following three reasons accompanied by written confirmation from the relevant authority:
(a) inability to teach due to lack of space or infrastructure – supported by Manager, Curriculum Data & Systems Management;
(b) Research Grant funding – supported by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) and Director, Office of Research; or
(c) Workplace, Health and Safety Risk – supported by Manager, Health, Safety and Wellbeing.
8.2 Campus Development and Services (CDS) and Information Technology (CDS/IT) Triage Team
8.2.1 All space and capital project requests are received by Campus Development and Services (CDS) through UniSC Connect and assessed internally through the CDS/IT Triage Team against existing SAMP, Capital Maintenance and Space Management Plans.
8.2.2 Membership of the CDS/IT Triage Team includes Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) from both departments. The meeting is chaired by the Director, Campus Development and Services.
8.2.3 The CDS/IT Triage Team meets to triage requests into three groups:
(a) SAMP Project – the request is large and complex enough that it needs to be considered and scheduled as part of the University’s annual SAMP process for approval by UniSC Council;
(b) Accelerated Response (AR) Project – the request has been justified in the business case to require an accelerated response for approval by the Space Advisory Group and Campus Development and Space Governance Committee. Note: all property acquisitions, disposals, leases, and licences are considered under this group; and
(c) Minor Moves and Works (MMW) Project – the request is straightforward and has little impact on other stakeholders so is approved by CDS/IT Triage Group.
8.3 Space Advisory Group
8.3.1 The CDS/IT Triage Team submits to the Space Advisory Group (SAG) all AR Project requests and projects that have been assigned to the SAMP.
8.3.2 Membership of the SAG includes UniSC senior staff who are SME’s for the space and project requests received for the meeting. The meeting is chaired by the Director, Campus Development and Services.
8.3.3 All AR Project submissions to the SAG must include:
(a) Business Case (prepared by requestor);
(b) Return Project Brief incl. high-level cost estimate (prepared by Campus Development and Services (CDS); and
(c) Campus Development and Services (CDS) recommendation or advice that the project should not be supported.
8.3.4 The SAG meets to assess the AR Project requests against University requirements and standards and provide advice to the CDSGC.
8.3.5 The SAG has authority to overturn the recommendation provided by the CDS/IT Triage Team.
8.4 Campus Development and Space Governance Committee (CDSGC)
8.4.1 The CDSGC receives AR project requests from the SAG with accompanying advice as to whether the request should be approved for accelerated response, reassigned to the SAMP process, or rejected.
8.4.2 Membership of the CDSGC includes members of the University Executive. The meeting is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and President.
8.4.3 The CDSGC meets and receives a list of current SAMP projects for noting. All SAMP projects are considered as part of the annual SAMP consultation and development process and received by the CDSGC as a formal strategic proposal.
8.4.4 The CDSGC can defer AR project requests to Planning & Resources Committee (PRC) and UniSC Council when it is deemed necessary.