Hire of University Facilities - Operational Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Hire of University Facilities - Operational Policy

Approval authority
Vice-Chancellor and President
Responsible Executive member
Chief Operating Officer
Designated officer
Director, Facilities Management
First approved
28 November 2000
Last amended
7 August 2020
Review date
6 August 2025
Related documents

1. Purpose of policy

The University provides space and event services to internal and external clients to encourage use of the facilities on campus and promote the University’s strategic position in the region. The following policy sets out the principles which govern the hire of University facilities.

2. Policy scope and application

This policy applies to all University premises.

3. Definitions

Please refer to the University’s Glossary of Terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to this policy and are critical to its effectiveness:

Event means an occasion for which the use of University facilities by an internal or external client is approved.

External client means an individual, entity, or group hiring University facilities or services and having no contractual or academic arrangements with the University.

Hire means an arrangement for the use of University facilities which is outside the scope of normal academic timetabling.

Internal client means an individual or group directly associated with the University through contractual or academic arrangements.

Sponsored event means an event approved as fully or partially sponsored by the University.

Booking means a reservation of a particular space on campus.

4. Application for Hire

4.1 All prospective external hirers must contact USC Venues to complete a Venue Hire Application form for all bookings.

4.2 Internal clients are able to book spaces on University premises by contacting Room Bookings in Student Services and Engagement, unless the following circumstances apply:

4.2.1 The internal hire is for the USC Auditorium at the Innovation Centre; the hire of this space requires a Venue Hire Application form for all bookings.

4.2.2 The bookings are being made by an internal client on behalf of an external client; the hire of this space requires a Venue Hire Application form for all bookings.

5. Approval of Hire

5.1 No hire can proceed unless the Director, Facilities Management or nominee has approved the application for hire.

5.2 In order to be approved for hire, a hirer can be required to demonstrate that the hire:

5.2.1 is consistent with the quality and professional nature of activities expected in a University setting;

5.2.2 is in keeping with the University’s position within the community;

5.2.3 poses no undue security risk to University facilities, students and staff, or to attendees;

5.2.4 does not contravene any Commonwealth or State legislation or any University policies or procedures; and

5.2.5 meets any conditions that may be set by the University in relation to the hire, for example, restrictions on the sale or distribution of single use plastic bottled water.

6. University Sponsored Events

6.1 Refer to the Outgoing Sponsorship – Operational Policy.

7. Endorsement

7.1 Hire of University facilities does not constitute an endorsement of an event, unless specifically approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President.

8. Setting Up

8.1 No materials, plant or equipment used by the hirer can be placed on University premises prior to the commencement of the hire period, unless approved by the Director, Facilities Management or the USC Venues and Catering Manager.

9. Fees

9.1 Facilities hire fees charged for events to external clients must be on a full cost recovery basis, in view of the obligation of public institutions to compete fairly with the private sector.

9.2 The standard rates and charges for facilities hire will be detailed in Schedules approved by the Chief Operating Officer and will be reviewed annually.

9.3 Any other services provided in addition to the facilities hire will be charged in addition to the standard rates.

10. External Client Hire Agreement

10.1 In order to meet insurance obligations, all events will be subject to the requirements of a Hire Agreement.

10.2 A copy of the Hire Agreement must be submitted at the time of confirming the event booking.

10.3 Full payment of facilities hire fees must be received prior to the event.

11. Promotion

11.1 The Director, Marketing will be responsible for providing guidance to internal and external users on the policy and production of promotional materials, and for co-ordinating the placement of appropriate advertisements in publications for any events for which the University is the responsible body.

12. Hirer’s Responsibility

12.1 The hirer is responsible for observance to the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 and to all relevant policies and procedures including, but not restricted to, observance of the University’s environmental practices.

13. Termination or Exclusion from Hire

13.1 The university has the right and responsibility to determine the terms and conditions upon which it shall permit external visitors and invited visitors to speak on university land and use university facilities and in so doing may:

13.1.1 require the person or persons organising the event to comply with the university’s booking procedures and to provide information relevant to the conduct of any event, and any public safety and security issues;

13.1.2 distinguish between invited visitors and external visitors in framing any such requirements and conditions;

13.1.3 refuse permission to any invited visitor or external visitor to speak on university land or at university facilities where the content of the speech is or is likely to: be unlawful; prejudice the fulfilment by the university of its duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students; involve the advancement of theories or propositions which purport to be based on scholarship or research, but which fall below scholarly standards to such an extent as to be detrimental to the university’s character as an institution of higher learning.

13.2 The University reserves the right to terminate facility bookings and approved facility hires prior to, or during, the time specified for the hire.

13.3 The University may prohibit or halt any activity which in its opinion is objectionable, dangerous, or potentially detrimental to the University’s reputation.

13.4 Generally, termination during the time specified for the hire will only occur where the event:

13.4.1 is damaging, or is likely to damage, University facilities; or

13.4.2 is endangering, or is likely to endanger, the health or the safety of attendees or other persons; or

13.4.3 is in contravention of any applicable Commonwealth or State legislation or any University policies or procedures.

13.5 The University shall not refuse permission for the use of its land or facilities by an external visiting speaker or invited visiting speaker nor attach conditions to its permission, solely on the basis of the content of the proposed speech by the visitor.

13.6 The Chief Operating Officer will exclude from hire any potential hirer or activity which may present a conflict of interest to University operations.