Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2005:<br>Recommended Enrolment Pattern | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2005:<br>Recommended Enrolment Pattern

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)

  • This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements.
  • Variations are possible but should only be considered in consultation with the Program Administrator.
  • Students with advanced standing from prior tertiary study should consult the Program Administrator for recommended enrolment.
  • Course offerings may change without notice.

Year 1
Semester 1

COR109 Communication and Thought
or COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
SCI110 Research Design and Data Analysis
SCI103 Cell Biology
SCI105 Chemistry

Year 1
Semester 2

COR109 Communication and Thought
or COR110 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
SCI102 Biodiversity and Environment **
Plus choose two courses from:
SCI104 Cell Metabolism ***
SCI107 Physics
SCI109 Environment and Health

Year 2
Semester 1

Choose four courses from:
ENS221 Australian Vegetation
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS261  Aquatic Geochemistry #
ENS271 Marine Dynamics
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT263 Microbiology
One course from any faculty (Science, Arts and Social Sciences or Business) *

Year 2
Semester 2
Choose four courses from:
ENS222 Australian Wildlife
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS272 Marine Ecology
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
MBT252 Molecular Biology
One course from any faculty (Science, Arts and Social Sciences or Business) *

Year 3
Semester 1
Choose four courses from:
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS331 Sustainable Land Management #
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS361 Restoration Ecology
ENS371 Aquaculture
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
One course from any faculty (Science, Arts and Social Sciences or Business) *

Year 3
Semester 2
Choose four courses from:
ENS322 Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology #
ENS332 Production Systems Research
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
ENS362 Environmental Restoration Practice
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
One course from any faculty (Science, Arts and Social Sciences or Business) *

* Options: options are subject to having completed any prerequisites. Courses selected by students must also allow them to meet minimum requirements for Bachelor of Science degree program (eg max 10 x 1st year courses, min 5 x 3rd year Science courses)

** COMPULSORY for Environmental Science

*** NOTE: Cell Metabolism is a prerequisite for a number of required courses in the Agricultural and Aquatic Biotechnology major

# Not offered in 2005