Faculty of Science | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Faculty of Science

Undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Science include introductory and advanced science courses, in addition to courses in a wide range of majors and minors.

Introductory Science Courses

MTH101 Algebra and Geometry#
NUR101 Introductory Bioscience^
SCI102 Biodiversity and Environment
SCI103 Cell Biology
SCI104 Cell Metabolism
SCI105 Chemistry
SCI107 Physics
SCI109 Environment and Health
SCI110 Research Design and Data Analysis
SCI111 Public Health Foundations

Advanced Science Courses

BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology+
BIM351 Clinical Nutrition
BIM352 Human Nutrition
BIM362 Systematic Pharmacology I+
BIM363 Systematic Pharmacology II+
ENS221 Australian Vegetation
ENS222 Australian Wildlife
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS261 Aquatic Geochemistry@
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS271 Marine Dynamics
ENS272 Marine Ecology
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS322 Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology@
ENS331 Sustainable Land Management@
ENS332 Production Systems Research
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
ENS361 Restoration Ecology
ENS362 Environmental Restoration Practice
ENS371 Aquaculture
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
LFS112 Human Physiology
LFS122 Human Anatomy
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I
LFS202 Physiology and Anatomy II
LFS303 Pathophysiology
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
MBT353 Microbial Pathogenesis
MBT354 Immunology
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
MTH202 Calculus and Algebra#
NUR221 Human Pathophysiology^
NUR231 Disease Management and Control^
NUR232 Nutrition Across the Lifespan@
NUR242 Family and Community Health^
NUR252 Health and Human Behaviour^
NUR262 Aged Care Nursing^
NUR321 Research in Health Care^
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB351 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
PUB352 Public Health Project
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Testing and Programming
SPX221 Introduction to Sports Medicine
SPX222 Sports Psychology
SPX300 Clinical Placement
SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation
SPX312 Performance Enhancement
SPX321 Sports Coaching
SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX331 Exercise Physiology II
SPX352 Sports Nutrition

+ Students who are considering the Pharmacology minor are advised that BIM362 Systematic Pharmacology I and BIM363 Systematic Pharmacology II may not be offered after 2005
# Available to Education students only
^ Available to Nursing students only
@ Not offered in 2005

Science Research Courses

Under exceptional circumstances, students may undertake a research
project from any major of their choice. Enrolment in these courses requires approval of the Faculty of Science Learning and Teaching Coordinator.

SRP101 Science Research Project 1
SRP102 Science Research Project 2
SRP201 Science Research Project 3
SRP202 Science Research Project 4
SRP301 Science Research Project 5
SRP302 Science Research Project 6

Science Majors and Minors

You may only select particular majors and minors, depending on the program in which you are enrolled. For further information, refer to your program structure and requirements. The required prerequisites must be completed before enrolling in advanced courses.

Majors and minors are offered by the Faculty of Science in the following areas:

Agricultural and Aquatic Biotechnology


For a major in Agricultural and Aquatic Biotechnology, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
6 required courses:
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS332 Production Systems Research
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS331 Sustainable Land Management@
ENS371 Aquaculture
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques

Applied and Environmental Microbiology


For a minor in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Biodiversity and Ecology


For a major in Biodiversity and Ecology, students must successfully complete 8 courses from the following list, of which at least two are courses at third-year level (with codes >300).
ENS221 Australian Vegetation
ENS222 Australian Wildlife
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS272 Marine Ecology
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS322 Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology@
ENS361 Restoration Ecology
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Biomedical Science


For a major in Biomedical Science, students must successfully complete 8 courses from the following list of which at least two are third-year level (with codes >300).
BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
BIM351 Clinical Nutrition
BIM352 Human Nutrition
BIM362 Systematic Pharmacology I+
BIM363 Systematic Pharmacology II+
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I
LFS202 Physiology and Anatomy II
LFS303 Pathophysiology
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
MBT353 Microbial Pathogenesis
MBT354 Immunology
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques



For a minor in Biotechnology, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Ecosystem Health


For a major in Ecosystem Health, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
5 required courses:
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
SCI109 Environment and Health
SCI111 Public Health Foundations
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
ENP100 Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENP210 Planning Principles, Processes and Law
ENP235 Regional Sustainability and the Ethics of Planning**
ENP245 Cultural Geography and Social Demography
ENP255 Urbanism and Urban Design
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues

Environmental Health


For a minor in Environmental Health, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI109 Environment and Health
Plus - choose 1 course from:
ENP210 Planning Principles, Processes and Law
ENP235 Sustainable Development
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases

Environmental Management


For a major in Environmental Management, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
4 required courses:
ENS232 Ecological Principles of Land and Water Management
ENS261 Aquatic Geochemistry@
ENS332 Production Systems Research
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
Plus - choose 4 courses from:
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS331 Sustainable Land Management@
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
ENS361 Restoration Ecology
ENS362 Environmental Restoration Practice
ENS371 Aquaculture
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques


For a minor in Environmental Management, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
2 required courses:
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS332 Production Systems Research
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
ENS362 Environmental Restoration Practice
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics

Environmental Restoration


For a minor in Environmental Restoration, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS361 Restoration Ecology
ENS362 Environmental Restoration Practice
Plus - choose 1 course from:
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS261 Aquatic Geochemistry@
ENS321 Population Ecology, Genetics and Conservation
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS353 Applied Spatial Analysis and Decision Support
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Exercise Prescription for Health and Rehabilitation


For a minor in Exercise Prescription for Health and Rehabilitation, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation

Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity


For a major in Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
7 required courses:
BIM352 Human Nutrition
MBT251 Biochemistry
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB291 Physical Activity and Health*
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Testing and Programming
SPX352 Sports Nutrition
Plus - choose 1 course from:
AUS110 Sport and Leisure Issues
BIM351 Clinical Nutrition
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX202 Biomechanics I

Health Promotion


For a major in Health Promotion, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
5 required courses:
SCI111 Public Health Foundations
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB272 Health Promotion Settings*
PUB351 Health Promotion, Implementation and Evaluation
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
PUB291 Physical Activity and Health*
PUB352 Public Health Project
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
PUB372 Public Health Internship**


For a minor in Health Promotion, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB272 Health Promotion Settings*
Plus - choose 1 course from:
PUB291 Physical Activity and Health*
PUB351 Health Promotion, Implementation and Evaluation

Marine Science


For a minor in Marine Science, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
ENS271 Marine Dynamics
ENS272 Marine Ecology
ENS372 Integrated Marine Systems
Plus - choose 1 course from:
ENS262 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENS351 Integrated Catchment Management
ENS371 Aquaculture

Medical Microbiology


For a minor in Medical Microbiology, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
MBT263 Microbiology
MBT353 Microbial Pathogenesis
MBT354 Immunology

Microbiology and Biotechnology


For a major in Microbiology and Biotechnology, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
4 required courses:
MBT251 Biochemistry
MBT252 Molecular Biology
MBT253 Pathogens and Communicable Diseases
MBT263 Microbiology
Plus - choose 4 courses from:
MBT352 Molecular Biotechnology
MBT353 Microbial Pathogenesis
MBT354 Immunology
MBT363 Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
MBT364 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology



For a major in Nutrition, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
6 required courses:
BIM351 Clinical Nutrition
BIM352 Human Nutrition
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I
LFS202 Physiology and Anatomy II
MBT251 Biochemistry
SPX352 Sports Nutrition
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
MBT263 Microbiology
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI302 Advanced Instrumental Techniques
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics


For a minor in Nutrition, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
BIM351 Clinical Nutrition
BIM352 Human Nutrition
MBT251 Biochemistry
SPX352 Sports Nutrition

Performance Enhancement


For a minor in Performance Enhancement, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Testing and Programming
SPX312 Performance Enhancement



For a minor in Pharmacology+, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
BIM362 Systematic Pharmacology I+
BIM363 Systematic Pharmacology II+
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I

Physiology and Anatomy


For a minor in Physiology and Anatomy, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I
LFS202 Physiology and Anatomy II
LFS303 Pathophysiology
Plus - choose 1 course from:
BIM263 Introduction to Pharmacology
MBT354 Immunology
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I

Public Health


For a major in Public Health, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
5 required courses:
SCI111 Public Health Foundations
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI109 Environment and Health
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
PUB252 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
PUB272 Health Promotion Settings*
PUB291 Physical Activity and Health*
PUB351 Health Promotion, Implementation and Evaluation
PUB352 Public Health Project
PUB372 Public Health Internship**
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics


For a minor in Public Health, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
SCI111 Public Health Foundations
PUB262 Environmental Health Risk Management
PUB271 Health Promotion Principles*
PUB361 Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Sport and Exercise Science


For a major in Sport and Exercise Science, student must successfully complete 8 courses, of which at least two are courses at third-year level (with codes >300):
4 required courses:
SPX201 Functional Anatomy
SPX202 Biomechanics I
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX212 Exercise Testing and Programming
Plus - choose 4 courses from the list below with at least 2 courses with a SPX prefix:
BIM352 Human Nutrition
LFS201 Physiology and Anatomy I
LFS202 Physiology and Anatomy II
MBT251 Biochemistry
SCI202 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
SPX222 Sports Psychology
SPX322 Biomechanics II
SPX301 Cardiorespiratory Health and Rehabilitation
SPX302 Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation
SPX312 Performance Enhancement
SPX321 Sports Coaching
SPX352 Sports Nutrition

Sports Coaching


For a minor in Sports Coaching, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
SPX211 Exercise Physiology I
SPX222 Sports Psychology
SPX321 Sports Coaching
SPX322 Biomechanics II

* course not offered until 2006
** course not offered until 2007
+Students who are considering the Pharmacology minor are advised that BIM362 Systematic Pharmacology I and BIM363 Systematic Pharmacology II may not be offered after 2005
@ Not offered in 2005. Students may choose an alternate course from the elective list.