Overdue loans and fines | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Overdue loans and fines

You are responsible for ensuring that your loans are returned by the due date and time.


As a courtesy, all library notices for UniSC students and staff will be sent to their university email account. For all other borrowers, notifications are sent to the nominated email address at time of registration. The Library is not responsible for non-receipt.

Reminder notices: For General Collection items a reminder notice is sent two days prior to the due date to remind you to return or renew. No reminder notice will be sent for Reserve Collection items and 3 Day Loans.

Loans not returned or renewed by the due date are considered overdue. If you have overdue loans you may not borrow. Fines may be applicable for overdue items and are calculated at check in.


Fines are applicable for the following items:

  • Reserve Collection: $2 per hour overdue.
  • 3 Day Loan: $2 per day only when item has been recalled.
  • General Collection: $2 per day only when the item has been recalled.

The maximum fine payable on any overdue item is capped at $30 per item.

You can still borrow provided you don't have any overdue items and your fine balance is less than $20. Fines must be paid in full when your balance exceeds $20.

Replacement costs

A replacement cost of $110 will be imposed if you:

  • fail to return an item and the item is considered lost, this occurs when a General Collection item is 32 days overdue, or;
  • return an item in damaged condition.

Alternatively, you can provide a replacement copy in lieu of paying the replacement cost. A $30 charge will be applied for processing.

All applicable overdue fines remain payable in addition to the replacement cost. Overdue fines are calculated at the time of payment.

How to pay a fine or replacement cost

Visit My Library Account to check your fine balance, then pay online through Online Payments. Cash payments are not accepted.

Contact the Library Tel: +61 7 5430 2804 or LibraryHelp@usc.edu.au to inquire about an overdue notice, missing items or to explain extenuating circumstances.

Penalty for non-payment of fines

When the total value of fines exceed $50, a block is applied to your UniSC student record, which may mean:

  • you are unable to enrol.
  • your results are withheld.
  • you are unable to graduate.

Once payment has been made in full, the block is removed.

How to appeal a fine

If you believe a fine is incorrect or unfair, or if you’re experiencing financial hardship, please contact your campus library.