Student leaders celebrated for distinguished contributions | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student leaders celebrated for distinguished contributions

At our April 2024 graduations, 36 UniSC graduands had even more to celebrate, as they received a Student Leadership Award alongside their degrees at ceremonies in Moreton Bay, the Sunshine Coast and the Fraser Coast.

The Student Leadership Award recognises students’ professional development, co-curricular learning, and distinguished contributions to the University and wider community while studying at UniSC.

As well as giving students opportunities to unlock their potential through co-curricular activities, the Student Leadership Awards adds value to their resume and job applications by showing enhanced employability and leadership skills to future employers.

There are five categories for the Award, and students choose to engage in any or all of them. These include voluntary contributions and community engagement, work experience and industry connections, professional development and learning enrichment, research and development, and entrepreneurship and innovation.

One of the outstanding Student Leadership Award recipients, Bree Glasbergen, said it was her volunteering and co-curricular activities such as leading Student Guild-affiliated clubs, and organising events and online spaces to foster community and belonging which led to her receiving the award.

"This award recognises students who go beyond their required coursework and provides tangible recognition for their contributions during graduation, aiding in showcasing their efforts to prospective employers," Bree said.

2024 Student Leadership Award recipients:

Abby West // Bachelor of Environmental Science

Abhinav Tummala // Bachelor of Medical Science

Alyse Price-Tobler // Doctor of Philosophy

Amy Henderson // Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/ Bachelor of Arts

Andrea Hosking // Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

Brent Devcich // B Engineering (Mechatronic) (Hons)

Brianna Glasbergen // Bachelor of Arts

Brodie Devereux-Burden // Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Callum Noel // Bachelor of Nursing Science

Carl Marlou Saranillo // Bachelor of Laws

Carmel Anne Winchester // Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) (Honours)

Ebeny Shallow-Graves // Bachelor of Social Work

Geraldine Hartley // Bachelor of Midwifery

Grace Hall // Bachelor of Health Science

Grace Pfingst // Bachelor of Education (Sec)/ Bachelor of Science

Isabella Beattie // Bachelor of Nursing Science

Jamie Bryant // Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Jenna Ryan-Smith // Bachelor of Laws

Jennifer Bunn // Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Jessica Whyman // Bachelor of Creative Industries

Jessica Bolin // Doctor of Philosophy

Jessika Acutt // Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Juliana Owolabi // Bachelor of Nursing Science

Krithika Arun // Bachelor of Business (International Business)

Laine Chilman // Doctor of Philosophy

Lam Leung // Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Lauren Zeglio // B Animal Ecology/ B Bus (TLem)

Luca Steinhauer // Bachelor of Buisness (Tour, Leisure & Event Mgt)

Melissa Garousse // Bachelor of Nursing Science

Michael Tedge // B Engineering (Mechatronic) (Hons)

Nathan Bell // Bacheor of Science (Honours)

Peta-Louise Andrews // Bachelor of Social Work

Rebecca Knox // Bachelor of Education (Sec)/ Bachelor of Science

Samantha Ellis // Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)

Teighlor Banks // Bachelor of Creative Industries (Creative Writing & Pub)

Theresa Byrnes // Bachelor of Nursing Science

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