2,000 teens on campus to try out future jobs | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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2,000 teens on campus to try out future jobs

Almost 2,000 Year 10 students will experiment with future careers at USC Sunshine Coast this week, from bandaging ‘patients’ and designing computer games to building spectrometers and testing sweet and sour senses.

The Experience USC event will allow students to attend more than 30 interactive workshops on campus at Sippy Downs on Wednesday 5 June, Thursday 6 June and Friday 7 June.

Each workshop is 45 minutes and three will be held each day at 10am, 11am and 12.45pm.

USC Student Recruitment Manager Courtney Geritz said students could choose workshops that suited their passions and interests, guiding their decision-making.

“Paramedicine, nursing and midwifery, and health-related workshops have been particularly popular in the past, along with law, game design and criminology,” she said.

“Experience USC is an event that increases awareness among high school students about future jobs, pathways to university and opportunities available at USC.”

Ms Geritz said academics and current students would present the hands-on workshops, with plenty of extra information available on degrees and prerequisites for career pathways.

Experience USC event - file shot

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