Plastic bag ban embraced for USC Open Day | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Plastic bag ban embraced for USC Open Day

A state-wide ban on single-use plastic bags - effective July 1 - is being welcomed with open arms at the University of the Sunshine Coast, particularly for Open Day.

Visitors will receive re-usable jute bags with a clear sustainability message when they visit Open Day 2018 on Sunday 22 July (9.30am to 2pm) at the main campus at Sippy Downs, and on Sunday 5 August (10am-1pm) at the Caboolture campus.

The design parodies the viral images mimicking Barack Obama’s iconic Hope campaign, featuring a plastic bottle or a plastic bag and the word ‘Nope’ printed onto hundreds of bags to be distributed on the day.

USC Director of Asset Management Services Iona Beauly said the plastic bag ban was welcomed by the University, which long ago committed to minimising its environmental footprint.

“The university has for many years now embedded sustainable practices across teaching, research and operations, and we are 100 percent behind the ban on single-use plastic bags,” she said.

“We encourage our staff, students, and future students to become accustomed to using reusable bags, particularly when shopping.”

USC Open Day is an opportunity to visit the University campus and gather information about study programs as well as the other activities, services and opportunities available at USC.

Choose-your-degree sessions will offer an overview of the programs and career opportunities, and visitors are invited to attend a first-year class and experience the learning environment.

Panel sessions will include stories, tips and advice from USC students, graduates and staff who are keen to share their experiences, and lecturers, tutors and other staff will be available on the day to answer questions about programs, courses and more.

Online registration and further information is available at and a free bus to campus is also available to book upon registration.

Sustainability at USC

  • The University’s Sustainability Research Centre is at the forefront of emerging knowledge in the sustainability sector.
  • USC’s Sustainability Governing Policy and Procedures embed best-practice across all facets of the University’s operation.
  • The university has also just begun the installation of 5,800 solar panels in a bid to meet its goals of its Carbon Management Plan to become a zero-emissions university by 2025.

 - Janelle Kirkland

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