Lounge bar lecture to explore the next big superfood | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Lounge bar lecture to explore the next big superfood

Uncovering the next big thing in Australian cuisine and discovering the importance of seaweeds for the planet will be served up for conversation at USC’s next Lounge Bar Lecture at Buderim tomorrow evening (Thursday 9 August).

The informal public event, with the theme ‘Seaweed Gastronomy’, will be held from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Buderim Tavern at 81 Burnett Street.

The free lecture is part of a series designed to help people in the community connect informally with USC guest speakers over drinks.

Presenters will include biologist Dr Nick Paul, award-winning marine ecologist Dr Alexandra Campbell, and Deputy Head of the USC Business School Dr Dawn Birch.

They will discuss how important the not-so-glamorous sea life plays in providing food and habitat to support marine biodiversity.

Dr Birch said seaweeds have enormous commercial potential as superfoods and can be used as animal feed for agriculture and aquaculture.

“Last year we had Jamie Oliver touting seaweed as the most nutritious vegetable in the world,” she said. It’s been getting a lot more mileage mainly because of its benefits for nutrition and the environment.

“Introducing seaweed into the Western diet might not be as difficult as we first thought. Eighty-four percent of consumers are aware the wrapper of the sushi they eat is seaweed.”

People can register online at Eventbrite (search for Lounge Bar Lecture). For further inquiries email engagement@usc.edu.au

— Michelle French

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