Survival kits for intrepid new teaching graduates | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Survival kits for intrepid new teaching graduates

Preservice teachers who have completed Education degrees at the University of the Sunshine Coast this semester will each receive a ‘survival kit for teachers’ at the inaugural USC School of Education Graduating Teachers Celebration Event on Monday 27 November.

The kit – which includes helpful resources, advice, and the obligatory Bandaids and Minties – will be presented to 160 students who are about to launch their teaching careers.

USC Head of School of Education Professor Shelley Dole said the informal ceremony from 4pm at the USC Innovation Centre auditorium would provide much more than just a celebratory send-off for the students.

“This event will honour our graduating students, establish alumni for the School of Education, promote connections between the graduate teachers, and recognise excellence among the graduating cohort,” she said.

“It will be a fun, invigorating evening for the new graduates who will be able to mingle with university staff who have supported them on their journey, as well as meet previous graduates who will provide sage advice on what they wished they’d known on their first day as a beginning teacher.

“We would also like to keep in touch with our graduating teachers so that we can continue to celebrate with them as they reach milestones in their careers.”

A highlight of the event will be the presentation of a Graduate of the Year Award.

Applications are now open via QTAC to study at USC in 2018.

— Terry Walsh


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