Whale tales set to inspire at public USC lecture | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Whale tales set to inspire at public USC lecture

A group of USC Fraser Coast students planning careers in tourism will gain valuable insights into the industry from two pioneers of Australian whale watching at a free public lecture.

People working in tourism and community members are invited to USC’s Fraser Coast campus on Wednesday 23 August to hear Jill and Brian Perry discuss ‘A whale of a tale: 30 years of whale watching tourism’.

Presented by USC, the lecture will cover the lessons learnt by the Hervey Bay couple as they established and grew Australia’s first commercial whale watching enterprise.

USC Lecturer in Tourism and Events Shahab Pourfakhimi said it was an opportunity for people to hear first-hand how a novel idea spawned a multi-million-dollar tourism industry and turned the Fraser Coast into an international whale watching mecca.

“Jill and Brian Perry have been influential and inspiring tourism leaders for the region since converting their fishing charter business into a whale watch venture in 1987,” Mr Pourfakhimi said.

“This will be an invaluable learning experience for USC’s Bachelor of Tourism, Leisure and Event Management students and those interested in working or investing in the local tourism industry.

“The whale watching pioneers will share their insights into the importance of eco-tourism to the Fraser Coast, and advice on providing a high quality, memorable visitor experience.”

The lecture and question and answer session will also address the challenges and opportunities facing the Fraser Coast’s tourism industry.

The event will be held from 11-11.45am on Wednesday 23 August at USC Fraser Coast, Old Maryborough Road, Pialba To register email frasercoast@usc.edu.au.

 Clare McKay 

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