USC offers come early for Gympie Year 12 students | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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USC offers come early for Gympie Year 12 students

More than 40 students from Gympie’s graduating Class of 2016 are secure in knowing they already have a place at the University of the Sunshine Coast next year.

The Year 12 students took advantage of USC’s Early Offer Guarantee, which saved them from the nervous wait until the release of Overall Positions (OPs) and major round of university offers just before Christmas.

Under the scheme, students can apply for entry into most undergraduate degrees at USC before their Year 12 results are finalised.

USC makes its offers based on the recommendations of school principals who consider the students’ academic potential, skills, talents and motivation to succeed at university.

St Patrick’s College Year 12 student Tamsin Searles is one of seven students from her school to gain an early offer from USC as a bonus to their graduation celebrations last week.

Tamsin, 17, who received an offer in a dual Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Criminology and Justice at USC’s main campus at Sippy Downs, said it was an exciting way to finish high school.

“It is a relief to know what I am going to be doing next year and to be able to start planning now for university,” she said.

Applications are still open via QTAC for more than 100 programs at USC in 2017.

Study options at USC Gympie include full degree programs in Business Management, Marketing, Commerce, Accounting, Nursing Science and Education.

Students also can complete the first year of a number of degrees at Gympie before studying the remaining subjects at USC’s main campus at Sippy Downs. A University shuttle bus operates daily during semester to the Sunshine Coast campus.

USC also offers a free university bridging program called Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP). Students who complete TPP can gain direct entry to most USC programs.

For details go to

— Clare McKay

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