Teachers to share success stories at USC meet | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Teachers to share success stories at USC meet

Teachers from the Fraser Coast, Bundaberg and Sunshine Coast regions will take part in a fast and furious exchange of ideas and teaching practices at a forum hosted by the University of the Sunshine Coast.

TeachMeet on Tuesday 24 May at USC Fraser Coast will allow participating teachers between two to seven minutes each to showcase their classroom innovations.

USC Lecturer in Education David Martin said TeachMeet was a grassroots initiative, run by local teachers and was open to any interested teachers and pre-service teachers.

“It offers local practising teachers and education students the ideal forum for the open exchange of innovative teaching strategies, practical ideas and personal insights into teaching,” he said.

The concept was initiated locally by Head of Humanities and Business Management at Maryborough’s Riverside Christian College, Jacques du Toit, who said the TeachMeet would focus on middle school and ways to promote adolescent success.

“Middle years education is often forgotten as a specialised field,” Mr du Toit said.

“With the introduction of Year 7 to junior secondary we have an active group of middle school teachers who want to advocate for adolescents and their specialty area.

“This style of presentation is informative, practical, informal and to the point,” he said.

— Clare McKay

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