Conduct on University Premises – Conditions of Entry | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Conduct on University Premises – Conditions of Entry

Designated officer
Director, Facilities Management
Related documents
Related legislation / standards
  • Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)
1. Purpose

The Conduct on University Land – Conditions of Entry underpins and expands on the Conduct on University Premises - Operational Policy.

2. Scope and application

The Policy applies within the boundaries of the University premises and to every part of University premises; and to every person who is at any time on University premises.

3. Definitions

Act means the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (Qld);

Authorised person means an authorised person as defined in the Act;

Penalty unit has the meaning given by the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Qld);

Staff means both academic and general members of staff of the University;

Structure means any building, boarding, framework, tent, shelter, sign, foundation, groundwork, or other construction.

Student means a student who is enrolled and registered at the University at the relevant time;

University Master Plan means the Master Plan from time to time adopted by the University Council;

University premises means buildings, structures and land which are under the control and management of the University and which are used for, or in connection with, the purposes of the University including any land or structures used or occupied by the University pursuant to any lease, licence or right to occupy;

Vice-Chancellor and President means the Vice-Chancellor within the meaning of the Act.

4. Conditions of Entry

4.1 No person shall occupy, alter or use University premises other than in accordance the legitimate operations of the University or any contractual agreement with the University, without the express authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President or an authorised person.

4.2 The Vice-Chancellor and President, or an authorised officer, may authorise the installation, placing, display or erection on University premises of such signs, signals, marks, notices, structures and devices as considered necessary or desirable for the purpose of regulating, controlling or supporting any activity on University premises.

4.3 The Vice-Chancellor and President, or an authorised officer, may declare any part of the University premises closed to all persons or to any person or to any class of persons, for such period as the Vice-Chancellor and President thinks fit.

4.4 Subject to the Act and these Conditions of Entry, it may be a breach of the Act or other applicable legislation for a person:

(a) to be on University premises in contravention of a declaration by the Vice-Chancellor and President under the Act, or these Conditions of Entry;

(b) to contravene or fail to comply with a direction of an authorised person under the Act or these Conditions of Entry;

(c) except with the express written authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President or an authorised person:

(i) to bring, or keep or consume or cause to be brought, kept or consumed, any intoxicating liquor or illicit drug on University premises;

(ii) in contravention of the University Master Plan to remove, alter, modify, deface, damage, or otherwise interfere with a structure, control device, sign or other property or thing on University premises;

(iii) to have in their possession, carry or discharge, any firearm;

(iv) to have in their possession, set off, or throw, any firework;

(v) to kindle or make any fire;

(vi) to throw or discharge any stone or other missile;

(vii) to have in their possession or carry any knife or other weapon;

(viii) to provide catering or otherwise sell foodstuffs or liquids on University premises; or

(ix) to fly or operate any remote-controlled vehicle or aircraft on or over USC premises

(d) except with the express written authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President or an authorised person in relation to the display of notices on noticeboards provided for the purpose, or the distribution of matter in the course of lawful and customary University or student activities:

(i) to post, stick up or otherwise affix to any part of University premises, or otherwise display, give out or distribute, any placard, handbill, notice, advertisement, or other written, printed, stencilled or graphic matter; or
(ii) to write on, draw on, print on, paint on or otherwise deface any part of University premises;

(e) except with the express written authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President or an authorised person:

(i) to sell, display or offer for sale, lease, or hire or solicit orders for the purchase, lease or hire, of any goods, wares or merchandise, or other article or thing; or

(ii) to organise, arrange, advertise, manage, or control, any fete, picnic, concert, display (including displays of film or television), or like gathering or performance on University premises;

(f) to smoke on University premises;

(g) to throw, deposit, or leave on University premises any rubbish, refuse, paper, bottles, cigarette butts or other litter of any kind, except in a receptacle provided for the purpose;

(h) to use insulting, abusive, threatening, profane, indecent, or obscene language or gestures, or behave in a riotous, violent, disorderly, indecent, obscene, offensive, threatening, or insulting manner, on University premises;

(i) except where incidental to the lawful and customary activities of the University, its students or staff, and with the written authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President or an authorised officer, to organise, arrange, advertise, manage, or control any meeting, conference, discussion, speech, preaching or ceremony on University premises;

(j) to obstruct:

(i) any member of University staff, authorised officer, police officer or emergency personnel in the discharge of their duty; or

(ii) any person in the exercise and enjoyment of any lawful activity whilst on University premises;

(k) except in the performance of the person’s duties or with the express written authority of the Vice-Chancellor and President, or an authorised person:

(i) to cut, break, deface, pick, remove, destroy, or otherwise injure any flora on University premises; or

(ii) to remove, damage, or interfere with, any stake or label on or near any flora on University premises.

(l) except as an aid for a disabled person or in the course of the person’s duties or in connection with an approved program of study to bring onto or keep on University premises any animal, bird, reptile, fish or insect;

(m) to disturb, frighten, shoot or throw missiles at or otherwise attempt to capture, injure or kill any bird, reptile, fish or animal (in particular kangaroos and related species), on University premises; or

(n) to bet or wager or offer to accept a bet or wager or play cards for money or to engage in any form of gambling on University premises.