Guided mindfulness for children, teens and parents | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Guided mindfulness for children, teens and parents

Mindfulness practice is a way to experience what is happening in the present moment. It helps us become aware of our thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgement.

Research shows mindfulness can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, by rewiring connections in the brain related to emotions such as worry and stress and improving focus and attention on positive thoughts.

Mindfulness doesn’t stop stress or other worries but it helps us become aware of difficult thoughts and feelings allowing us to choose how we respond in the present moment.

Enjoy these guided mindfulness sessions for different age groups.

Phd candidate Michelle KennedyABOUT THE CREATOR: Michelle Kennedy is a PhD candidate researching how mindfulness can help attention issues in anxious young people through the Combatting Anxiousness in Learning Minds (CALM) study. She is an experienced educator, specialising in emotional, social and academic development of children. Michelle regularly works with parents on how they can model different mindfulness strategies to support children’s mindfulness practices.

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