Courses available to Headstart students
Choose from over 80 courses in the following study areas:
- Business, IT and Tourism
- Creative industries, design and communication
- Education
- Engineering and science
- Health, nursing and sport sciences
- Humanities, psychology and social sciences
- Languages and Linguistics
- Law and Criminology
For more information on location, Semester of offer and entry requirements click on the course links below. Please note some courses offered to Headstart students have additional entry requirements, which are listed below.
Business, IT and tourism
BUS101 Managerial Project
BUS102 Marketing in an International Environment
BUS104 Global Business Management
BUS105 Retail Supply Chain Management and Procurement
BUS106 Supply Chain Sustainability and Risk Management
BUS108 Project Planning
ICT112 Project Integration
ICT115 Marketing in a Global Environment
TSM102 Work Integrated Learning Project
Creative industries, design and communication
CMN101 International Business Law and Ethics
CMN102 Public Health Foundations
CMN103 Managing Across Global Cultures
CMN104 An Introduction to Australian and Comparative Politics
CMN105 Making Public Policy in a Global Era
CMN106 Social Justice, Welfare and the State
CMN107 International Politics: An Australian Perspective
CMN108 Politics and the Media
CMN116 Health & Mental Health in Australia
CMN117 Disability: Culture, Community and Change
CMN120 Research in Health Care
CMN130 Epidemiology and Biostatistics
CMN140 Health Promotion Implementation and Evaluation
CMN150 Health Promotion Principles
COR109 Health Promotion Settings
DES101 Health Promotion Needs Assessment and Planning
DES102 Introduction to Behavioural Health
DES103 Public Health Foundations
DES104 Quantitative Research Methods
DES105 Health Research Project B
DES106 Health Research Project A
DES107 Engaging Effectively with Aboriginal People
DRA100 Workplace Learning I
DRA102 Work Place Learning II
EGL120 Expressive Therapies: Counselling with the Creative Arts
FSH100 Advanced Counselling Skills 1: Interpersonal Processes
MUS100 Professional Development 1: Clinical Practice
MUS101 Internship 1
SGD100 Internship 2
SGD101 Professional Development 2: Grief, Loss and Trauma
SGD102 Counselling Children and Young People
SGD120 Counselling and Mental Health
EDU101 Counselling and Addictions
EDU103 Solution Focused Therapeutic Approaches
EDU104 Ethics and Reflective Practice
EDU115 Mindfulness-Based Interventions and Group Work
Engineering and science
ENG101 Research Project A - Please note: there are two 4 hour field trips during the semester that Headstart students need to attend. View the course outline for more details.
ENG104 Research Project B - available in 2020, subject to final approval
ENS103 Pluralistic Couple and Family Counselling
MTH103 Advanced Social Research - Must be studying Maths B/Mathematical Methods or Maths C/Specialist Mathematics
MTH104 Ageing in Australia - Must be studying Maths B/Mathematical Methods or Maths C/Specialist Mathematics
SCI102 Leadership in Clinical Practice - Must be studying Biology
SCI105 Community and Primary Healthcare - Must be studying Chemistry
SCI107 Learning and Teaching in the Practice Environment - Must be studying Maths B/Mathematical Methods or Maths C/Specialist Mathematics
SCI110 Independent Study - Recommended to be studying Maths A/General Mathematics, Maths B/Mathematical Methods or Maths C/Specialist Mathematics
SCI113 Research in Health Care
Health, nursing and sport sciences
LFS100 Assessment in Mental Health - Must be studying Biology
LFS103 Advanced Health Assessment - Must be in Year 12
LFS112 Indigenous Wellbeing Foundations - Must be studying Biology
LFS122 Issues in Health Sector Management - Must be studying Biology
NUR121 Public Health Foundations
PUB102 Leading and Managing Organisations
PUB104 Understanding and Managing Organisational Behaviour
PUB112 Understanding and Preventing Suicide
SPX101 Changing Planet Earth
SPX102 Introducing Human Geographies
SPX103 Regions, Change and Sustainability - Must be in Year 12 and studying biology
SPX120 Landscapes, Place and People
SPX121 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology - Must be in Year 12 and studying biology
Humanities, psychology and social sciences
COU180 Hydrology and Geomorphology
ENP101 Regions, Change and Sustainability
ENP103 Landscapes, Place and People
GEO100 Urbanism and Urban Design
GEO101 Introduction to Weather and Climate
HIS100 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology
HIS140 Satellite Image Analysis and Surveying
INT100 Applied Spatial Analysis and Geoprocessing
INT140 Hydrology and Geomorphology
PSY100 Biogeography
PSY101 Coastal Geomorphology
PSY102 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
PSY103 Historical Geographies
PUB104 Animals and Society
SCS101 Advanced Geographical Studies
SCS110 Changing Planet Earth
SCS130 Introducing Human Geographies
SCS140 Regions, Change and Sustainability
SWK172 Landscapes, Place and People
SUS101 Urbanism and Urban Design
SCS101 Introduction to Weather and Climate
Languages and linguistics
IND110 An Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Technology
IND111 Satellite Image Analysis and Surveying - Prerequisite course: IND110
JPN110 Applied Spatial Analysis and Geoprocessing
JPN111 Changing Planet Earth - Prerequisite course: JPN110
LNG110 Introducing Human Geographies
Law and Criminology
CRM101 Hydrology and Geomorphology
CRM102 Mapping with Drones
CRM103 Coastal Geomorphology
CRM105 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
JST101 Historical Geographies
LAW101 Plants, Animals and People
* Semester of offer at each location is subject to change, please refer to class timetable before completing an application.