This Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Science — Biology Major and Mathematics Minor Study Plan is valid for students commencing Semester 1, 2015
Year 1
Year 1
Semester 1
Course | Semester of offer (Sunshine Coast) | Units | Requisites |
COR109 Introduction to Economics | | | |
EDU114 Discovering Management | | | |
LFS100 Marketing Essentials | | | |
SCI105 Strategic Management | | | |
Semester 2
Course | Semester of offer (Sunshine Coast) | Units | Requisites |
LFS112 Cross-Cultural Management | | | |
MTH102 World of Work: Your Pathway to Employment | | | |
SCI102 Business Law and Ethics | | | |
SCI110 Project Management | | | |
Year 2
Year 2
Semester 1
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
ENS221 Business, Governance and Society | | | |
LFS261 Managing Quality | | | |
MTH202 Strategic Supply Chain Management | | | |
SCS203 Leadership and Team Dynamics | | | |
Semester 2
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
SCI212 Managing the Small Business | | | |
ENS222 Animal Ecology Field Course | | | |
Plus select 1 course from:
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
MTH200 Endangered Animals and their Conservation | | | |
MTH212 Cell Biology | | | |
MTH302 Communication and Thought | | | |
MTH312 Animal Form, Function and Evolution | | | |
SCI202 Marine Vertebrates: Sharks, Seabirds, Fish, Turtles and Whales | | | |
Plus select 1 course elective course from the Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering
Year 3
Year 3
Semester 1
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
EDU202 Biodiversity and Ecology | | | |
EDU328 Science Research Methods | | | |
EDU352 Invertebrate Biology and Ecology | | | |
EDU363 Coastal and Marine Ecology | | | |
Semester 2
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
EDU353 Animal Ecophysiology | | | |
EDU364 Statistics with Teeth: Understanding Ecological Data | | | |
ENS318 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology | | | |
Plus select 1 course from:
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
MTH200 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation | | | |
MTH212 Research Project C | | | |
MTH302 Research Project C | | | |
MTH312 Animal Behaviour | | | |
SCI202 Engagement and Behaviour in Early Learning | | | |
Year 4
Year 4
Semester 1
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
EDU412 Global-Change Ecology | | | |
EDU417 K'gari-Fraser Island Field Studies | | | |
EDU418 Special Field Studies Topic | | | |
EDU419 Game Studio: Polish and Publish | | | |
Semester 2
Course | Semester of offer | Units | Requisites |
EDU410 Special Research Project | | | |
EDU420 Work Integrated Learning Project | | | |
EDU421 Work Integrated Learning Placement | | | |
EDU422 Creative Engagement | | | |
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