Biology teaching area | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Biology teaching area

Major teaching area

For a major teaching area in Biology, students must successfully complete 12 courses:

Required science courses: (6)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
COR111 Creative Writing for the Illustrated Book
LFS100 Creative Advertising
SCI105 Advanced News Reporting
SCI107 International Communication
SCI110 Research into Journalism
Select 1 course from:
CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
MTH100 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas
MTH102 Creativity and Literature: Chaucer to Romantics

Required related courses: (4)

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
LFS112 Creativity and Literature: Victorians to Moderns
LFS122 Reality Bites: An Exploration of Non-Fiction
LFS261 Wonderworlds: An Exploration of English Literature
SCI102 Environment, Heritage and Tourism

Required advanced courses: (2)

Select 2 courses from:

CourseSemester of offerUnitsRequisites
LFS201 Politics and the Media
LFS202 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
LFS251 Cell Biology
LFS252 Chemistry

OR any advanced level Biology-related course as approved by the Dean