We'll help you develop your flair.
No matter what profession you choose, your individual flair can make a big difference to advancing your career. Students in any of USC's faculties may take a four course minor in Entrepreneurship in their degree.
You might want to start your own business, but all businesses need enterprising graduates who can spot opportunities, be innovative and show commercial awareness—in today’s fast paced business world this is more important than ever before.
Entrepreneurship is broadly defined as the pursuit of opportunities to create wealth, and requires skills like creativity and problem-solving, and attitudes like tolerance for risk and wanting to be your own boss.
The skills and attitudes necessary for an entrepreneurial approach are developed in these courses at USC.
The courses in the minor in Entrepreneurship utilise team projects, simulations, field work, workshops and a variety of other learning experiences to assist students in developing a range of work-related skills.
Studying this minor will greatly assist students who are interested in developing their own business idea from a concept to a reality.
The four courses in the Entrepreneurship minor need to be studied in sequence as follows:
ENT211 Business Law and Ethics
ENT221 Management and Organisational Behaviour
ENT311 Financial Accounting
ENT321 Law of Business Associations
Students who are interested in entrepreneurship are also encouraged to choose COR110 New Venture Development as one of their core courses and to take advantage of the events and services offered by the Innovation Centre.
The Innovation Centre offers opportunities for mentoring for capable entrepreneurial students, an extensive program of business events—including Enterprise Tuesday—offering opportunities for networking and gaining practical experience in one of the thirty or so companies already based at the Innovation Centre.