Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010
- This enrolment pattern is designed to comply with program requirements. Variations are possible but should only be considered in consultation with a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences program adviser.
- Students with credit transfer or recognition of prior learning should contact a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences program adviser for enrolment advice.
- Course offerings may change without notice. Consult the course schedule to confirm current course offerings.
Semester 2, 2010
JST102 Personal Investment Management
SCS110 Communication and Thought
Plus select 1 core course from:
COR109 Foundations of Engineering
COR110 Mathematics Foundations
COR111 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
Plus select 1 elective course (refer to Note 1)
Semester 1, 2011
BUS103 Calculus and Algebra
INT140 Chemistry
JST101 Physics
Plus select 1 core course from:
COR109 Science Research Methods
COR110 Foundations of Criminology
COR111 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
Semester 2, 2011
HRM221 Communication and Thought
JST202 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
LGL201 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
SCS235 Business Law and Ethics
Semester 1, 2012
CMN213 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
JST201 Justice and the Australian Legal System
JST203 Communication and Thought
Plus select 1 elective course (refer to Note 1)
Session 7, 2012
SCS211 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Semester 2, 2012
JST205 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
Plus select 2 elective courses (refer to Note 1)
Semester 1, 2013
CMN228 Employment and Industrial Law
ENP211 International Justice and Human Rights
Plus select 2 elective courses (refer to Note 1)
1. It is strongly recommended that students use 4 of their electives to undertake a minor in one of the following area: