Recommended enrolment pattern for students commencing Semester 2, 2010
Semester 2, 2010
DES105 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
DES106 E-Learning Leader
Plus select 2 courses from:
COR109 Learning for Sustainability in Schools
COR110 Internship
COR111 Human Development and Early Learning
Semester 1, 2011
DES101 Learning Choices
DES102 Vocational Education and Training: Learning Engagement
Plus select 2 courses from:
DES211 Teaching Reading and Writing
DES221 Teaching Mathematics
DES231 Alternative Schooling Pedagogies
Semester 2, 2011
CMN102 Contexts of Disability and Differences
DES104 Introduction to Design
Plus select 2 courses from:
DES212 Typography
DES222 Communication and Thought
DES232 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Semester 1, 2012
CMN213 Environment, Technology and Sustainability
DES103 Visual Literacy: Design Principles and Practice
Plus select 2 courses towards your chosen major from:
DES213 Ways of Seeing: Understanding Images
DES214 Graphic Design A
DES223 e-Media A
DES224 3D Design A
DES233 Communication Theory and Practice
DES234 Visual Worlds: An Introduction to Art and Design History
Semester 2, 2012
Select 2 courses towards your chosen major from:
DES215 Graphic Design B
DES216 e-Media B
DES225 3D Design B
DES226 Editing for the Communications Professional
DES235 Digital Photographic Practice
DES236 Graphic Design C
Plus select 2 elective courses
Semester 1, 2013
Select 2 courses towards your chosen minor from:
DES213 Graphic Design D
DES214 e-Media C
DES223 e-Media D
DES224 3D Design C
DES233 3D Design D
DES234 Graphic Design E - Internship/Professional Project
Plus select 2 elective courses