Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Inclusive and Non-discriminatory Language - Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Inclusive and Non-discriminatory Language - Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Vice-Chancellor and President
Designated officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
C03/27, 22 April 2003
Last amended:
C08/115, 9 December 2008
Effective starting date:
22 April 2003
Any policies replaced by this policy:
Policy number:
Related policies:

  • Acceptable use of Information Technology Resources Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Discrimination and Harassment - Governing Policy
  • Electronic Mail Policy
  • Equity - Governing Policy
  • Student Conduct and Discipline Policy
  • Student Grievances and Appeals - Governing Policy

Due date for next review: 9 December 2013

Part A: Preliminary

1. Purpose of policy

The University is committed to creating a work and study environment in which people’s diverse backgrounds and attributes are valued and discriminatory practices are eliminated.

Language that omits reference to, fails to acknowledge the experience of, or specifically excludes groups of students or staff can have the effect of making these groups feel they are not a legitimate or valued part of the University community. Language that stereotypes, denigrates, demeans and consequently offends groups of students or staff is discriminatory and could become the subject of a complaint under the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Governing Policy or a complaint to an external agency.

Universities are places where challenging discourse is encouraged and it is not intended that this policy should place limits on the language of academic discourse or the contesting of ideas, meaning, and norms of behaviour.

2. Application of this policy

This policy applies to all University staff, officers, students and visitors.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definition applies:

Language means communication and the making of meaning through written symbols, spoken word and visual imagery.

Part B: Policy

4. Principles

4.1 The University will actively seek to adopt inclusive and non-discriminatory language in all academic programs and in all communications to students, staff and the community.

4.2 The University will educate its community in the use of inclusive and non- discriminatory language.

5. Accountabilities and responsibilities

5.1 Deans and Cost Centre Managers will be responsible for encouraging the use of non-discriminatory and inclusive language, by their staff, in communication with students and staff and for the removal of non-inclusive or discriminatory language from all communications, including academic programs.

5.2 Staff development opportunities covering the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language will be organised by Human Resources, where a need is identified.

5.3 This policy will be published on the University’s website and Portal.


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