Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Course Discontinuation - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Course Discontinuation - Procedures

Parent policy: Program Accreditation and Course Approval – Governing and Institutional Operating Policy
Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approval date: 5 February 2009
Last amended:
Effective starting date: 1 March 2009

These procedures must be read in conjunction with the Program Accreditation and Course Approval – Governing and Institutional Operating Policy.

The procedures do not apply to higher degrees by research.


Part A: Timeframes for approval

A1 Faculties plan and progress all proposals for discontinuation of courses so that:

  • sufficient time is allowed for informed consideration of, and decision-making based on, the implications of the discontinuation including any impact on programs
  • decision-making is finalised by no later than six months before it is proposed that a course be discontinued.

A2 Each year the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit sets timelines covering a two-year period, in consultation with relevant parties, to ensure timely progression of, and decision-making on, proposals in time to:

  • amend records and update and validate relevant course and program data in the Student Information System and produce accurate enrolment information for students
  • develop and model University timetables for forthcoming teaching periods and resolve any issues
  • provide timely information for intending and current students and other interested parties concerning discontinuation of the course
  • adjust staff load forecasts, plans and budgets where needed.
Part B: Steps and stages in discontinuation of courses
B1 Stage 1 – Preliminary consultations

B1.1 The relevant Head of School (or equivalent) undertakes consultations with all parties with a legitimate interest in the course, including the Faculty Executive or equivalent, any relevant professional associations and program leaders if the course is compulsory or part of a required major or minor in a program.

B2 Stage 2 – Proposal to Discontinue a Course

B2.1 The Head of School (or equivalent) documents the proposed discontinuation using the Proposal to Discontinue a Course template. (A list of all templates is provided in Appendix 1.)

B2.2 The Proposal is the case made for the discontinuation and it includes, but is not restricted to, the following information:

  • course code and title
  • proposed final year and teaching period
  • recent enrolment data
  • rationale for discontinuation
  • associated transitional arrangements for students (where applicable)
  • implications for any programs
  • proposed redeployment of staff and other resources.

B2.3 The Head of School (or equivalent) checks the Proposal for accuracy and completeness and then refers the documentation to the relevant Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee for consideration.

B3 Stage 3 – Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee and follow-up

B3.1 The Course Co-ordinator submits the Proposal to the relevant Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee.

B3.2 The committee considers the documentation at its next meeting and minutes are made of the discussion and any related recommendations.

B3.3 In considering the documentation, the committee takes account of related matters within its terms of reference.

B3.4 The Chairperson, Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee advises the Head of School (or equivalent) to make any needed changes to proposed arrangements associated with the discontinuation and the Proposal document.

B3.5 The committee forwards the relevant minutes (or extract) including any recommendations to the Dean.

B3.6 The Head of School (or equivalent) undertakes any needed actions and advises the Dean when the actions are complete.

B3.7 Summary of major steps related to Faculty committee’s input and related follow-up

Step Action Responsibility
1 Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee considers Proposal Chair/secretary of FLTC
2 Consideration of committee’s views and recommendations and advice to HOS of needed changes Chair/secretary of FLTC
3 Changes made where needed and documentation updated HOS
B4 Stage 4 – Dean and follow-up

B4.1 The Head of School (or equivalent) submits the updated documentation to the relevant Dean.

B4.2 The relevant Deans consider the documentation taking into account the support or otherwise of the HOS, and other matters of relevance.

B4.3 If the relevant Deans decide that approval for discontinuation should be sought, the Dean of the lead faculty signs the relevant section of the Proposal and also attests that all relevant faculty committees have considered the documentation.

B4.4 The Dean arranges for a final check and proofing of the documentation and a hard copy of the Proposal together with a PDF e-copy to be submitted to the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit.

B4.5 The Dean arranges for a copy of the signed documentation to be recorded in the relevant course file (if one has been established) and all relevant program files and registered on the University’s Records Management System (RecFind).

B4.6 Summary of major steps related to Dean input and related follow-up

Step Action Responsibility
1 Dean considers Proposal, signifies if approval should be sought and that all faculty committees have considered the documentation Dean/s
2 Dean arranges final check of accuracy of documentation, submission of documentation to Academic Committees and Program Support Unit and capture of documentation in RecFind Dean
B5 Stage 5 – Deans Group

B5.1 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit checks the Proposal for completeness and clarity, accuracy, and internal consistency and liaises with relevant Faculty staff in order for appropriate actions to be taken to address any issues and for amended documentation to be submitted where needed.

B5.2 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit includes information on the proposed discontinuation in a summary sheet of program and course developments that are to be progressed in the current meeting round of key collegial and decision-making bodies.

B5.3 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit forwards the documentation and summary sheet to the Deans Group.

B5.4 Deans Group considers the documentation, paying particular attention to implications and issues related to programs in which the course is currently offered and any associated impact on students.

B5.5 Deans Group advises the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit of any comments and recommendations it may have on the proposed discontinuation.

B6 Stage 6 – Learning and Teaching Management Committee or Research Degrees Committee

B6.1 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit forwards the Proposal and summary sheet including comments and recommendations from Deans Group to the Learning and Teaching Management Committee (LTMC) or Research Degrees Committee (RDC) as appropriate.

B6.2 LTMC or RDC considers the academic implications of the discontinuation and the academic soundness of any associated transition arrangements for students on the basis of the Proposal, and:

(a) resolves to recommend that the course be discontinued; or

(b) resolves to recommend that the course be discontinued subject to identified amendments being made to the Proposal; or

(c) resolves that the Proposal should be revised by the relevant faculty/faculties in light of matters identified by the Committee and subsequently be submitted to the Committee for further consideration; or

(d) makes such other resolutions as may be appropriate.

B6.3 If discontinuation is recommended without any need for amendments or revisions, the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit refers the Proposal and relevant extract from the Committee’s minutes to the Academic Board for consideration.

B6.4 If discontinuation is recommended subject to amendments being made to the Proposal:

(a) the relevant Faculty is advised to make the amendment and submit to the Chairperson of the Committee, through the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit, the amended documentation together with a written response to the matters identified, including a statement detailing the changes made to the documentation; and

(b) the Chairperson of the Committee reviews the amended documentation then forwards it to the Academic Board through the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit. (The Chairperson may raise with the Academic Board any matters related to the amended documentation.)

B6.5 Where revision is recommended:

(a) the relevant Faculty is advised to revise the Proposal and submit new documentation to the Committee together with a written response to the matters identified, including an outline of changes made;

(b) the Committee reviews the revised documentation and makes an appropriate resolution; and

(c) the Committee refers the revised Proposal and relevant extract from the Committee’s minutes to the Academic Board through the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit for consideration.

B7 Stage 7 – Academic Board

B7.1 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit forwards the latest version of the Proposal and associated extracts from minutes of the LTMC/RDC to the Academic Board.

B7.2 Academic Board considers the Proposal in light of the academic implications of the discontinuation and the academic soundness of any associated transition arrangements, and:

(a) resolves to approve discontinuation of the course as documented in the Proposal; or

(b) resolves to approve discontinuation of the course, subject to specific amendments being made to the Proposal to the satisfaction of the Chairperson Academic Board; or

(c) resolves that, on the basis of the case made in the Proposal, approval should not be given at this time for discontinuation of the course; or

(d) makes such other resolutions as may be appropriate.

B7.3 Where a recommendation for discontinuation is subject to any required amendments being made:

(a) the relevant Faculty is advised to make the amendments and submit to the Chairperson Academic Board, through the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit, the amended documentation together with a covering statement detailing the changes made to the documentation; and

(b) the Chairperson Academic Board reviews the amended documentation and if satisfied that the required amendments have been made attests to this in writing and forwards the attestation to the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit.

B8 Stage 8 – Post-approval matters

B8.1 The staff providing secretariat services to the Academic Board provide written advice to all relevant parties of the outcome of final considerations concerning proposals for discontinuation.

B8.2 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit provides written advice to relevant parties concerning:

(a) the need to update or remove information concerning the course that is posted on the University’s Website and update any Website information on programs that are affected by the discontinuation; and

(b) the need to update the relevant Program Outline/s available to students and staff through central faculty locations on the Staff and Student Portals in consequence of the discontinuation.

Part C: Records management

C1 The Faculty proposing discontinuation of a course is responsible for ensuring that:

(a) all versions of the Proposal to Discontinue a Course and associated documentation, up to and including the versions forwarded to the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit for submission to Deans Group, are recorded in the relevant course and program files and registered in RecFind;

(b) the final version of the Proposal as submitted to the Academic Board, including any amendments required to be made as part of an approval for discontinuation, is recorded in the relevant file/s and registered in RecFind; and

(c) a copy of the updated version of each relevant Program Outline affected by the discontinuation is made available to staff and students through the Portal.

C2 Staff providing secretariat services to the Learning and Teaching Management Committee or Research Degrees Committee (as appropriate) and Academic Board are responsible for ensuring that the version of the Proposal to Discontinue a Course considered by the relevant body together with related documentation and extracts from minutes are recorded in the relevant files and registered in RecFind.

C3 The Academic Committees and Program Support Unit is responsible, in relation to proposals for discontinuation of courses, for ensuring that records of Summary Sheets presented to Deans Group and related post-approval matters are recorded in the relevant file/s and registered in RecFind

Appendix 1 follows.

Appendix 1: List of templates
Course related

Proposal to Discontinue a Course*

* Use this template when proposing discontinuation of a course

New Course Proposal
Course Outline
Course Synopses
Request for Final Approval of a Course(s)

Proposal to Make a Substantial Change to a Course

Program related

Program Bulletin – New Program
Program Proposal
Program Outline
Program Business Case

Program Bulletin – Substantial Change
Proposal to Make a Substantial Change to a Program
Proposal to Make a Limited Change to a Program

Program Bulletin – Discontinuation
Proposal to Discontinue a Program

Program Bulletin – Suspend an Intake
Proposal to Suspend an Intake

Location of templates

The Program templates are available on the Staff Portal at:

Community>Academic Committees and Program Support Unit>Curriculum Accreditation and Approval>Programs>Templates

The Course templates are available on the Staff Portal at:

Community>Academic Committees and Program Support Unit>Curriculum Accreditation and Approval>Courses>Templates


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