Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Course Changes - Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Course Changes - Procedures

Parent policy: Program Accreditation and Course Approval – Governing and Institutional Operating Policy
Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approval authority: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approval date: 5 February 2009
Last amended:
Effective starting date:
1 March 2009

These procedures must be read in conjunction with the Program Accreditation and Course Approval – Governing and Institutional Operating Policy.

The procedures do not apply to higher degrees by research.


Part A: Proposed changes that cannot be approved

A1 A proposal for any of the following cannot be progressed as a change to a course:

  • a change of course code
  • any change that would result in the need for a different Field of Education to be assigned to an approved course
  • any change to the unit value of an approved course
  • any change to the graduate attributes as documented in the approved Course Outline for an approved course.

A2 Any change of the type listed above requires the development of a New Course Proposal and an associated Proposal to Discontinue a Course. (Refer to separate “Approval of Courses – Procedures” and “Proposal to Discontinue a Course – Procedures”.)

Part B: Difference between substantial and limited changes

B1 A substantial change to a course is a change that, if implemented:

(a) would require amendment of any of the following information in the current approved Course Outline for the relevant course:

  • course title
  • contact hours
  • mode of delivery
  • prerequisites, co-requisites, anti-requisites, and any other enrolment restrictions
  • course content and associated summary
  • learning outcomes
  • assessment requirements, details and tasks; or

(b) have a significant impact on demand for, or the University’s capacity to continue to offer, another accredited program; or

(c) have significant resource implications for any part of the University other than the Faculty offering the course.

B2 A limited change is any other permissible change to a course.

B3 The relevant Course Co-ordinator consults the Faculty Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator for advice on whether proposed changes to a course should be progressed as substantial or limited changes. The Faculty Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator can consult the Chairperson of the Learning and Teaching Management Committee (LTMC) or Research Degrees Committee (RDC) [as appropriate] if required.

Part C: Timeframes for approval

C1 Timelines

C1.1 Schools plan and progress all proposed substantial changes to courses so that:

  • sufficient time is allowed for informed consideration of, and decision-making based on, the merit and academic integrity of the proposed changes in the context of the programs in which they are proposed for offer and any associated resource and other implications
  • the approval of substantial changes to a course is finalised by no later than six months prior to the teaching period in which it is to be offered.
  • the approval of limited changes to a course is finalised by no later than two weeks prior to the teaching period in which it is to be offered.

C1.2 Each year the Academic Committees and Program Support Unit sets timelines covering a two-year period, in consultation with relevant parties, to ensure that final decisions concerning substantial changes are made in time to:

  • amend records and update and validate relevant course and program data in the Student Information System and produce accurate enrolment information for students
  • develop and model University timetables for forthcoming teaching periods and resolve any issues
  • provide accurate and timely information for prospective and enrolled students
  • adjust plans, budgets and priorities in light of any additional resource requirements associated with any changes
  • obtain or provide needed resources in sufficient time.
Part D: Substantial changes to courses

D1 Stage 1 – Preliminary consultations

D1.1 The relevant Course Co-ordinator undertakes consultations with all parties:

(a) with a legitimate interest in the course, including for example the program leaders if the course is compulsory or part of a required major or minor in a program;

(b) seeks input from other appropriate sources within or beyond the University, for example professional associations;

(c) the course is redesigned and developed consistent with –

  • the resource limitations identified in consultations with Information Technology Services, Information Services and Capital Programs and Operations
  • any standards for external recognition, registration or accreditation of any program in which the course is offered
  • any applicable plans, rules, policies and procedures within the University
  • any applicable resolutions of the Academic Board or its standing committees
  • any applicable directives issued by senior staff of the University.

D2 Stage 2 – Initial approval documentation

D2.1 The Course Co-ordinator documents the proposed changes to the course using the templates:

  • Proposal to make a Substantial Change to a Course (including an appendix that summarises all resource issues and implications identified in consultations with Information Technology Services, Information Services and Capital Programs and Operations, and agreement reached in relation to those matters)
  • Course Outline
    (A list of all templates is provided in Appendix 1.)

D2.2 The Proposal is the case made for the changes while the Course Outline is an amended version of the current Course Outline incorporating proposed changes.

D3 Stage 3 – Referral of documentation for information

D3.1 The Course Co-ordinator emails a copy of the Proposal, including the resource-related appendix, and the proposed new Course Outline to the persons from Information Technology Services, Information Services and Capital Programs and Operations with whom consultations were held concerning resource implications.

D4 Stage 4 – Head of School (or equivalent)

D4.1 The Course Co-ordinator forwards the Proposal and Course Outline to the relevant Head of School (HOS) who considers the documentation, taking into account all matters of relevance, including any comments that may have been received from Information Technology Services, Information Services and Capital Programs and Operations in response to the initial versions of the Proposal and Course Outline.

D4.2 The HOS advises the Course Co-ordinator to make any needed changes.

D4.3 The Co-ordinator makes any needed changes and presents the amended documentation to the HOS.

D4.4 The HOS considers the amended documentation, taking into account all matters of relevance, and if the HOS decides that approval for the changes should be sought, the HOS signs the relevant section of the Proposal.

D4.5 The HOS refers the signed documentation to the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee

D5 Stage 5 – Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee

D5.1 The Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee considers the documentation at its next meeting and minutes are made of the discussion and any related recommendations.

D5.2 The Committee forwards the relevant minutes (or extract) including any recommendations to the relevant Dean and Head of School (or equivalent).

D5.3 Summary of major steps related to Faculty committee’s input and related follow-up:

Steps Action Responsibility
1 Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee considers Proposal                              Chair/secretary of FLTC 
2 Consideration of committee’s views and recommendations and advice to Course Co-ordinator of needed changes                

Chair/secretary of FLTC         

3 Changes made where needed and documentation updated Course Co-ordinator

D6 Stage 6 – Approval stage (Dean)

D6.1 The Dean considers the documentation, taking into account the support or otherwise of the HOS, relevant minutes of the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee’s meeting, and any others matters of relevance, including any comments that may have been received from Information Technology Services, Information Services and Capital Programs and Operations in response to the initial versions of the Proposal and Course Outline.

D6.2 The Dean advises the relevant Head of School and Course Co-ordinator to make any needed changes to the documentation.

D6.3 The Co-ordinator makes any needed changes and presents the amended documentation to the Dean.

D6.4 The Dean considers the amended documentation, taking into account all matters of relevance, determines whether to approve or not approve the proposed changes and, if approval is granted, the Dean signs and dates the relevant section of Proposal.

D6.5 Summary of major steps related to Dean’s input and related follow-up:

Steps Action Responsibility
1 Dean considers Proposal, signifies if approval should be sought and that all faculty committees have considered the documentation Dean/s
2 Dean arranges final check of accuracy of documentation, capture of documentation in RecFind, and provide written advise of the approved changes to all interested parties Dean

D7 Stage 7 – Post-approval matters

D7.1 The Dean arranges for:

(a) written advice to the relevant Head of School, all other Deans, the Directors of Information Technology Services, Information Services, Capital Programs and Operations, Student Administration and Marketing and Communications, and other interested parties, of the approval of changes to the relevant course;

(b) all documentation related to the Faculty’s development, consideration and decisions related to the proposed changes to be recorded and registered in the relevant official University file for the course and in RecFind. (Where a course file has not yet been created for the course, the Dean liaises with Records Management Services for creation of a new file.);

(c) information on the course on the University’s Website to be updated; and

(d) making the new Course Outline available to students and staff through a central faculty location on the Staff and Student Portals.

Part E: Limited changes to courses

E1Stage 1 – Development of proposed changes

E1.1 The relevant Course Co-ordinator identifies the proposed changes in line with any faculty requirements and processes, ensuring that consultations are held with all relevant parties.

E2Stage 2 – Initial approval documentation

E2.1 The Course Co-ordinator documents the proposed changes to the current approved Course Outline by using “track changes” in a Word version of the approved Outline and using the “Insert Comment” function to insert any explanatory notes where appropriate.

E3Stage 3 – Approval stage (Head of School, or equivalent)

E3.1 The Course Co-ordinator forwards the ”track changes” version of the proposed new Course Outline to the relevant Head of School (HOS) who considers the documentation, consults with the Course Co-ordinator where appropriate and takes into account all matters of relevance.

E3.2 The HOS advises the Course Co-ordinator to make any needed changes to the documentation.

E3.3 The Co-ordinator makes any needed changes and presents the amended documentation to the HOS.

E3.4 The HOS considers the amended documentation, taking into account all matters of relevance, determines whether to approve or not approve the proposed changes and, if approval is granted, the HOS provides the Course Co-ordinator with written documentation of whether the changes have been approved or not.

E3.5 Where approval is given by the HOS for the changes, the written documentation must include:

(a) the course title and code;

(b) the teaching period when the change is to become effective (e.g. Semester 1.,2011; Postgraduate Session 3, 2011);

(c) the name and position title of the person approving the change; and

(d) the date that the approval was granted.

E3.6 Summary of major steps related to approval of limited changes to a course:

Steps Action Responsibility
1 HOS (or equivalent) considers the revised annotated Course Outline and provides advice to the Course Co-ordinator of needed changes HOS
2 HOS approves or not approves the proposed changes HOS
3 HOS provide written advise to the Course Co-ordinator and all interested parties HOS

E4Stage 4 – Post-approval matters

E4.1 If changes to the course have been approved, the Head of School arranges for:

(a) a copy of the written documentation provided to the Course Co-ordinator to be forwarded to the relevant Dean and other interested parties;

(b) all documentation related to the development, consideration and decisions related to the proposed changes to be recorded and registered in the relevant official University file for the course and in RecFind. (Where a course file has not yet been created for the course, the HOS liaises with Records Management Services for creation of a new file.);

(c) information on the course on the University’s Website to be updated (where relevant); and

(d) making the new Course Outline available to students and staff through a central faculty location on the Staff and Student Portals.

Appendix follows

Appendix 1: List of Templates

Course related

Proposal to Make a Substantial Change to a Course*
Course Outline#

New Course Proposal
Course Synopses (used only in accreditation proposals)
Request for Final Approval of a Course(s) (used only in relation to Course Synopses)

Proposal to Discontinue a Course

* Use this template when proposing substantial changes to course
# Use this template for the updated version of the Course Outline

Program related

Program Bulletin – New Program
Program Proposal
Program Outline
Program Business Case

Program Bulletin – Substantial Change
Proposal to Make a Substantial Change to a Program
Proposal to Make a Limited Change to a Program

Program Bulletin – Discontinuation
Proposal to Discontinue a Program

Program Bulletin – Suspend an Intake
Proposal to Suspend an Intake

Location of templates

The Program templates are available on the Staff Portal at:

Community>Academic Committees and Program Support Unit>Curriculum Accreditation and Approval>Programs>Templates

The Course templates are available on the Staff Portal at:

Community>Academic Committees and Program Support Unit>Curriculum Accreditation and Approval>Courses>Templates


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