Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Academic Progress and Exclusion - Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2010: Academic Progress and Exclusion - Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer: Director, Student Administration
Approving authority: Academic Board
Approval: 3 September 2009
Last amended: 3 September 2009
Effective starting date: 14 September 2009
Any rules/policies replaced Academic Rules by this policy:
Policy number:
Related policies:

  • Enrolment – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Grading Scale and Grade Point Average – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Graduation - Institutional Operating Policy
  • Inability to Complete Industry/Professional Placement – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Student Grievances and Appeals - Governing Policy

Due date for next review: 3 September 2014

Part A: Preliminary

1. Purpose of policy

This policy is intended to provide a broad framework and set of principles used to identify students who are not achieving a satisfactory level of academic progress, and sets out the consequences of unsatisfactory academic progress and the process of excluding students from further study.

2. Application of policy

This policy applies to all staff, decision-making bodies, students enrolled in coursework programs of the University, and agents and partners of the University. The policy does not apply to applicants or candidates for bachelor honours degrees and higher degrees by research.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definitions apply:

“Course” means a unit of academic work, normally undertaken over a single teaching session in which the student enrols, and on completion of which the student is awarded a grade, such grades appearing on a student's academic record.

“Program“ means a set of coherently scoped, sequenced and structured studies or courses undertaken by a student in order to meet the requirements for award of a qualification, other than a higher degree by research, that is conferred by the Council of the University of the Sunshine Coast

“Program Leader” means the academic staff member who is responsible for the program. In the case of combined degrees, joint Program Leaders may be appointed.

“Study Period” - Refer to the Enrolment – Institutional Operating Policy

“Teaching Session” - Refer to the Enrolment – Institutional Operating Policy

“Semester” - Refer to the Enrolment – Institutional Operating Policy

Part B: Policy

4. Introduction

4.0.1 The University requires students to maintain a satisfactory level of academic progress in their studies, as evidenced by the grades achieved for the courses in which the student is enrolled.

4.0.2 When a student is not performing at the required level, they are advised that their performance is below the accepted standard and action is taken to assist them to improve their performance.

5. Criteria for unsatisfactory academic progress

5.0.1 A student is identified as making unsatisfactory academic progress if they meet one or more of the following criteria.

(a) The student’s academic record for the study period has more than fifty per cent (half) of courses with a fail grade. A fail grade includes “Withdrawn – Fail (WF)”. Where the courses in the student’s academic record for the study period are not all 12 unit courses, the fifty per cent calculation is based on units.

(b) The student has a fail grade for a course that the student has previously failed.

(c) The student has failed to meet any additional requirements for the program as approved by Academic Board.

6. “At risk of exclusion” status

6.0.1 A student who meets any of the criteria for unsatisfactory academic progress is given a status of “at risk of exclusion” to indicate that the student is performing at an unsatisfactory level and must take action to improve their performance to avoid possible exclusion.

6.0.2 At the end of each study period, students who meet the criteria for unsatisfactory progress are identified and are notified that they have a status of “at risk”.

6.0.3 The status of “at risk” applies to the student for the next study period.

6.0.4 The notification of “at risk” status is provided to students as soon as practicable after the release of grades for the study period.

6.0.5 Where a student has one or more unfinalised grades, the notification will not be given until all grades are finalised. If at that stage the student meets the criteria for unsatisfactory academic progress, the status of “at risk” applies for the current or following study period, as applicable.

6.1 Consequences of “at risk of exclusion” status

6.1.1 A student who has a status of “at risk” for a study period is required to consult the Program Leader or nominee about their academic progress. The Program Leader must maintain a record of the consultation. If the student fails to consult the Program Leader or nominee, this fact may be taken into account in a future review of the student’s academic progress.

6.1.2 The Program Leader may specify a study program that the student is required to undertake in that study period and may recommend other action which the student may take to improve their performance. Where a study program is specified, the details are to be advised to the student in writing and placed on the student’s file.

6.1.3 A student who has a status of “at risk” is advised to consult the University’s Student Services and to avail themselves of the academic and personal support services that may assist their academic progress.

6.2 Interruption of studies while “at risk of exclusion”

6.2.1 If a student with a status of “at risk” cancels their enrolment during the study period and, if they subsequently resume their enrolment in a future study period, the student will be placed on “at risk” status for that study period. The requirements set out in section 6.1 apply for that study period.

7. Exclusion

7.0.1 A student may be excluded if they are eligible for “at risk” status on the basis of their academic record in at least two study periods out of the most recent three study periods in which the student has one or more finalised grades*.

7.0.2 Where a student has an academic record consisting of only two study periods with finalised grades, and is eligible for “at risk” status in both of these study periods, the student may be excluded.

7.03 The relevant Dean of Faculty makes a recommendation to Academic Board, that a student should be excluded.

* A finalised grade does not include Withdrawal Without Penalty (WN)

8. Exclusion procedure
8.1 Timing

8.1.1 The process of reviewing the academic records of students to identify those students who meet the conditions for exclusion is carried out at the conclusion of Study Period 2 and is carried out in two rounds:

The Main Exclusion Round – conducted as soon as practicable after the release of grades for Study Period 2, and including all students who have no unfinalised grades for Study Period 2, plus students who have no effective enrolment in Study Period 2 but had finalised grades in Study Period 1 for that year.

The Supplementary Exclusion Round – conducted as soon as practicable after the release of grades from the Supplementary Examination Period conducted after Study Period 2. The Supplementary Exclusion Round will include all students who were exempted from the Main Exclusion Round due to unfinalised grades, and who have all grades finalised at the time of the Supplementary Exclusion Round.

8.1.2 The Director, Student Administration will advise each Dean of Faculty and Program Leader of the dates for the two Exclusion Rounds and the critical dates for the review steps described below.

8.2 The initial review process

8.2.1 For each program, the set of students who meet the conditions for exclusion set out in section 7.0 are referred to the relevant Dean of Faculty who in consultation with the relevant Program Leader, reviews the academic record of the students and whether the student has sought academic advice when they have been “at risk”. For each student, the relevant Dean of Faculty decides:

(a) that the student should be allowed to continue with their program, in which case the student is given an “at risk” status and the provisions of section 6.1 apply to the student; OR

(b) that the student should be asked to show cause why they should not be excluded.

8.3 The show cause process

8.3.1 The set of students so determined by the relevant Dean of Faculty are notified that, because of their academic record, they are eligible for exclusion under this policy and they have the opportunity to show cause why they should not be excluded.

8.3.2 The notification will give a due date by which the show cause response must be received, the date being 14 days (or 10 business days) from the date of the notification.

8.4 Outcome of the show cause process

8.4.1 Where the student’s show cause response is received by the due date, the relevant Dean of Faculty reviews the student’s academic record and show cause response, and decides whether the student should be excluded or should be allowed to continue with their program.

8.4.2 Where the student is permitted to continue with their program, the student is given an “at risk” status, and the provisions of section 6.1 apply.

8.4.3 Where the relevant Dean of Faculty decides that the student should be excluded, or where no show cause response is received by the due date, the student is notified that they are excluded and that they have the right of appeal to the relevant University Appeals Committee. (see section 10.0)

8.5 Late show cause reply

8.5.1 Where a student’s show cause response is received after the due date, the response will be treated as an appeal against exclusion and referred to the relevant University Appeals Committee.

9. Consequences of exclusion

9.0.1 Exclusion terminates the student’s enrolment in the program for a minimum of one year.

9.0.2 A student who is excluded is not permitted to attend classes, access teaching resources or undertake study in the program from which they were excluded or in any other University program or to take study on a non-award basis within the University, except for the provisions of section 8.1.

9.0.3 The exclusion notification advises the student that they have 20 days in which to lodge an appeal (the appeal period). Exclusion comes into effect at the end of the appeal period.

9.0.4 A student who has been excluded may seek readmission to their program or may seek to transfer to another program provided that at least one year has elapsed since the student was last enrolled. (Refer to Section 11.0)

9.1 Program transfer for an excluded student

9.1.1 Where the grounds for a student’s exclusion consist only of repeated failure of a course or courses (section 5.0.1 (b)), the student may be given permission to transfer to another program without waiting for a year to elapse. An application to transfer to another program under these circumstances requires the approval of the Program Leader of the new program, who will be given access to all relevant material pertaining to the original exclusion.

10. Appeal against exclusion

10.0.1 A student has the right to lodge an appeal against their exclusion.

10.0.2 An appeal must be lodged in writing and delivered in person, by mail, email or fax such that it is received by the University within the appeal period, which is 20 days from the date notified in the student’s exclusion notice.

10.0.3 The student’s appeal must set out the grounds for appeal, addressing the factors relevant to the student’s unsatisfactory academic progress and may be accompanied by supporting documentation where relevant.

10.0.4 If the student lodges their appeal within the appeal period, they may continue their enrolment in their program until the outcome of their appeal is determined.

10.0.5 Appeals against exclusion are dealt with under the Student Grievances and Appeals - Governing Policy.

10.1 Late appeals

10.1.1 In exceptional circumstances a late appeal, which against exclusion that has been lodged after the designated appeal period, may be considered. In this case, the student’s enrolment remains terminated until the outcome of the appeal is determined.

10.2 Successful appeal against exclusion

10.2.1 Where a student’s appeal against exclusion is upheld, the student may resume their enrolment in the program from which they were excluded under such conditions as the relevant Appeals Committee determines.

10.2.2 Where a student’s appeal against exclusion is upheld, they will be placed on “at risk” status for the relevant study period. The conditions applying to students with a status of “at risk” of exclusion set out in section 6.1 apply.

11. Readmission after exclusion

11.0.1 A student who is excluded may apply for readmission to the program from which they were excluded or for admission into a new program, providing that at least one year has elapsed since the exclusion.

11.0.2 An application for readmission after exclusion, whether for continuation in the original program or transfer to a new program, will be assessed by the relevant Dean in consultation with the relevant Program Leader. The Dean will consider factors such as changed circumstances, academic and/or vocational performance since exclusion, maturity and motivation in order to be satisfied that the person concerned has a reasonable chance of success in the program.

11.0.3 Where an application for readmission following exclusion is not approved, the student may lodge an appeal. Refer to the University’s Student Grievances and Appeals - Governing Policy.

11.1 Successful readmission after exclusion

11.1.1 Where a student’s application for readmission after exclusion is approved, they will be placed on “at risk” status for the relevant study period. The conditions applying to students with a status of “at risk” of exclusion set out in section 6.1 apply.

12. Responsibilities
12.1 Students at risk of exclusion and eligible for exclusion

12.1.1 The Dean of Faculty has authority to identify students at risk of exclusion or eligible for exclusion.

12.2 Appeals against exclusion

12.2.1 The relevant Appeals Committee has authority to determine the outcome of an appeal against exclusion.

12.3 Readmission after exclusion

12.3.1 The Dean of the relevant Faculty has authority to determine cases involving a former student seeking readmission to the same program following a period of exclusion.


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