Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Student Support Plan 2009-2011 | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Student Support Plan 2009-2011


The Student Support Plan addresses the University of the Sunshine Coast strategic goal to set standards in student support which will help attract, support and retain students. It has been developed to identify integrated and effective initiatives that enhance the student experience and encourage a lifelong association with the University. In achieving this strategic goal the University is committed to the following objectives to:

  • Provide student life and transition services that enrich the university experience
  • Enhance student retention through early intervention and responsive support services
  • Connect student learning outcomes and the workplace to produce career-ready graduates.
  • Maximise personal and academic success of students

National education goals reflect an economic and equity imperative to increase the future qualified workforce in Australia. This requires attracting and retaining students from traditionally under-represented groups, and addressing social inequalities in access to higher education through widening participation and increasing the diversity of the student population. USC recognises the benefits and importance of fostering a diverse student profile, and providing responsive learning and support services that are flexible and innovative.

Objectives and strategies

Objective 1: Provide student life and transition services that enrich the University experience


1.1 Promote and support student development programs, leadership opportunities, and representation in University decision-making processes.
Responsibility: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)/Faculty of Business (FOB)/Faculty of Science, Health and Education (FOSHE), USC Executive, Student Services

1.2 Identify and respond to specialised orientation/transition needs of international/local NESB and postgraduate/honours students.
Responsibility: Student Services, Teaching and Research Services (TARS), USC International, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

1.3 Enhance the prominence and status on campus of Indigenous culture, knowledge and studies.
Responsibility: Buranga Centre, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

1.4 Promote student sport and recreation opportunities provided both on campus and in the local region.
Responsibility: USC Sport,Student Services

1.5 Foster lifelong engagement of students and graduates through Faculty/Foundation alumni relations activities.
Responsibility: USC Foundation, FASS/FOB/FOSHE, Innovation Centre

1.6 Increase educational opportunities for capable students from disadvantaged backgrounds through alternative admission pathways.
Responsibility: Student Administration, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

1.7 Develop initiatives that recognise and celebrate the diversity of students at the University eg. multi-lingual information; multi-faith prayer room; student respite room.
Responsibility: Student Services – Equity and Diversity, Marketing and Communications, USC International

1.8 Facilitate student-led initiatives to develop social and extra-curricula activities on campus and at the Noosa Centre.
Responsibility: Student Services, Events and Catering, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

This will be measured by:

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Student feedback on infrastructure and services as measured through Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) Annual percentage of Agreement (agree and strongly agree responses) in AGS Student Support Scale (satisfaction with student services and support resources) Improve the annual percentage of Agreement responses on the AGS Student Support Scale DVC, Directors: Information Services, ITS Services, Student Administration, Student Services
Annual ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for percentage of Agreement in AGS Student Support Scale
Improve annual ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for percentage of Agreement in the AGS Student Support Scale

Student Support Plan Key Performance Indicator 1

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Student feedback on infrastructure and services Orientation Survey Maintain or increase in positive annual student evaluations of infrastructure and services Director Student Services, Deans, Heads of Schools
Aggregated semester data for sFC item: “Library resources were readily available” Achieve overall average score of at least 3.5 on a 5.0 point scale Director Information Services, Deans, Heads of Schools
Aggregated semester data for SFC item: “Information and communication technology (ICT) services were readily accessible” Achieve overall average score of at least 3.5 on a 5.0 point scale Director IT Services, Deans, Heads of Schools

Objective 2: Enhance student retention through early intervention and responsive support services


2.1 Expand student scholarships (grants and philanthropic) supporting Indigenous students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Responsibility: USC Foundation, Student Administration, USC Executive

2.2 Develop a Student Retention Plan to identify “at risk” students and benchmark effective early intervention strategies.
Responsibility: Student Services – Access Officer, Faculty FYE Coordinators, USC International

2.3 Develop integrated academic skills components within curricula to increase the impact and quality of teaching.
Responsibility: Student Services – Academic Skills, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

2.4 Research student academic literacy and expectations to inform the development and delivery of workshops/resources.
Responsibility: Student Services – Academic Skills, FASS/FOB/FOSHE

2.5 Provide targeted personal development and emotional support for students – counselling, workshops, seminars, self-help resources.
Responsibility: Student Services – Counselling

2.6 Expand the suite of online resources for flexible delivery of student support services
Responsibility: Student Services, IT Services

2.7 Expand the comprehensiveness of access and support services for USC applicants and students with disabilities.
Responsibility: Student Services – Disability Services, IT Services, CPO

This will be measured by:

Student Support Plan Key Performance Indicator 2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Student feedback on Courses (SFC) Aggregated semester data for SFC item: “Student learning support was readily available, eg academic writing skills; study skills” Achieve overall average score of at least 3.5 on a 5.0 point scale Director Student Services, Deans, Heads of Schools

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.2

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Participation and access rates for equity groups Number of commencing Indigenous students The number of commencing Indigenous students to be comparable to or exceed national rates DVC, Deans, Director Student Services
Annual participation rates for equity groups Achieve National annual participation rates for equity groups DVC, Deans, Director Student Services
Annual access rates for equity groups Achieve National annual access rates for equity groups DVC, Deans, Director Student Services

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 6.3

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Undergraduate student progress and retention rates Annual undergraduate student progress rates Improve annual undergraduate student progress rates DVC, Deans, Director Student Services
Ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for undergraduate student progress rates for each DEEWR Learning and Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF) grouping Improve annul ranking relative to other HE Providers for undergraduate student progress rates for each DEEWR LTPF grouping
Annual undergraduate attrition (inverse retention) rates Improve annual undergraduate (inverse retention) rates
Ranking relative to other Higher Education Providers for retention of commencing students for each DEEWR LTPF grouping Improve annual ranking to other HE Providers for retention of commencing students for each DEEWR LTPF grouping

Objective 3: Connect student learning outcomes and the workplace to produce career-ready graduates


3.1 Increase and promote the work integrated learning (WIL) opportunities and components of courses and programs.
Responsibility: Faculty WIL/practicum Coordinators, Careerconnection,Marketing & Communications,
Innovation Centre

3.2 Develop and provide WIL Industry Skills Programs each semester to prepare students for placements.
Responsibility: Faculty WIL/practicum Coordinators, Careerconnection

3.3 Host and support industry and business networking events to promote student and graduate employment and WIL (eg USC Careers Fair; Australian Association of Graduate Employers).
Responsibility: Faculty WIL/practicum Coordinators, Careerconnection, Innovation Centre

3.4 Maximise opportunities for Indigenous students and employers to participate in the National Indigenous Cadetship Program (NICP).
Responsibility: Buranga Centre, Careerconnection, Human Resources

3.5 Careers in the curriculum - career planning, management and entrepreneurship topics are embedded in USC programs.
Responsibility: Course Coordinators, Careerconnection, Innovation Centre

3.6 Develop E-Portfolio functionality for students to map generic skills acquisition and community service participation (eg through Career Hub).
Responsibility: Careerconnection, WIL Reference Group

This will be measured by:

Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicator 2.3

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Number and proportion of students undertaking work integrated learning (WIL) Number of eligible students undertaking WIL Annual increase in number of eligible students undertaking WIL DVC, Deans, Director Student Services
Percentage (%) of eligible Bachelor graduates, having undertaken WIL Annual increase in proportion (%) of eligible Bachelor graduates having undertaken WIL DVC, Deans, Director Student Services

Student Support Plan Key Performance Indicator 3

Description Measures Target Responsibility
Graduate outcomes as measured through the Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) Annual employment rates of graduates according to annual AGS data Improved rate each year 2009–2011 DVC, PVC, Deans, Heads of Schools, Director of Student Services