Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Program Accreditation and Course Approval - Governing and Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Program Accreditation and Course Approval - Governing and Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer:
Approving authority: Council
Approval: Council C03/47, 12 August 2003
Last amended: Council C09/11, 24 February 2009
Effective starting date: 1 March 2009
Policy number: G18
Related policies: Program Review and Course Evaluation Policy
Due date for next review: 24 February 2014


1. Purpose of policy

The following policy provides the broad framework for:

(a) accreditation of programs that lead to a qualification awarded by the University of the Sunshine Coast;

(b) approval of courses, majors and minors to be offered in such programs;

(c) approval of changes to or discontinuation of such programs, courses, majors and minors; and

(d) the associated responsibilities.

2. Application of policy

2.1 This policy applies to all staff of the University of the Sunshine Coast and its decision-making and advisory bodies.

2.2 The policy does not apply to higher degrees by research.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definitions apply:

Award program means a set of coherently scoped, sequenced and structured studies or courses undertaken by a student in order to meet the requirements for award of a qualification, other than a higher degree by research, that is conferred by the Council of the University of the Sunshine Coast.
Combined degree program means an award program that combines courses available in a three-year University degree program (e.g. Arts) with courses available in another three-year University degree program but in a different field (e.g. Science) and from which students graduate with a qualification for each of the two component programs (e.g. a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science)

Course means a specific subject that is studied as a component of an award program and for which a student receives a grade of results

Major means a stipulated set of courses that has a total unit value of 96 units (usually eight 12-unit courses) that in scope and sequence provide coherence, depth and breadth of study within a specific discipline, field or professional area within an undergraduate program

Minor means a stipulated set of four courses that in scope and sequence provide breadth of study within a specific discipline, field or professional area within an undergraduate program

Program has the same meaning as given for Award program

VET means Vocational Education and Training, which includes government colleges of technical and further education (TAFE) and private registered training organisations (RTOs).


4. Program accreditation and approval of changes to accredited programs

4.1 Program accreditation and academic quality assurance

4.1.1 Accreditation is a determination made by the Council of the University of the Sunshine Coast, or by the Academic Board under delegation from the Council, that the academic integrity of a specific program has been demonstrated, that the program can be offered by the University and that successful completion of the program is appropriate for award of a University qualification.

4.1.2 Accreditation is thus a primary means by which the University assures the quality and standards of its programs and associated qualifications.

4.2 Criteria for accreditation

4.2.1 A program, including a combined degree program, may be accredited only if it:

(a) advances or is consistent with the strategic directions of the University;

(b) meets the requirements and guidelines for award of a higher education qualification consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework;

(c) is comparable in requirements and learning outcomes to a similar program at the same level in a similar field offered by Australian universities;

(d) is consistent with any University rule, policy or resolution of the Council or the Academic Board;

(e) has been designed, developed, documented and considered in accordance with procedural requirements and guidelines for program accreditation associated with this policy;

(f) is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council or its delegate that the program can be adequately resourced and successfully delivered by the University in order to achieve the stated learning outcomes at the level proposed; and

(g) is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council or its delegate that there is sufficient student demand for the program to warrant investment of University resources in offering that program.

4.3 Conditions of accreditation

4.3.1 A program, once accredited, continues to be accredited on condition that:

(a) no changes are made to the program unless those changes have been progressed and approved consistent with this policy and associated procedures and guidelines;

(b) the program is formally reviewed at least every seven years from the date of accreditation and a comprehensive review report is presented for consideration by the Academic Board; and

(c) the Academic Board is satisfied that appropriate actions are in place to address any recommendations in the review report.

4.4 Responsibility for accreditation

4.4.1 The University Council makes decisions concerning accreditation of:

(a) programs in a discipline or field of study not currently offered by the University; and

(b) programs in a discipline or field of study at a level additional to that already offered by the University (e.g. at postgraduate level in addition to undergraduate level).

4.4.2 The Academic Board, under delegation of authority from the Council, makes decisions concerning accreditation of all programs other than those listed in 4.4.1 above.

4.5 Approval of changes to accredited programs

4.5.1 Changes to accredited programs must be designed, developed, documented and progressed in accordance with the procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

4.5.2 Substantial changes to a program (as defined in procedures and guidelines associated with this policy) are approved by the Academic Board:

(a) on the advice of the Research Degrees Committee in the case of a one-year Bachelor Honours program; and

(b) on the advice of the Learning and Teaching Management Committee in the case of all other programs.

4.5.3 A limited change to a program (as defined in procedures and guidelines associated with this policy) is approved by the Dean/s of the relevant Faculty/Faculties responsible for the program, or by the Dean’s nominee, on the advice of the relevant Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee/s.

4.5.4 In granting approval for a change to a program, the approval authority must be satisfied that the change will not compromise the academic integrity of the program concerned.

4.5.5 A change to an accredited program cannot be implemented until the requisite approval for the change has been issued in writing by the relevant approval authority.

4.6 Approval for discontinuation of an accredited program

4.6.1 Proposals for discontinuation of accredited programs must be developed, documented and progressed in accordance with the procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

4.6.2 The Academic Board makes the decision whether to approve:

(a) the discontinuation of an accredited program; and

(b) specific transition arrangements for students enrolled in any program that is to be discontinued.

4.7 Approval for temporary suspension of commencing student intake into an accredited program

4.7.1 Proposals for a temporary suspension of commencing student intake into an accredited program must be developed, documented and progressed in accordance with the procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

4.7.2 The Deputy Vice-Chancellor makes the decision whether to approve a temporary suspension of commencing student intake into an accredited program.

4.8 Academic Board annual report to Council on programs accredited or discontinued

4.8.1 The Academic Board must provide the Council by no later then 31 March in any year with a report on programs that the Academic Board has accredited or approved for discontinuation in the previous year.

5. Approval of courses, majors and minors and for changes to courses, majors and minors

5.1 Approval of courses, majors and minors

5.1.1 Where a new course, major or minor is proposed for offer in an award program, the course, major or minor must be designed, developed, documented and progressed in accordance with the procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy and be approved by the Academic Board before it can be offered.

5.2 Approval of changes to courses, majors and minors

5.2.1 Changes to courses are classified as substantial or limited changes and any change proposed to a currently approved course or major or minor must be progressed and approved in accordance with the relevant procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

5.2.2 In granting approval for a change to a course, major or minor, the relevant approval authority must be satisfied that the change will not compromise the academic integrity of any University program.

5.2.3 A change to a course, major or minor cannot be implemented until the requisite approval for the change has been issued in writing by the relevant approval authority.

5.3 Approval for discontinuation of a course, major or minor

5.3.1 Proposals for discontinuation of a course or major or minor must be developed, documented and progressed in accordance with the procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

5.3.2 The Academic Board, on the advice of the Learning and Teaching Management Committee or Research Degrees Committee, as appropriate, makes the decision whether to approve:

(a) the discontinuation of a course, major or minor; and

(b) any transition arrangements for students whose progress through a program may be affected by such a discontinuation.

5.3.3 In granting such approval, the Academic Board must be satisfied that discontinuation of a specific course, major or minor will not compromise the academic integrity of any University program.

6. Expedited accreditation or approval

6.1 Under exceptional circumstances, the accreditation of programs and the approval of new courses, majors and minors or substantial changes to accredited programs may be expedited.

6.2 Proposals for expedited accreditation or approval must be documented and progressed in accordance with the relevant procedural requirements and guidelines associated with this policy.

7. Programs accredited prior to 2009

7.1 Any program that was accredited or re-accredited prior to 2009 for a specified five-year length of time is subject to item 4.3 of this policy (as amended in 2009), and the length of time specified for the accreditation or re-accreditation is no longer applicable; except as provided in item 7.2.

7.2 In the case of a program that had been accredited or re-accredited to a date in 2009 or 2010, a special review of the program (re-accreditation) must be undertaken by the Academic Board in 2009 or 2010 unless a formal program review has been completed within the five year period previously specified for accreditation or re-accreditation of the program.

8. Overall responsibilities

8.1 The University Council is responsible for the accreditation of new programs of the type described in item 4.4.1 above.

8.2 The Academic Board is responsible for:

(a) the accreditation of new programs other than those described in item 4.4.1 above;

(b) making recommendations to Council concerning the accreditation of programs of the type described in item 4.4.1 above;

(c) approving substantial changes to programs;

(d) approving new courses, majors and minors; and

(e) approving the discontinuation of an accredited program or approved course, major or minor.

8.3 The Planning and Resources Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to Council concerning the resource and risk implications of proposed new programs of the type described in item 4.4.1 above.

8.4 The Learning and Teaching Management Committee is responsible for:

(a) providing advice and recommendations to the Academic Board on proposals for accreditation of programs (other than one-year Bachelor Honours programs) and on substantial changes to, and discontinuation of, such programs; and

(b) providing advice and recommendations to the Academic Board on proposals for discontinuation of courses, majors and minors.

8.5 The Chairperson of the Learning and Teaching Management Committee is responsible for making a determination concerning whether a proposed change to a program constitutes a substantial or a limited change.

8.6 The Research Degrees Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Academic Board on proposals for one-year Bachelor Honours programs and substantial changes to, and discontinuation of, such programs.

8.7 The Chairperson of the Research Degrees Committee is responsible for making a determination concerning whether a proposed change to a one-year Bachelor Honours program constitutes a substantial or a limited change.

8.8 Faculty Learning and Teaching Committees (FLTCs) are responsible for:

(a) overviewing the development and documentation of proposals for introduction of new programs, courses, majors and minors to be made available by the relevant Faculty and proposed changes to, and discontinuation of, any accredited programs or approved courses, majors and minors for which the Faculty is responsible, consistent with this policy and the associated procedural requirements and guidelines; and

(b) providing advice and recommendations to Deans concerning proposals for introduction of new programs, courses, majors and minors; proposed substantial changes to accredited programs; proposed changes to courses, majors and minors; and proposals for discontinuation of programs, courses, majors and minors.

8.9 The Chairperson of the FTLC is responsible for consulting with other FLTCs with respect to the matters identified in 8.8 (a) above, especially with respect to programs, courses, majors and minors that include cross-faculty components or that are available to students enrolled in a program offered by more than one faculty.

8.10 Faculty Academic Advisory Committees are responsible for providing independent advice to Deans on the appropriateness and quality, within the relevant academic discipline, of:

(a) proposals for development and accreditation of new programs; and

(b) proposals for substantial changes to programs.

8.11 The Deputy Vice-Chancellor is responsible for:

(a) the leadership and management of program accreditation and course approval across the University;

(b) approving the temporary suspension of new student intake into an accredited program; and

(c) giving approval for expedited accreditation or approval processes to be followed in specific instances.

8.12 Deans are responsible for:

(a) the leadership and management of program accreditation and course approval processes at faculty level and for assisting the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in this at University level;

(b) approving limited changes to programs for which the relevant Faculty has responsibility; and

(c) approving changes to courses, majors or minors for which the relevant Faculty has responsibility.