Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Award of Faculty Medals Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Award of Faculty Medals Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer: Director, Student Administration
Approving authority: Academic Board
Approval: 19 August 2008 (Council, C08/56 and C08/57)
Last amended: N/A
Effective starting date: 20 August 2008
Any policies replaced by this policy: Policy for the Award of University Medals
Policy number: AB2.
Related policies:

  • Award of a Distinguished Academic Record – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of Dean’s Commendation – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of the University Medal – Institutional Operating Policy

Due date for next review: 19 August 2013

Part A: Preliminary

1. Purpose of policy

This policy provides an operational framework for the identification and formal recognition of the highest achieving undergraduate student graduating from each Faculty. The policy also serves to demarcate recognition of highest academic achievement at the Faculty level from the identification and formal recognition of highest academic achievement at a University-wide level, which is provided for in the Policy for the Award of the University Medal.

2. Application of policy

This policy applies to all graduating students enrolled in a three or four year undergraduate degree program who have completed at least two-thirds of their program of study, or 192 credit points, whichever is less, at the University.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definitions apply:

Graduating Student means a person who is enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered by the University who has satisfied requirements for the award of that specific program. For the purposes of this policy students completing a one year Honours Program or Associate Degree are excluded.

Faculty refers to any of the Faculties as determined by the University.

Academic Excellence means a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 6.6 on the University’s 7-point grading system

Combined Degree means concurrently undertaking two separate programs of study as formally approved by Academic Board.

Part B: Policy

4. A Faculty Medal may be awarded each year in each Faculty to one or more graduating
students in a three or four year Bachelor’s degree, in recognition of academic excellence.

5. For the purposes of the award of the Faculty Medal, “academic excellence” means the
achievement of the highest Grade Point Average in the Faculty, provided the Grade Point Average is 6.6 or more (refer to Calculation of Grade Point Average – Institutional Operating Policy).

6. Where two or more people achieve the same highest Grade Point Average within a Faculty, a medal will be awarded to each of these students.

7. To be eligible for consideration the student must have undertaken at least two-thirds of their program of study, or 192 credit points, whichever is less, at the University.

8. Where a student is enrolled in a combined degree they shall, if their academic record merits, be considered for the award of a Faculty Medal in both Faculties but may only be awarded one Faculty Medal.

9. Recipients of Faculty Medals will be determined by the Director, Student Administration in
accordance with this Policy and verified by the relevant Dean.

10. A notation shall be made stating the award of a Faculty Medal on the recipient’s statement of academic record.

11. The recipient of a Faculty Medal will also be eligible for the award of the University Medal.

12. In any year when a Faculty Medal is not awarded, the Director, Student Administration will advise the University Council accordingly.

13. The Faculty Medals will normally be awarded at a Graduation Ceremony.