Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Award of Chancellor's Medal Institutional Operating Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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This page was archived on 31 July 2009 and is no longer updated.

Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2009: Award of Chancellor's Medal Institutional Operating Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Designated officer: Director, Student Administration
Approving authority: Vice-Chancellor
Approval: 19 August 2008 (Council C08/61, 62, 63)
Last amended:
Effective starting date:
20 August 2008
Any policies replaced by
this policy:
Policy for the Award of the Chancellor’s Medal
Policy number: 06
Related policies:

  • Award of a Distinguished Academic Record Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of Dean's Commendation Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of Faculty Medals Institutional Operating Policy
  • Award of the University Medal Institutional Operating Policy

Due date for next review: 19 August 2013


1. The Chancellor’s Medal may be awarded each year to the graduating student from either an undergraduate or postgraduate program, who has made the most distinguished contribution to University life and/or the community, as well as demonstrating high academic performance.

2. To be eligible for consideration the student must have undertaken at least two-thirds of their program of study at the University.

3. Nominations for the Chancellor’s Medal may be made by any member of the University community, other than the student concerned, and forwarded to the Director, Student Administration.

4. The recipients of the Chancellor’s Medal will be determined on behalf of the University Council by a panel consisting of: the Chancellor (Chair); the Vice-Chancellor; the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and an elected student member of Council. If in any year an elected student member of Council is unable to participate in the work of the panel, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor will appoint another student as a replacement.

5. A notation shall be made stating the award of the Chancellor’s Medal on the recipient’s statement of academic record.

6. The Chancellor’s medal may be awarded once only to any student of the University.

7. The recipient of the Chancellor’s Medal will also be eligible for the award of the University Medal or Faculty Medal.

8. Council will be advised of the recipient of the Chancellor’s Medal.

9. The panel reserves the right not to award the Chancellor’s Medal in any year. In any year when the Chancellor's Medal is not awarded the panel will advise Council accordingly.

10. The Chancellor’s Medal will normally be awarded at a Graduation Ceremony.