Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Award of University Medals Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2008: Award of University Medals Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Council approval: C98/91, 24 November 1998

Last amended: C03/42, 17 June 2003

Related policies:

  • Award of a Distinguished Academic Record Policy
  • Award of Deans' Commendation Policy
  • Award of Dean's Commendation for Masters Degrees by Coursework Policy

1. One University Medal may be awarded each year in each Faculty to a graduating student in a Bachelor's degree in recognition of academic excellence.

2. For the purposes of the award of the University Medal, 'academic excellence' means the achievement of the highest Grade Point Average in the Faculty, provided the Grade Point Average is 6.6 or more (see attachment on Calculation of Grade Point Average).

3. Where two or more people achieve the same highest Grade Point Average the relevant Board of Examiners shall devise a means of identifying the most meritorious student to receive the University Medal.

4. To be eligible for consideration the student must have undertaken at least two-thirds of their program of study at the University.

5. Where a student is enrolled in a combined degree they shall be, if their academic record merits, considered for the award of a University Medal in both faculties but may only be awarded one University Medal.

6. Recipients of University Medals will be determined by the relevant Boards of Examiners in accordance with this Policy and notified to the Director, Student Affairs.

7. A notation shall be made stating the award of a University Medal on the recipient's statement of academic record.

8. The Boards of Examiners reserve the right not to award a University Medal in any year. In any year when a University Medal is not awarded, the Director, Student Affairs will advise the University Council accordingly.

10. The University Medals will normally be awarded at a Graduation Ceremony.

Calculation of Grade Point Average

A student's program Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be calculated by the summing up of the Grade Point for each course in which the student is enrolled, other than a course in which a Pass Ungraded or Fail are the only grades available, and then dividing the sum by the total number of courses attempted.

The following conversion from grades and grading notations shall apply for the purposes of calculating the program Grade Point Average:

  • High Distinction (HD) 7
  • Distinction (DN) 6
  • Credit (CR) 5
  • Pass (PS) 4
  • Fail (FL) 0
  • Fail - Absent (FA) 0
  • Withdrawn - Fail (WF) 0

The following grade and grading notations shall not be included in the calculations:

  • Pass Undgraded (PU)
  • Withdrawn Without Penalty (WN)
  • Incomplete (IN)
  • Grade Pending (GP)
  • Special Examination (SE)
  • Supplementary Examination (SU)
  • Not Examined (NE)
  • Result Withheld (RW)
  • Exemption (EX)