Tertiary Preparation Pathway | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Tertiary Preparation Pathway

The Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) is a new program developed by the University to provide prospective students with an alternative entry pathway to tertiary study.

TPP offers a further entry option to those who are not able to gain admission to a degree program via QTAC without first gaining additional qualifications.

Upon successful completion of four TPP courses, students will be able to gain guaranteed entry into most USC degree programs through the standard QTAC application process.

TPP also allows prospective students to experience university life before committing to a degree program, and courses completed as part of the program are free-of-charge. Please note that courses completed through TPP cannot be used as credit towards a degree.

How TPP works

  • minimum entry age of 17
  • applications are made direct to USC
  • courses are offered in Semesters 1 and 2
  • students can study full-time (four courses over one semester) or part-time (two courses a semester for two semesters)
  • students who have other QTAC entry qualifications can choose to study just one or two TPP courses to bring their skills up to date
  • courses are not HECS liable and incur no cost to the student
  • students will be eligible for Austudy
  • program structure includes two required courses in academic skills and computer literacy, and two courses from a choice of Bioscience, Mathematics, Statistics, Introduction to Aboriginal Studies, or Contemporary Australia
  • additional electives are available through Education Queensland and Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE

Program structure

2 required courses:
TPP101 Academic Skills for Success
TPP102 Computer Literacy
Plus select 2 courses from:
TPP103 Bioscience
TPP104 Mathematics
TPP105 Statistics
TPP106 Introduction to Aboriginal Societies
TPP107 Contemporary Australia

More information

Student Administration
Tel: +61 7 5430 2890
Email: studentadministration@usc.edu.au
TPP Registration Form (Word 170KB)
TPP Registration Form (PDF 81KB)