Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2006: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Admission Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 2, 2006: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Admission Policy

Responsible officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Designated officer: Director, Student Affairs

Council approval: C04/53, 5 October 2004

Last amended: N/A

Related policies:


The following policy provides the University with a means of facilitating entry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to an undergraduate program within the parameters of the University's membership agreement with QTAC. The policy reflects the recognition of the history of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and specifically the educational disadvantage which is reflected in low rates of participation in higher education.

1. Policy

1.1 The University will provide an additional admission procedure for entry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to undergraduate degree programs, with the aim of increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in tertiary level education.

1.2 The policy will apply to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants for admission to the University who have applied unsuccessfully through the established QTAC admission process.

1.3 The policy will apply to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander persons who have been referred directly to Indigenous services for admission to the University, without having formally applied for admission through QTAC.

1.4 Proof of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity will be required for admission under this Policy.

1.5 In accordance with the University's membership agreement with QTAC, an application for admission to the University will be lodged with QTAC for any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person referred directly to Indigenous services, before admission to the University will be processed.

1.6 A selection panel consisting of representatives from the relevant Faculty, Indigenous services and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student will assess applications under this policy and make a recommendation for decision by the Director, Student Affairs.

2. Definitions

2.1 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander means a person who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person and who meets the proof of identity requirements as contained in the Department of Education Science and Training Aboriginal Tutorial Assistance Scheme Guidelines.

2.2 QTAC: The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre Ltd.