Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Majors and Minors | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Majors and Minors

A major consists of eight courses; a minor is four courses. Majors and minors are offered in the following areas:

Australian and Cultural Studies
Communication Studies
Creative Writing
Environmental and Planning Studies
Historical Studies
Politics and International Relations
Public Relations
Social and Community Studies
Studies in Art and Design

Australian and Cultural Studies


For a major in Australian and Cultural Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
Choose 2 courses from:
AUS100 Australian Spaces: Images of the Urban
AUS110 Sport and Leisure Issues
AUS120 The TeXt Files: An Introduction to Cultural Studies
AUS130 Gizmo: A Social History of Technology
Plus - choose 6 courses from:
AUS210 The Lie of the Land
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS220 Research Project in Australian Studies
AUS222 Sports Media
AUS225 Life and Death in the City: From Settlement to Federation
AUS230 Talking History: Memory and the Past
AUS235 Internship in Environment and Heritage
AUS245 Died Young: How Australians Create Heroes
AUS250 Riots and Rebellions: Conflict in Australian History
AUS260 Coast to Coast: Mystery, Crime and Writing the City
AUS265 Walking Sites: Cultural Heritage Tours
AUS285 Wonderworlds
AUS290 Upfront: A History of Live Performance in Australia
AUS291 Otherlands: Myths and Legends from Homer to Disney
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State


For a minor in Australian and Cultural Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
Choose 1 course from:
AUS100 Australian Spaces: Images of the Urban
AUS110 Sport and Leisure Issues
AUS120 The TeXt Files: An Introduction to Cultural Studies
AUS130 Gizmo: A Social History of Technology
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
AUS210 The Lie of the Land
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS222 Sports Media
AUS225 Life and Death in the City: From Settlement to Federation
AUS230 Talking History: Memory and the Past
AUS245 Died Young: How Australians Create Heroes
AUS250 Riots and Rebellions: Conflict in Australian History
AUS260 Coast to Coast: Mystery, Crime and Writing the City
AUS265 Walking Sites: Cultural Heritage Tours
AUS285 Wonderworlds
AUS290 Upfront: A History of Live Performance in Australia
AUS291 Otherlands: Myths and Legends from Homer to Disney
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Australian and Cultural Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above courses (only one of which may be at introductory level).

Communication Studies


For a major in Communication Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
2 required courses:
CMN110 Australian Media Industries: Introduction to Communication Studies
CMN100 Critical Reasoning
Plus - choose 6 courses from:
CMN211 Small Screen, Big Business: The Television Industry
CMN212 Public Relations: Creative Event Management
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN214 Computer-Assisted Reporting
CMN215 Creative Writing A: Structuring Narrative
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN227 News Rounds
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN229 Public Relations: Tourism and Hospitality
CMN230 Business Creative Campaign Strategies
CMN233 Non-Fiction Writing for the Small Screen
CMN235 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
CMN237 Writing for the Web
CMN238 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
CMN245 Creative Writing C: Kiddy Litter - Writing for Children and Young Adults
CMN250 Public Relations: Community and Media Liaison
CMN260 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas


For a minor in Communication Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
CMN110 Australian Media Industries: Introduction to Communication Studies
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
CMN211 Small Screen, Big Business: The Television Industry
CMN212 Public Relations: Creative Event Management
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN214 Computer-Assisted Reporting
CMN215 Creative Writing A: Structuring Narrative
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN227 News Rounds
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN229 Public Relations: Tourism and Hospitality
CMN230 Business Communication
CMN231 Public Relations: Creative Campaign Strategies
CMN233 Non-Fiction Writing for the Small Screen
CMN235 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
CMN237 Writing for the Web
CMN238 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
CMN245 Creative Writing C: Kiddy Litter - Writing for Children and Young Adults
CMN250 Public Relations: Community and Media Liaison
CMN260 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Communication Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above advanced level courses.



For a minor in Counselling, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
SCS120 Introduction to Pscyhology
SCS221 Social Psychology
SCS280 Counselling for the Human Services Professional
SCS281 Developmental and Family Counselling

Creative Writing


For a major in Creative Writing, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
4 required courses:
CMN215 Creative Writing A: Structuring Narrative
CMN238 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
CMN245 Creative Writing C: Kiddy Litter - Writing for Children and Young Adults
CMN260 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas
Plus - choose 4 courses from:
CMN212 Public Relations: Creative Event Management
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN241 Production Workshop (Creative Writing)
CMN271 Industry Research Project (Creative Writing)
AUS260 Coast to Coast: Mystery, Crime and Writing the City
AUS285 Wonderworlds
AUS291 Otherlands: Myths and Legends from Homer to Disney

Please note:
Students enrolling in a Creative Writing major require coordinator permission and enrolments are limited. Preference is given to students enrolled in BA(Comm) and BA, and entry into CMN241 , CMN242 , CMN243 , CMN271 , CMN272 and CMN273 is competitive and based on results in other courses in the major.
Students are eligible to enrol in the Creative Writing major after the end of their second year of full-time study or equivalent.
Students not able to undertake a Creative Writing major, may be eligible for a Communication Studies major.

For a minor in Creative Writing, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
4 required courses:
CMN215 Creative Writing A: Structuring Narrative
CMN238 Creative Writing D: Paperback Hero
CMN245 Creative Writing C: Kiddy Litter - Writing for Children and Young Adults
CMN260 Creative Writing B: Novel Ideas

Environmental and Planning Studies


For a major in Environmental and Planning Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
1 required course:
ENP100 Environment and Society
Plus - choose 4 advanced level courses with an ENP prefix course code from the list below
Plus - choose 3 other courses from:
ENP210 Planning Principles, Processes and Law
ENP230 Environment, Ethics and Economics
ENP235 Sustainable Development
ENP240 Interpretation: Environment, Heritage and Tourism
ENP245 Cultural Geography and Demography
ENP255 Urbanisation
ENS251 Environmental Monitoring
ENS253 An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
ENS352 Environmental Management Strategies
PUB262 Envrionmental Health Risk Management
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues
SCS225 Social and Community Research
TSM222 Eco-tourism: A Sustainable Option?


For a minor in Environmental and Planning Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
ENP100 12 Environment and Society
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
ENP210 Planning Principles, Processes and Law
ENP230 Environment, Ethics and Economics
ENP235 Sustainable Development
ENP240 Interpretation: Environment, Heritage and Tourism
ENP245 Cultural Geography and Demography
ENP255 Urbanisation
ENS253 An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Environmental and Planning Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above advanced level courses.

Historical Studies


For a major in Historical Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
Choose 8 courses from:
AUS100 Australian Spaces: Images of the Urban
AUS130 Gizmo: A Social History of Technology
AUS210 The Lie of the Land
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS220 Research Project in Australian Studies
AUS225 Life and Death in the City: From Settlement to Federation
AUS230 Talking History: Memory and the Past
AUS250 Riots and Rebellions: Conflict in Australian History
AUS265 Walking Sites: Cultural Heritage Tours
INT245 The Politics of the Americas
INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
INT255 Rim and Islands: The Politics of the Asian-Pacific Region


For a minor in Historical Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
Choose 1 course from:
AUS100 Australian Spaces: Images of the Urban
AUS130 Gizmo: A Social History of Technology
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
AUS210 The Lie of the Land
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS225 Life and Death in the City: From Settlement to Federation
AUS230 Talking History: Memory and the Past
AUS250 Riots and Rebellions: Conflict in Australian History
AUS265 Walking Sites: Cultural Heritage Tours

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Historical Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above advanced level courses.



For a major in Indonesian, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 8 courses with 12 units (or a total of 96 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT110 Indonesian A
INT111 Indonesian B
INT210 Indonesian C
INT211 Indonesian D
INT212 Indonesian E
INT213 Indonesian F
INT280 In-Country Indonesian Studies A
INT281 In-Country Indonesian Studies B

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for an Indonesian major after successful completion of two on-campus Indonesian courses.
It is also possible to complete a major in Indonesian by cross-institutional enrolment at another Australian university by distance mode or on-campus mode. (Please consult the Languages Coordinator for further information on cross-institutional enrolment.)

For a minor in Indonesian, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT110 Indonesian A
INT111 Indonesian B
INT210 Indonesian C
INT211 Indonesian D
INT212 Indonesian E
INT213 Indonesian F
INT280 In-Country Indonesian Studies A
INT281 In-Country Indonesian Studies B

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for an Indonesian minor after successful completion of two on-campus Indonesian courses.



For a major in Italian, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 8 courses with 12 units (or a total of 96 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT130 Italian A
INT131 Italian B
INT200 In-Country Italian Studies A
INT201 In-Country Italian Studies B
INT231 Italian C
INT232 Italian D
INT233 Italian E
INT234 Italian F

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for an Italian major after successful completion of four on-campus Italian courses.
It is also possible to complete a major in Italian by cross-institutional enrolment at another Australian university by distance mode or on-campus mode. (Please consult the Languages Coordinator for further information on cross-institutional enrolment.)

For a minor in Italian, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT130 Italian A
INT131 Italian B
INT200 In-Country Italian Studies A
INT201 In-Country Italian Studies B
INT231 Italian C
INT232 Italian D
INT233 Italian E
INT234 Italian F

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for an Italian minor after successful completion of two on-campus Italian courses.



For a major in Japanese, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 8 courses with 12 units (or a total of 96 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT120 Japanese A
INT121 Japanese B
INT220 Japanese C
INT221 Japanese D
INT222 Japanese E
INT223 Japanese F
INT290 In-Country Japanese Studies A
INT291 In-Country Japanese Studies B

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for a Japanese major after successful completion of two on-campus Japanese courses.
It is also possible to complete a major in Japanese by cross-institutional enrolment at another Australian university by distance mode or on-campus mode. (Please consult the Languages Coordinator for further information on cross-institutional enrolment.)

For a minor in Japanese, students must successfully complete the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units) from the list below. Note that each In-Country course is the equivalent of 4 courses with 12 units (or a total of 48 units):
INT120 Japanese A
INT121 Japanese B
INT220 Japanese C
INT221 Japanese D
INT222 Japanese E
INT223 Japanese F
INT290 In-Country Japanese Studies A
INT291 In-Country Japanese Studies B

Please note:
Students enrolling in In-Country Studies courses require a permission number and enrolments are limited.
Students are eligible to enrol in the In-Country courses for a Japanese minor after successful completion of two on-campus Japanese courses.



For a major in Journalism, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
8 required courses:
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN214 Computer-Assisted Reporting
CMN227 News Rounds
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN235 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
CMN237 Writing for the Web
CMN242 Production Workshop (Journalism)
CMN272 Industry Research Project (Journalism)

Please note:
Students are required to apply to be accepted to undertake a journalism major. The prerequisite for a journalism major is CMN100 plus CMN110 plus INT140 . In addition, students will be required to attend a selection interview.
Acceptance into a Journalism major may not be confirmed to students until the end of their second year of full-time study or equivalent.
Students not accepted to undertake a Journalism major, may be eligible for a Communication Studies major.

Politics and International Relations


For a major in Politics and International Relations, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
3 required courses:
INT100 International Politics: An Australian Perspective
INT140 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
Plus - choose 3 advanced level courses with an INT prefix in the course code from the list below
Plus - choose 2 other advanced level courses from:
AUS211 Eve of Destruction: War Propaganda of the Twentieth Century
AUS250 Riots and Rebellions: Conflict in Australian History
ENP235 Sustainable Development
INT230 Government-Business Relations: Making Public Policy in Australia
INT235 The Philosophy of International Relations in a Changing World
INT245 The Politics of the Americas
INT255 Rim and Islands: The Politics of the Asian-Pacific Region
INT256 Indonesia: Society, Culture and Politics
INT265 Rocking the World: The Politics of Popular Music
INT270 Politics and the Media
INT276 Internship in Politics and Public Policy
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS211 Green Justice: Environment and Social Issues
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare, and the State


For a minor in Politics and International Relations, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
Plus - choose 1 course from:
INT100 International Politics: An Australian Perspective
INT140 An Introduction to Australian Politics: The Makings of a Republic?
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
INT230 Government-Business Relations: Making Public Policy in Australia
INT235 The Philosophy of International Relations in a Changing World
INT245 The Politics of the Americas
INT250 Forces of Change in International Politics
INT255 Rim and Islands: The Politics of the Asian-Pacific Region
INT256 Indonesia: Society, Culture and Politics
INT265 Rocking the World: The Politics of Popular Music
INT270 Politics and the Media

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Politics and International Relations may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above advanced level courses.

Public Relations


For a major in Public Relations, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
5 required courses:
CMN212 Public Relations: Creative Event Management
CMN231 Public Relations: Creative Campaign Strategies
CMN243 Production Workshop (Public Relations)
CMN250 Public Relations: Community and Media Liaison
CMN273 Industry Research Project (Public Relations)
Plus - choose 1 course from:
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN229 Public Relations: Tourism and Hospitality
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
CMN213 Editing for the Communications Professional
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN228 The Writer and the Law
CMN229 Public Relations: Tourism and Hospitality
CMN230 Business Communication
CMN233 Non-Fiction Writing for the Small Screen
CMN235 News Writing: Print and Broadcast
MKG210 Consumer Behaviour
MKG220 Promotions Management

Please note:
Students enrolling in a Public Relations major require coordinator permission and enrolments are limited. Preference is given to students enrolled in BA(Comm) and entry into CMN241 , CMN242 , CMN243 , CMN271 , CMN272 and CMN273 is competitive and based on results in other courses in the major.
Students are eligible to enrol in the Public Relations major after the end of their second year of full-time study or equivalent.
Students not able to undertake a Public Relations major, may be eligible for a Communication Studies major.

For a minor in Public Relations, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
CMN212 Public Relations: Creative Event Management
CMN231 Public Relations: Creative Campaign Strategies
CMN250 Public Relations: Community and Media Liaison
Plus - choose 1 course from:
CMN226 Advertising: Copy and Image
CMN229 Public Relations: Tourism and Hospitality

Social and Community Studies


For a major in Social and Community Studies, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
3 required courses:
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
SCS260 Community Work
SCS295 Gender and Culture
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
SCS100 Knowledge, Power and Society
SCS110 Society, Culture and Social Change
SCS120 Introduction to Psychology
Plus - choose 1 course from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues
SCS215 Deviance: Identity and the Politics of Difference
SCS221 Social Psychology
SCS225 Social and Community Research
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare, and the State
SCS261 Community Work Practice
SCS270 Applications in Social and Community Work
SCS280 Counselling for the Human Services Professional
SCS281 Developmental and Family Counselling
SCS282 Globalisation and International Community Development
SCS285 Health, Society and Culture
SCS286 Disability: Culture, Community and Change
SCS287 Education: Access and Equity
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity


For a minor in Social and Community Studies, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
Plus - choose 1 course from:
SCS100 Knowledge, Power and Society
SCS110 Society, Culture and Social Change
SCS120 Introduction to Psychology
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues
SCS215 Deviance: Identity and the Politics of Difference
SCS221 Social Psychology
SCS225 Social and Community Research
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare, and the State
SCS260 Community Work
SCS270 Applications in Social and Community Work
SCS280 Counselling for the Human Services Professional
SCS282 Globalisation and International Community Development
SCS285 Health, Society and Culture
SCS286 Disability: Culture, Community and Change
SCS287 Education: Access and Equity
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Social and Community Studies may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above courses (only one of which may be at introductory level).



For a major in Sociology, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
5 required courses:
SCS100 Knowledge, Power and Society
SCS110 Society, Culture and Social Change
SCS225 Social and Community Research
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
SCS295 Gender and Culture
Plus - choose 1 course from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity
Plus - choose 2 courses from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues
SCS215 Deviance: Identity and the Politics of Difference
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare, and the State
SCS285 Health, Society and Culture
SCS287 Education: Access and Equity
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity


For a minor in Sociology, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
3 required courses:
SCS110 Society, Culture and Social Change
SCS225 Social and Community Research
SCS230 Understanding Society: An Introduction to Social Theory
Plus - choose 1 course from:
SCS210 Indigenous Australians and the State
SCS211 Green Justice: Environmental and Social Issues
SCS215 Deviance: Identity and the Politics of Difference
SCS235 Providing for the People: Social Justice, Welfare, and the State
SCS285 Health, Society and Culture
SCS287 Education: Access and Equity
SCS290 Understanding Cultural Diversity
SCS295 Gender and Culture

Studies in Art and Design


For a major in Studies in Art and Design, students must successfully complete 8 courses:
1 required course:
ADN100 Introduction to Computer-Based Art and Design
Plus - from the list below, choose another 7 courses, 6 of which must be advanced level courses:
ADN110 Visual Design and Communication
ADN111 Introduction to Desktop Publishing
ADN112 Visualisation and the Digital Image
ADN211 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging A (Design and Process)
ADN212 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging B (Design and Context)
ADN213 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging C (Corporate Identity and Project Management)
ADN214 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging D (Visual Identity and Exhibition Design)
ADN215 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media A (Interface Design)
ADN216 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media B (Multimedia Architecture and Navigation)
ADN217 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media C (Interactive Media Design)
ADN218 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media D (Digital Video and Sound)
ADN219 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media E (Professional Project)
ADN270 Industry Research Project
ADN273 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media F (Vector Based Web Animation)


For a minor in Studies in Art and Design, students must successfully complete 4 courses:
1 required course:
ADN100 Introduction to Computer-Based Art and Design
Plus - choose 3 courses from:
ADN211 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging A (Design and Process)
ADN212 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging B (Design and Context)
ADN213 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging C (Corporate Identity and Project Management)
ADN214 Computer-Based Art and Design: Graphics/Imaging D (Visual Identity and Exhibition Design)
ADN215 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media A (Interface Design)
ADN216 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media B (Multimedia Architecture and Navigation)
ADN217 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media C (Interactive Media Design)
ADN218 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media D (Digital Video and Sound)
ADN219 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media E (Professional Project)
ADN273 Computer-Based Art and Design: Electronic Media F (Vector Based Web Animation)

Please note: Students who have successfully completed a major in Studies in Art and Design may add a minor by successfully completing an additional four of the above advanced level courses.