Policies and Procedures | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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This page was archived on 19 July 2004 and is no longer updated.

Policies and Procedures

Academic Dress (PDF 69KB)

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (PDF 94KB)

Children on Campus (PDF 85KB)

Code of Conduct for Research (PDF 167KB)

Discrimination and Harassment Policy (PDF 125KB)

Discrimination and Harassment Procedures (PDF 38KB)

Electronic Mail (PDF 100KB)

Equal Opportunity (PDF 83KB)

Guidelines for Higher Degrees by Research (PDF246KB)

Guidelines on Confidentiality of Student Records (PDF 41KB)

Health and Safety (PDF 45KB)

Inclusive and Non-discriminatory Language (PDF 64KB)

Intellectual Property (PDF 133KB)

Land, Traffic and Parking Rules (PDF 91KB)

Parking (PDF 65KB)

Program and Course Accreditation (PDF 173KB)

Responsibilities of Supervisors and Candidates for Undergraduate Honours Degrees (PDF 110KB)

Scholarships, Bursaries and Prizes (PDF 81KB)

Smoking (PDF 53KB)

Statement Concerning the Basis on which the University Awards Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas (PDF 60KB)

Statement on Research Misconduct (PDF 109KB)

Student Conduct and Discipline (PDF 114KB)

Student Grievance Policy (PDF 92KB)

Student Grievance Procedures (PDF 30KB)

Students with a Disability (PDF 88KB)

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