(Sunshine Coast) Semester 1 commencement (February) | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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(Sunshine Coast) Semester 1 commencement (February)

Semester 1
Select 24 units from (EDU or EDN coded)
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
EDN701 Introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
EDU700 Playing with Words : an Introduction to Creative Writing Craft
EDU712 Teaching English: Language, Literature and Literacy
EDU716 Earth's Surface Processes
EDU717 Learning in Australian Landscapes
EDU719 Discovering Science
EDU725 Teaching Science: The Sky is the Limit
EDU737 Mental Health and Neuroscience: Translational Research
EDU739 Youth Mental Health and Neurobiology
EDU741 Neuroimaging Advances in Mental Health
EDU745 Understanding and Preventing Suicide
EDU747 Healthy Brain Ageing
EDU749 Neurocognition and Mental Health
EDU762 Stress-related Disorders
Select 24 units from:
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
BUS704 Lifestyle Factors and Mental Health
MGT701 Social Work and Human Services Practice
SEC602 Working With Families
EDN701 Ethics and Professional Practice
EDU700 Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change
EDU712 Introduction to Indigenous Australia
EDU717 Business Analytics
EDU719 Introduction to Economics
EDU725 Management and Organisational Behaviour
EDU737 Introduction to Marketing
EDU739 Accounting for Business
EDU741 Introduction to Informatics
EDU745 Business Law and Ethics
EDU747 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
EDU749 Communication and Thought
EDU762 Anatomy and Physiology