Business Planning | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Business Planning

Future-proof your business

This Business Planning course is proudly supported by the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Micro and small businesses form the foundation of the Australian economy, employing approximately 44 percent of the Australian workforce and contributing around one-third of Australia's GDP. As approximately 97 percent of Australian organisations are categorised as micro and small businesses it is critical that this industry sector is supported in being successful.

This course is free and designed to provide local business owners with a clear understanding of the key factors that underpin their success and are critical to their long-term survival.

Participating in this course, comprised of a series of workshops, provides a platform for business owners to survive and thrive by adopting and implementing strategic management principles, thereby lowering the rate of business failure.

For businesses that are not located near a course delivery site, participants are welcome to join online, as per the below schedule. When registering, please choose the course with the most suitable dates.

Eligibility requirements

If your business employs fewer than 20 (full-time equivalent) staff and has been operating for at least 12 months, you are eligible to register for this series of workshops and we encourage you to take up this opportunity by registering now to participate.

Gain certification and credit

Participating in this course is a great way to experience what it is like to study at University and open up a pathway into a higher-level qualification. Upon completion of all modules and submission of assessment items, you will receive a UniSC Certificate of Completion and gain credit for one course in a UniSC postgraduate Business degree.

Contact us

This course is FREE

Please register to attend this course.

For general enquiries, please email the Business Planning Course team.


Please email the Business Planning Course team to express your interest in our next courses.


Further dates and locations will be announced soon.

Moreton Bay 

Location: UniSC Caboolture

Start Date: Thursday 2 March 2023

Time: 9-11am On Thursdays

Week 1: Thursday 2 March

Week 2: Thursday 9 March

Week 3: Thursday 16 March

Week 4: Thursday 23 March

Week 5: Thursday 30 March

Week 6: Thursday 6 April

Week 7: Thursday 13 April

At the end of the course there is an optional 15-minute participant presentation. Date to be confirmed.

Registrations close on Friday 24 February 2023

Sunshine Coast

Location: UniSC Sunshine Coast

Start Date: Thursday 27 April 2023

Time: 9-11am On Thursdays

Week 1: Thursday 27 April

Week 2: Thursday 4 May

Week 3: Thursday 11 May

Week 4: Thursday 18 May

Week 5: Thursday 25 May

Week 6: Thursday 1 June

Week 7: Thursday 8 June

At the end of the course, there is an optional 15-minute participant presentation. Dates to be confirmed.

Registrations close on Friday 21 April 2023

Module information

The content is delivered as workshops within this free, short course. The weekly schedule includes the development of a customised business plan that is suitably developed for sourcing funds from banks, investors or can be leveraged for grant applications. At the conclusion of the workshops there will be an opportunity for participants to deliver a 15-minute presentation to a panel of experts. Please note that minimum and maximum numbers may apply at each location.

Week 1: Overview of Small Business Planning

Week 2: Organisation and Industry Analysis

Week 3: Marketing Strategy 

Week 4: Business Structures, Operating Plan and Risk Management

Week 5: Succession Planning and Human Resource Strategy

Week 6: Financial Management

Week 7: Communications Skills and Preparing for the Presentation

Week 1-7 are 90-minute workshops, followed by a 30-minute Q&A and networking sessions.

Please note, at the end of the course there is an optional (oral) presentation of draft business plan. Dates to be confirmed.

USC Senior Lecturer in Management Dr Wayne Graham

Meet the Coordinator

Dr Wayne Graham is a Senior Lecturer in Management and has co-authored three case studies for an Australian textbook on strategic management, as well as presenting his research at national and international conferences.

In addition to his work in the higher education sector, Wayne has worked in the vocational education sector, the automotive industry and local government.

In 2018 Wayne received the Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Feedback from previous participants

"I came away with a road map to build a business that will be sustainable and the steps we need to take to get where we want to be in five years."

“At first I didn’t know what to expect from a university course, because it seemed a bit daunting but, having done the course, I would definitely recommend it to other local businesses."

"The course and writing the plan has definitely helped our business develop some strong foundations."

"I now have a clearer direction, and my business is more structured, I feel I can roll out my marketing strategy sooner than I had intended."

"This has been the best investment of my time that I could have made in myself and my business."

"Thank you for the amazing quality of the course, I genuinely got so much out of it. Thank you also for the opportunity to present, in hindsight I can see how utterly valuable that was and am grateful for your foresight."

"An outcome of the presentation was a nomination to the AusMumpreneur Awards, and I was one of three people in Qld who was a finalist in the “Coach of the Year” Award category."

UniSC helps small business owners plan for success

Small business owners and managers can learn how to future-proof their businesses by taking part in a short course offered by USC that focuses on developing strategies for sustainability and success.

UniSC course to help future-proof small businesses

Small business owners and managers can learn how to future-proof their businesses by taking part in a short course offered by USC that focuses on developing strategies for sustainability and success.