Moreton Bay Business Planning Workshops | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Moreton Bay Business Planning Workshops

future-proof your business

Small businesses form the foundation of the Australian economy, employing approximately 44 percent of the Australian workforce and contributing around one-third of Australia's GDP. As approximately 97 percent of Australian organisations are categorised as small businesses it is critical that this industry sector is supported in being successful.

The free Business Planning workshops for Moreton Bay small businesses are designed to provide small business owners with a clear understanding of the key factors that underpin their success and are critical to their long-term survival.

Participating in this free series of workshops will provide a platform for small business owners to survive and thrive by adopting and implementing strategic management principles, thereby lowering the rate of business failure.

If you are a small business owner based in the Moreton Bay region, this structured business development program is your opportunity to gain skills and knowledge which can be implemented immediately to strengthen your business.

In addition, you will be provided the opportunity to participate in an approved research project where post-workshop visits to your business will occur to monitor your progress and measure the impact of your learning.

Partners in this initiative

This project is a joint initiative of USC, Moreton Bay Regional Council, Moreton Bay Region Industry & Tourism (MBRIT) and Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay.

Is your business eligible to register?

If you are a small business (employing fewer than 20 staff), are located in the Moreton Bay Local Government Area and have been operating for at least two years, you are eligible to register for this free series of workshops and we encourage you to take up this opportunity by registering now to participate.

Gain certification and credit

Participating in these workshops is a great way to experience what it is like to study at University and open up a pathway into a higher-level qualification. Upon completion of all three modules, you'll receive a USC Certificate of Completion and gain credit* for one course in a USC postgraduate Business degree.

* To be eligible for credit for a USC Business School course, participants will have to successfully complete the development of the business plan and present the plan on the ‘pitch to panel’ day.

People chatting in workshop
Image taken at the Moreton Bay Business Planning Workshop Pilot Program

Register now

Registrations are now open for the 2021 Moreton Bay Business Planning Program. Register now to secure a spot.


There are six modules delivered as workshops within this short course. The on-campus workshops take place every Thursday morning at USC Caboolture.

The workshop program includes the development of a customised business plan that is suitably developed for sourcing funds from banks, investors or can be leveraged for grant applications. Following the workshops there will be an opportunity for participants to present a 30-minute pitch to a panel of experts.

Thursday 4 March 2021 (9-11am)

Module 1: Overview of Small Business Management Principles

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Thursday 11 March 2021 (9-11am)

Module 2: Organisation and Industry Analysis

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Thursday 18 March 2021 (9-11am)

Module 3: Marketing Strategy and Business Structures

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Thursday 25 March 2021 (9-11am)

Module 4: Risk Management and Human Resource Strategy

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Thursday 1 April 2021 (9-11am)

Module 5: Financial Management

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Thursday 8 April 2021 (9-11am)

Module 6: Operating Plan, Action Plan and preparing for the Pitch

90-minute workshop and 30-minute Q&A and networking 

Pitch to Panel Presentations:

Thursday 22 April & Friday 23 April 2021

30-minute presentations by each participant

Meet the presenter

Dr Wayne Graham is a Senior Lecturer in Management and has co-authored three case studies for an Australian textbook on strategic management, as well as presenting his research at national and international conferences.

In addition to his work in the higher education sector, Wayne has worked in the vocational education sector, the automotive industry and local government.

In 2018 Wayne received the Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.