Headstart student FAQs | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Headstart student FAQs


Do I have to attend the Headstart Orientation?

Yes, it is compulsory for all new Headstart students to attend the Headstart Orientation.

You will need to bring:

  • a printout of your timetable so you can locate your lecture and tutorial rooms on the campus tour
  • photo ID, OR a letter from your school principal or Headstart Coordinator on school letter head confirming you are a student at that school.

Only commencing Headstart students are required to attend the Headstart Orientation. If you are a continuing Headstart student, you do not need to attend.

Key dates

What dates are important for my university studies?

The academic calendar lists important dates that affect your university studies. These include orientation, census, teaching weeks, breaks, exams and public holidays. Download the academic calendar and note these dates in your student diary.

If you decide not to complete your course, please read the information about withdrawing from the Headstart program.

Course outline

What is a course outline?

The course outline is a document containing key information about your course. It contains important information such as course description, course schedule, learning outcomes, learning/assessment tasks, due dates for assessments, assessment criteria, assessment submission procedures, prescribed texts and recommended readings, grades of assessment and your responsibilities as a student.

How do I get a copy of the course outline for my course?

You can download a copy of the course outline from the Student Portal or via the Student Central tab>Course Outline Link.


What textbooks do I need?

Some courses have prescribed textbooks and course workbooks, which are the required reading materials. Having regular and easy access to them is important.

Check your course outline for a list of required textbooks and course workbooks. We recommend that you order the versions or editions prescribed in the course outline for your relevant semester/session, as versions from a previous study period might be out of date.

Do I need to purchase my textbooks?

Your textbooks are the core resource for your course. Generally, you will be required to read your textbook each week and answer revision questions.

Copies of the textbooks required for your course are provided in the Reserve Collection in the Library. Items located in the Reserve Collection are available for use within the Reserve Collection area or a two-hour loan for use within the library building.

While textbooks are available in the Reserve Collection in the Library, they may be in regular use by other students. Not having access to the textbook is not accepted as a reason to request an assignment extension.

It is recommended that you purchase your textbooks so that you have them at hand for your readings, homework and assignments.

Where can I purchase my textbooks?

To find textbooks for sale, simply search on Booko using the text name or using the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for a list of sellers and prices.

Can I get second-hand textbooks?

econd-hand textbooks can also be purchased:

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UniSC student ID card

How do I get my student ID card?

New Headstart students will receive their student ID card during the Headstart Orientation. Please bring photo identification such as your high school student ID card, or a letter from your school principal or Headstart Coordinator on school letter head confirming that you are a student at that school.

In the event you omit to bring either of these to orientation, you can get your student ID card from Student Central during business hours throughout the semester.

Why do I need my student ID card?

You must carry your student ID card with you at all times on campus, as security officers may request you provide this as evidence that you are a current student.

This helps to ensure the safety of all students and staff on campus. Your student ID card is also needed to:

  • access computer labs
  • borrow items from the Library
  • use UniSC copying and printing services
  • sit your exams - all students are required to provide photo ID to staff at the exam venue
Do I have to renew my student ID card?

If you commence a second course within the Headstart program, you will need to renew your student ID card by visiting Student Central.

Please bring your Headstart acceptance letter with you. Renew your student ID card as soon as possible to continue your access to University facilities and services.

UniSC email account

How do I access my UniSC email account?

Your UniSC email account has already been set-up. You can access your UniSC email account via USC Central or the Student Portal using your personal username and password that was provided in your offer letter.

If you have access problems, please contact ITServiceDesk@usc.edu.au. or phone 5459 4455.

How often do I need to check my UniSC email account?

Because the University communicates important messages to you via your UniSC email account, you should check your account on a weekly basis as a minimum.

Throughout the semester, the Headstart Coordinator may email you about your enrolment, fees and continuing your Headstart studies.

USC Central

What is USC Central?

USC Central gives you access to a range of administrative functions including:

  • account details (under My Finances)
  • class timetable
  • exam timetable
  • results
  • updating your personal details
How do I access USC Central?

To access USC Central, use your personal username and password that was provided in your offer letter. If you need assistance with USC Central, please contact Student Central.

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Student Portal

What is the Student Portal?

The Student Portal provides a central location where you can access study materials and other information relevant to your studies.

How do I access the Student Portal?

To access the Student Portal, use your personal username and password that was provided in your offer letter.


How do I get my fees invoice?

You can access and print your online invoice via USC Central. Visit Menu, Finances, View My Invoice, Generate Current Invoice. Your invoice has the course fee, fee due date and your payment options. Your fees invoice will not be mailed to you so you need to provide your invoice to your parent/guardian.

When do I have to pay my fees?

Headstart student fees can be paid anytime up to the fee due date printed on your invoice. Your enrolment will be cancelled if payment is not received by this time.


How do I apply for a Headstart scholarship?

A scholarship application form is included in your Headstart application pack. You will need to complete the scholarship application form, attach a personal statement outlining your grounds for consideration and supply the appropriate documentation as outlined in the application.

I have received a scholarship, what happens next?

The University has a large number of scholarships funded by private organisations and individuals wanting to support students in their tertiary studies.

All Headstart scholarships take the form of a student fee waiver. In each case it is the scholarship donor who pays the course fee. This means that you are not required to pay the Headstart course fee that appears on your account. Student Central will remove this from your account in due course.

It is important to remember that if you re-apply to do a second semester of Headstart you will need to make a fresh scholarship application, as scholarships are granted on a per semester basis.

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Can I change my class times?

You may be able to change your lecture and tutorial times if they no longer suit your high school timetable or there is availability in your preferred class. If you wish to change your class times, please contact Headstart Support.

How do I know which class I am in?

Your class timetable can be accessed via USC Central. If you need assistance with USC Central, please contact Student Central.

How do I locate rooms on campus?

The University has a numbering system for tutorial rooms, lecture theatres and computer laboratories on campus. The numbering system identifies a) the building, b) the level and c) the room number. For example, IG.11 is I for Building I, G for Ground level and 11 for Room 11.

Lecture Theatres are identified by the letters LT and a number. For example, Lecture Theatre 3 is LT3. All buildings and Lecture Theatres are shown on the campus map.

What is the difference between a lecture and a tutorial?

A lecture involves a member of the academic staff presenting course theory and concepts relating to a particular course to students. Generally students attend one lecture per course per week.

A tutorial is normally a forum for discussion and consolidation of the theory and concepts introduced in a lecture. It is like a classroom at school. In many cases, tutorials give you a chance to practically apply course content and ask questions.

Is it compulsory to attend class?

Attendance at lectures, tutorials, labs and workshops is expected. Some courses offer marks for participation and your course outline will specify whether this is so.

You are strongly urged to attend both the lecture and the tutorial if you wish to succeed in your course.

What if I miss (or am going to miss) a class?

If you have missed a lecture/tutorial/lab/workshop, it is recommended that you contact your course coordinator or tutor as soon as possible.

If you have missed an assessment or wish to request an extension on an assessment due to prolonged illness, a medical certificate may be required. Visit Student forms and document requests to determine your faculty's guidelines for an assessment extension.

If you expect to miss a lecture/tutorial/lab/workshop due to another commitment, for example, the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) exam, you should speak with your course coordinator or tutor in advance.

How do I contact my course coordinator, lecturer or tutor?

Your lecturer’s contact details are provided in your first lecture and in your course outline. Your tutor’s contact details are usually provided in your first tutorial. Alternatively, you can conduct a staff search on the University website.

What if I don’t understand the course content / assessment?

If you do not understand the course content or the requirements of your assessment, you need to speak to your tutor. You are encouraged to book a consultation with your tutor for the assistance and support.

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Can I get an extension on my assignment?

If you have a legitimate reason (for example, illness) and wish to request an extension on your assignment, you should contact your course coordinator prior to the assignment due date.

Note that you may also be required to provide a medical certificate and/or complete forms. Please check with the relevant faculty office for the appropriate procedure.

If your reason for requesting an extension is of a sensitive medical or personal nature, a counsellor or the Disability Services Adviser can assist you with the matter.

Do I have to collect my marked assignments?

It is expected that you collect your marked assignments. In some courses, marked assignments are returned to students during the tutorial. In other courses, you are expected to collect your marked assignments from the faculty office.

If you submitted your assignment online, you may need to check with your tutor about how to retrieve your marked assignment.

The feedback will help you succeed in your course. You can discuss the feedback with your tutor.

How do I find out when my final exams will be held?

Everything you need to know about exams is detailed on the Examination information web page. Be sure to familiarise yourself with the variety of helpful information about examination times, preparation and important facts about the exam period.

Once the exam timetable is released, you can access your exam timetable via USC Central by clicking on For Students, My Enrolment, My Exam Timetable. If you need assistance with USCCentral, please contact Student Central.

Can I sit my exam at a different time?

Generally, Headstart students are required to sit their final exam as shown on their exam timetable. If your school exams conflict with your University exam, speak to your school about changing the time of your school exam.

If you have a legitimate reason for not sitting your University exam as scheduled please contact your course coordinator or Student Central.

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Support services

What are academic skills services?

Academic skills services can help you to develop your academic writing and study skills. These skills are very different to the standard required at high school.

Advisers offer individual and group consultations, online self-help information and workshops throughout the year. Workshop topics include essay writing, report writing, critical thinking and avoiding plagiarism. For details, visit the Portal/UniSC Community/My Organisations/Academic Skills.

How can I access academic skills services?

A semester timetable and information on academic skills workshops can be accessed on the student intranet. For details, visit the Portal/UniSC Community/My Organisations/Academic Skills, or by contacting Student Wellbeing.

It is strongly recommended that all Headstart students use the academic skills service.

What are counselling services?

A confidential counselling service with qualified counsellors is available free to all students. Students may access counsellors for any study related or personal issues including:

  • anxiety-related issues
  • depression, feeling overwhelmed
  • stress management
  • grief, bereavement and loss-related issues
  • crisis-related issues (for example, domestic violence, sexual assault)
  • conflict or issues with staff or other students
  • support for variations to enrolment and assessment on compassionate grounds
How can I access counselling services?

Inital appointments last approximately 30 minutes. Due to high demand, students may not be able to make a same-day appointment to see a counsellor.

However, in an emergency, alternative arrangements can be made. For an appointment contact Student Wellbeing on telephone +61 7 5430 1226.

What is disability support?

Students with a disability are strongly encouraged to make early contact with the Disability Services Adviser who can provide practical advice and assistance with regard to the services and support available throughout the University.

More information about disability support is available on the University website.

How can I access disability support?

To make an appointment with the Disability Services Officer, contact Student Wellbeing.

What is Indigenous student support?

The role of Buranga Centre is to encourage and support Indigenous students at UniSC. They offer:

  • a friendly Indigenous presence on campus
  • academic and culturally appropriate resources
  • academic support
How do I access Indigenous student support?

For more information about Indigenous Student Support or to book an appointment, contact Buranga Centre.

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What will happen if I decide not to complete my course?

If you withdraw prior to the census date (end of Week 5) you do not receive a result and tuition fees will be refunded. If you withdraw after the census date and before the end of Week 9, you will receive a WN (withdrawn without penalty) grade but will not be eligible for a refund of fees.

If you withdraw after the end of Week 9 you will receive a WF (withdrawn-fail) grade and will not be eligible for a refund of fees. Teaching weeks and census dates are shown on the academic calendar.

  • Students who withdraw from their first semester of Headstart study prior to census date may re-apply in future semesters through the full application process.
  • Students who withdraw from their second semester of Headstart study prior to the census date may re-enrol in a future semester. Students who withdraw from the Headstart program after census date are not eligible to re-apply in future semesters.
  • Withdrawing from Headstart will not affect your OP or your future application to university.
How do I withdraw from Headstart?

Please discuss your individual circumstances with the Headstart Coordinator and your school coordinator before making a decision.

If you still choose to withdraw you must complete a Headstart Withdrawal Form and submit it to Student Central.

The enrolment census date occurs on the Friday of Week 5 in each semester. To withdraw from your course without incurring financial or academic penalty you must withdraw prior to this date. Download the academic calendar and note these dates in your student diary.

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Semester results

When are course results available?

Semester course results are typically released two weeks after the final day of the scheduled exam period.

How do I get my results?

You can access your course results via USC Central. Visit For Students, My Results/Enrolment Record, Results and then choosing the semester in which you studied. If you need assistance with USC Central, please contact Student Central.

Exam results are the responsibility of your School and are usually posted to Student Portal at this time.

Your academic transcript will also be posted to you by mid-July for Semester 1 results and mid-December for Semester 2 results.


All Headstart students receive a Certificate of Completion for each Headstart course they successfully undertake. Students who fail a course do not receive a Certificate of Completion for that course.

Certificates of Completion are posted to the school of the participating student at the end of each semester for presentation to the student by the school when school resumes.

For those students in Year 12 completing a Headstart course in Semester 2, and intending to graduate at the end of the year, their Certificate of Completion is posted to their home address in late December.

If you fail to receive a Certificate of Completion please contact Student Central.

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Continuation of Headstart studies

Can I study another course?

You may complete a maximum of two semesters of Headstart study across Years 11 and 12. You can complete only one course each semester. You may enrol in a second semester of Headstart study only if you receive at least a passing grade in your first semester of Headstart study.

How do I apply?

Current Headstart students will receive an email late in the semester about continuing their Headstart studies.

If you are eligible to study another course, you will need to complete the Headstart Continuing Enrolment Form and return it to your school Headstart coordinator.

When do I have to submit my application for continuing enrolment?

If you decide not to complete your course, please read the information about withdrawing from the Headstart program.

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Applying for a degree

If you wish to continue your studies at university as a Year 12 school-leaver, you apply for your degree through QTAC.

Guaranteed entry to UniSC programs

If you are a successful Headstart graduate receiving a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and applying through QTAC via the accepted process, you will be guaranteed entry to most UniSC degrees (provided you have met the program prerequisites), regardless of whether you have completed OP subjects at school.

How does this work?

You must indicate on your QTAC application that you have successfully completed the UniSC Headstart program. QTAC will then process this information with your application.

You will receive your offer in accordance with the usual preference weighting and process through QTAC.

Gaining credit for your Headstart studies

Successfully completed Headstart courses earn credit towards your UniSC degree if they are related study areas. You will need to apply for credit for your courses after you accept your offer of a place in a degree program.

Credit may also be granted for related degrees at other universities, but this is subject to approval by the other university.

Headstart support

If I have concerns about my university studies, what should I do?

If you have any concerns about your university studies, please contact:

Headstart Coordinator
Tel: +61 7 5459 4691
Fax: +61 7 5459 4832
Email: headstartsupport@usc.edu.au

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