Courses available to Headstart students
Choose from over 80 courses in the following study areas:
- Business, IT and Tourism
- Creative industries, design and communication
- Education
- Engineering and science
- Health, nursing and sport sciences
- Humanities, psychology and social sciences
- Languages and Linguistics
Business, IT and tourism
Course | Usual Location and Semester of Offer * | Entry requirement |
BUS101 Biodiversity and Ecology |
Nil |
BUS102 Environment, Technology and Sustainability |
Nil |
BUS104 Cell Biology |
Nil |
BUS105 Chemistry |
Nil |
BUS106 Science Research Methods |
Nil |
BUS108 Communicating Sustainability |
Nil |
ICT112 Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Ecology |
Nil |
ICT115 Environmental Health Risk Management |
Nil |
MGT130 Regions, Change and Sustainability |
Nil |
TSM102 Science Research Methods |
Nil |
Creative industries, design and communication
Course | Usual Location and Semester of Offer * | Entry requirement |
CMN102 Tourism and Leisure Policy and Planning |
Nil |
CMN103 Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science |
Nil |
CMN104 Human Physiology |
Nil |
CMN105 Human Anatomy |
Nil |
CMN116 Introduction to Coaching Science |
Nil |
CMN120 Chemistry |
Nil |
CMN130 Introduction to Sports Medicine |
Nil |
CMN140 Functional Anatomy |
Nil |
CMN150 Introduction to Mathematics |
Prerequisite: CMN130 |
COR109 Mathematics Foundations |
Nil |
CRM101 Biomechanics I |
Nil |
CRM102 Exercise Physiology I |
Nil |
CRM103 Introduction to Psychology B |
Nil |
CRM105 Health Research and Evidence |
Nil |
DES101 Therapeutic Skills |
Nil |
DES102 Introduction to Human Development |
Nil |
DES103 Functional Anatomy |
Nil |
DES104 Occupational Therapy Theory |
Nil |
DES105 Evaluation of Occupational Performance |
Nil |
DES106 Neurological Causes of Occupational Dysfunction |
Nil |
DRA100 Foundations of Practice: Exploring Core Concepts of Professional Practice |
Nil |
DRA101 Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Therapy |
Nil |
EGL120 Enabling Occupation: The Child and Adolescent |
Nil |
SGD100 Understanding Crime |
Nil |
SGD101 Punishment and Corrections |
Nil |
SGD103 Introduction to Psychology B |
Nil |
SGD120 Australian Society: How does(n't) it work? - An Introduction to Sociology |
Nil |
Course | Usual Location and Semester of Offer * | Entry requirement |
EDU101 Introduction to Criminology |
Nil |
EDU103 Justice and the Australian Legal System |
Nil |
EDU104 Introduction to Psychology A |
Nil |
EDU110 Current Directions in Psychology |
Nil |
Engineering and science
Course | Usual Location and Semester of Offer * | Entry requirement |
ENG101 Policing |
Nil |
ENS103 Applied Crime Prevention |
Nil |
MTH102 Research Methods in Psychology B |
Must be studying Maths B or C |
SCI102 Social Psychology |
Must be studying Biology |
SCI105 |
Must be studying Chemistry |
SCI107 Research Methods in Psychology A |
Must be studying Maths B or C |
SCI110 Physiological Psychology |
Recommended to be studying Maths A, B or C |
SET111 Criminal Profiling |
Nil |
Health, nursing and sport sciences
Course | Usual Semester and Location of Offer * | Entry requirement |
LFS103 Homicide |
Must be in Year 12 |
LFS112 Youth Justice |
Nil |
LFS122 Professional Placement |
Must be studying Biology |
NUR121 Introduction to Cyber Crime* |
Nil |
PUB102 Criminal Law: An Introduction |
Nil |
PUB112 Motivation and Emotion |
Nil |
SPX101 Crime Research Methods |
Nil |
SPX102 Working with Victims and Offenders |
Must be in Year 12 |
SPX120 International Justice and Human Rights |
Nil |
Humanities, psychology and social sciences
Course | Usual Semester and Location of Offer * | Entry requirement |
ENP101 Professional Ethics and Integrity Management |
Nil |
ENP103 Introduction to Human Development |
Nil |
GEO100 Diversity, Crime and Justice |
Nil |
GEO101 Criminal Profiling |
Nil |
HIS100 Homicide |
Nil |
INT100 Youth Justice |
Nil |
INT140 Professional Placement |
Nil |
JST101 Introduction to Cyber Crime* |
Nil |
PSY100 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology |
Nil |
PSY102 Human Associative Learning |
PSY100 Abnormal Psychology |
PSY103 Adult Development and Ageing |
Nil |
PUB104 Advanced Methods in Psychology |
Nil |
SCS110 Intercultural and Indigenous Psychologies |
Nil |
SCS130 Personality and Assessment |
Nil |
SC140+ |
Nil |
SCS172 Psychology of Health and Wellbeing |
Nil |
SUS101 Intro to Songwriting and Production |
Nil |
Languages and linguistics
Course | Usual Semester and Location of Offer * | Entry requirement |
IND110 Intro to Songwriting and Performance |
Nil |
IND111 Performance 2 |
Prerequisite: IND110 |
ITL110 Music and Pop Culture |
Nil |
ITL111 Work Integrated Learning Project |
Prerequisite: ITL110 |
JPN110 Music Video on Location |
Nil |
JPN111 Production 3 |
Prerequisite: JPN110 |
LNG110 Researching Education |
Nil |
* Semester of offer at each location is subject to change, please refer to class timetable before completing an application.