Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science - Biology Major, Mathematics Minor | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science - Biology Major, Mathematics Minor

This Bachelor of Education / Bachelor of Science - Biology major, Mathematics minor study plan is for students commencing in the current semester.

Year 1

  • Eight  (8) required courses:
    COR109 and EDU100 should be studied in Semester 1
Required courses (8)
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
COR109 Introduction to Coaching Science
EDU100 Chemistry
LFS100 Introduction to Sports Medicine
LFS112 Functional Anatomy
LFS122 Introduction to Mathematics
MTH202 Mathematics Foundations
SCI102 Biomechanics I
MTH102 Exercise Physiology I

Year 2

  • Eight (8) required courses:

EDU202 , EDU210 , EDU220 & EDU221 must be studied in Semester 2

Required courses (8)
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
SET111 Communication and Thought
EDU101 Environment and Health
EDU202 Public Health Foundations
EDU210 Inorganic Chemistry
EDU220 Environmental Chemistry
EDU221 Analytical Sciences
SCI105 Engaging Diverse Learners

Year 3

  • Seven (7) required courses:

EDU301 , EDU310 , EDU330 & SCS130 must be studied in Semester 1

  • One (1) mathematics minor elective course
Required courses (7)
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
EDU301 Secondary Professional Experience 2 : Managing the Diverse Learning Environment
EDU310 Teaching Science: Curriculum A
EDU330 Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: Curriculum A
SCS130 Teaching Science: Curriculum B
LFS252 Teaching and Learning in Mathematics: Curriculum B
MTH212 Numerical Analysis
SCI107 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
Mathematics minor elective courses (1)

Select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
MTH302 Responding to Diversity and Inclusion
MTH312 Secondary Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum
SCI202 Secondary Assessment and Reporting

Or any mathematically-related course as approved by the Dean.

Year 4

  • Four (4) required courses:
    EDU311 and EDU312 must be studied in your final semester of study and all discipline courses (majors, minors) must have been completed prior to enrolment in both of these courses
  • One (1) biology major elective course
  • One (1) mathematics minor elective course
  • Two (2) education elective courses
Required courses (4)
CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
EDU311 Secondary Professional Learning 3: Diversity and Inclusion
EDU312 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Learning and Teaching
LFS261 The Psychology of Learning
SCI110 Using Data for Learning
Biology major elective course (1)

Select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
LFS201 Secondary Professional Learning 4: The Professional Empowered and Engaged
LFS251 Indonesian A

Or any biology-related course as approved by the Dean.

Mathematics minor elective courses (1)

Select 1 course from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
ENS253 Indonesian B
ENS381 Indonesian C
PUB361 Indonesian D

Or any mathematically-related course as approved by the Dean.

Education electives (2)

Select 2 elective courses from:

CourseSemester of offer
(Sunshine Coast)
EDU302 Indonesian E
EDU303 Indonesian F
EDU304 In-Country Indonesian Studies A
EDU305 In-Country Indonesian Studies B
EDU313 In-Country Indonesian Studies C
EDU340 In-Country Indonesian Studies D
EDU341 Indonesia: Society, Culture and Politics
EDU351 Languages and Linguistics
EDU371 Indonesian A

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