If you are concerned about taking on university study, USC offers the support you need to achieve academic success.
The Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP) offers a range of enabling courses in key areas. These courses allow you to learn new skills, refresh your knowledge, and increase your potential for excellent results in your undergraduate degree program.
Enabling courses are linked to higher levels of achievement—students who undertake enabling courses tend to get better results in their first-year courses than those students who don’t undertake the TEP.
Enabling courses are free-of-charge to both Commonwealth-supported and International students, and because they don’t count towards your degree, they have no impact on your overall university grades.
Enabling courses are offered before the start of each semester, and as weekly tutorials throughout the teaching year.
Students enrol in enabling courses using USC Central.
Students can enrol in:
ENB121 Biomechanics I
ENB122 Exercise Physiology I
ENB123 Exercise Prescription and Programming
ENB124 Introduction to Sports Medicine
ENB125 Sports Psychology
ENB126 Motor Control and Learning
Enabling courses:
- do not incur any fees for both Commonwealth-supported students and International students
- do not affect your Student Learning Entitlement (SLE)
- do not count towards the completion of an undergraduate program
- are only available to students enrolled in an undergraduate program
More information
Dr David McKay
Tel: +61 7 5430 1149
Email: dmckay@usc.edu.au