Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Student Academic Integrity - Governing Policy | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Student Handbook, Semester 1, 2010: Student Academic Integrity - Governing Policy

Responsible Officer: Vice-Chancellor and President
Designated Officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approving authority: Council
Approval: C09/90, 8 December 2009
Last Amended:
Effective Starting Date: 5 January 2010
Any policies replaced by
this policy:
Student Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy
Policy number: G24.
Related Policies:

  • Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs - Governing Policy
  • Code of Conduct for Research
  • Statement on Research Misconduct
  • Student Academic Misconduct – Institutional Operating Policy
  • Student Grievances and Appeals – Governing Policy
  • Student Conduct and Discipline – Governing Policy

Related procedures:
Due date for next review:
8 December 2014

Part A: Preliminary

1. Purpose

1.1 This policy provides a framework for promoting and maintaining standards of academic integrity expected of students in undertaking learning or research and activities related to assessment of that learning or research.

2. Application

2.1 This policy applies to:

(a) all students enrolled at the University of the Sunshine Coast and in institutions with which the University has a partnership agreement involving the teaching of this University’s programs and courses where this University is responsible for assessment of students covered by the agreement; and

(b) all staff, decision-making bodies, agents and partners of the University of the Sunshine Coast.

2.2 This policy should be read in conjunction with the Student Academic Misconduct – Institutional Operating Policy, Code of Conduct for Research and Statement on Research Misconduct.

3. Definitions

In this policy the following definitions apply:

Academic fraud means deceit or trickery by which a student seeks to gain an unfair or dishonest advantage in relation to a student’s learning and assessment activities, for example by cheating

Student means a person who is enrolled in a course, coursework program, higher degree by research, Direct Entry English Pathway or English Language Program offered by the University of the Sunshine Coast.

University means the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Part B: Policy

4. What is Student Academic Integrity?

4.1 Student academic integrity is the ethical foundation of a student’s learning or research and the activities undertaken by a student for the purpose of assessment of that learning or research. Student academic integrity is thus fundamental to ensuring the University’s academic standards and quality.

4.2 Academic integrity requires that students:

(a) act ethically in the pursuit of learning and research and in demonstrating the learning or research that they have undertaken; and

(b) acknowledge, in activities undertaken by a student as part of that student’s learning or research, the contribution of others’ ideas and work, including other students and colleagues; and

(c) act in accordance with requirements that ensures the academic standards of the University, for example, instructions for assessment tasks.

4.3 Student academic integrity is demonstrated by students taking such actions as:

(a) appropriately acknowledging in their work the inclusion or use of others’ ideas; words; information (including charts, tables, graphs and other illustrative materials); and other contributions (including data manipulation, editing and research design) – usually through use of standard academic referencing and citation systems and incorporation of acknowledgements in appropriate places;

(b) demonstrating the extent to which the student has consulted appropriate references and source materials – usually through compilation of a bibliography or reference list;

(c) including and analysing complete and accurate research data when reaching and reporting research findings and conclusions;

(d) complying with all instructions for preparation and presentation of their individual work as part of group work;

(e) complying with all instructions for presenting, undertaking or submitting individual work for assessment, including tests and examinations; and

(f) refraining from any form of academic fraud, including plagiarism, and research misconduct, and from colluding or collaborating with others in academic fraud, or research misconduct.

5. Departure from Student Academic Integrity

5.1 Any departure from student academic integrity has the potential to undermine the academic standards and quality of the University and constitutes student academic misconduct or research misconduct.

5.2 The Student Academic Misconduct – Institutional Operating Policy and associated procedures provide policy and procedures related to student academic misconduct in relation to learning and assessment activities other than research activities.

5.3 The University’s Code of Conduct for Research and associated Statement on Research Misconduct include policy and procedures with respect to academic misconduct by both students and staff in relation to research and research-related activities.

6. Framework and Responsibilities for Student Academic Integrity

6.1 The University’s framework for advancing Student Academic Integrity comprises this policy, the related Student Academic Misconduct – Institutional Operating Policy, procedures associated with these policies, and the Code of Conduct for Research and the Statement on Research Misconduct.

6.2 As part of the framework, processes are developed and implemented for:

(a) educating students and staff on the importance of student academic integrity including sound research practice;

(b) other preventative actions to suppress student academic misconduct, including research misconduct;

(c) detection and substantiation of student academic misconduct, including research misconduct;

(d) corrective actions in relation to student academic misconduct including research misconduct;

(e) setting and imposing penalties for substantiated cases of such misconduct;

(f) maintaining official records on detection, substantiation, corrective action and penalties related to individual cases of student academic misconduct, including research misconduct; and

(g) reporting on the efficacy of processes for maintaining student academic integrity and suppressing academic student misconduct, including research misconduct.

6.3 Processes Relating to Education on Student Academic Integrity (including in research activities)

6.3.1 The Academic Board is responsible for initiating and overviewing the development of University-wide processes for educating students and staff about student academic integrity and for suppressing student academic misconduct. Such processes will include, but not be restricted to:

(a) the provision of information about student academic integrity and student academic misconduct in student orientation and induction programs;

(b) the provision of policies, procedures and related information concerning student academic integrity and student academic misconduct to students and staff through the University’s website and Staff and Student portals;

(c) at the commencement of each course or candidature for a research degree, the availability of printed or electronic information about student academic integrity and student academic misconduct to all students enrolled in the course or commencing candidature;

(d) at the commencement of each course, the availability of guidelines for students on academic referencing and citation systems (where applicable) and instructions detailing requirements for undertaking, presenting and submitting individual and any group work for assessment, including any requirement to submit written work by way of an electronic plagiarism detection system;

(e) prior to any test or examination, the provision of written instructions to students concerning requirements and prohibitions that pertain to the test or examination;

(f) the provision of guidelines for staff and students on approaches to avoiding or preventing various forms of academic fraud; and

(g) the provision of information and education sessions for students and staff on student academic integrity and student academic misconduct.

6.3.2 Teaching and Research Services is responsible for the provision of University-wide education for University staff, students and members of academic collegial bodies about student academic integrity and the prevention of student academic misconduct.

6.3.3 The Dean of each faculty (or the Director of Studies, English Language Programs where appropriate) is responsible for arranging the provision of any Faculty-specific or pathway-specific education on student academic integrity and on the prevention of student academic misconduct for:

(a) staff of the Faculty (or of English Language Programs); and

(b) students enrolled in programs, research degrees, pathways, or courses offered by that faculty (or by English Language Programs).

6.4 Processes Related to Student Academic Misconduct, including Research Misconduct

6.4.1 The Academic Board has overall responsibility for:

(a) initiating and overviewing the development of University-wide processes and specification of responsibilities related to student academic misconduct including reporting on the efficacy of processes for maintaining student academic integrity and addressing student academic misconduct (refer to Student Academic Misconduct – Institutional Operating Policy and associated procedures);

(b) initiating and overviewing the development and implementation of University-wide processes and specification of responsibilities related to research misconduct (refer to Code of Conduct for Research and Statement on Research Misconduct); and

(c) ensuring that such processes are developed and implemented consistent with items
6.2 (c) to 6.2 (g) of this policy.